I don't watch all that much TV anymore, and the only show I try to catch on a regular basis is The Simpsons: May it run forever! Homer Rules!
While At Home
- Developing C.T.S. at work
- Spending 100s of hours with my GF
- Learning to cook
- My Computer!
- Fending off "Online Services" & Telemarketers
- Taking care of my cat Smech.
- Browsing the web
- Lotsa sleep!
- Earning some credit limit
While At School (past tense)
- Cholesterol Bomb Breakfasts
- Poster Hanging
- Web Mastering
- Cheese burger & Fries every night
- Long Distance phone calls
- No Sleep!
- Testing some credit limits
- My Computer!
- Searching for the lost Sunbear
- Authors:
- Dean Koontz, Douglas Adams,
NOTE: JRR Tolkien wasn't just an author, he was an artist.
- Food:
- Currently, I would really like some of my grandmother's rice. Ermy.
- Guy:
- Yoda. Need I explain?
- Gal:
- Her name is Sarah Wanner... don't tell her I like her if you know her.
 | Juan Valdez! My Packard Bell: (P75,24,3.2,4X,56k) (That had ZERO Packard Bell Related Problems.)
- Color:
- Metallic Blue-Green.
- Sound:
- That first "Hi" from my GF over the phone.
- Poet:
- Federico Garcia Lorca
- Gum:
- Care Free or Ice Breakers.
- Cartoonist:
- Gary Larson! Come outa retirement G!
- Source of power:
- Cold Fusion.
- Ringo Starr Movie:
- Caveman! Eric lunga lana! Macha! MACHA! IEEEE!!!!
- Long Distance Carrier:
- Sprint! 10 Cents a Min.
- Shoe:
- Reebok
- Place:
- That cozy little room by the fire
- I.P. Address:
- 9999
- Artist:
- Vallejo/Escher
- Drink
- Diet Mt. Dew. My FIX
- Football Team:
- Baseball Team:
- NL: Phillies, AL BLUE JAYS!
Well, thats about all there is to me folks. If I think of anything (Or You do!) I'll stick it in here somewhere. I've plenty of room for text. =]
If you've any Questions, Comments, or Rude remarks...
Email me and tell me about it.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day!
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