So! You wanna see my family! Well, this is your big chance, because this page not only contains pictures of my family, but information about those lucky people that I call 'relatives'! Also included in this page is some information and pictures of Sarah Wanner. She's quite a special lady. Soe, width owt ferthar adew... Here they are in no important order!
My Pappy! |
This is my Dapper Daddy, Jerry Dalton - 50 something and all dressed to kill. This is not something you see every day, so enjoy while you can! He's an over the road truck driver by trade (or if you ask him, a gear jammin', coffee slurpin', pedal stopin', double clutchin', trailer truckin' driver!). He drives for Messer Industries He is also the main financial force behind my being able to come to LHU, so in a way, I owe this homepage itself to him. A few years ago on a trip to visit me at school, I demonstrated my new found computer knowledge... He later described the experience as me having made the compter "Dance". What did I do you ask? Logged into my AIX shell, typed mail, sent some mail to myself. Played around with GOPHER (!!), and used Lview to look at some B/W photos (In 16 shades of gray) of the civil war. If that's dancing, what this? The Macarena I suppose. Coincidentally, my Dad has attempted the Big Mac with a measure of Success! When not working his butt off, hes busting his butt for Operation Scarlet or the Berks Aids Network. Whata Guy! |
This is my Mother, Kathy Dalton! Yes, the one and only mentioned in my John Denver homepage. Unlike my dancin' dadoo, has been on the Inet for a few years (With email!) She signs her email on occasion... now that I've cleared up THAT confusion... She currently lives in Pacifica California (just south of SF), and is an educator by trade. When this was last updated she was teaching in the bay area; widening the eyes and expanding the minds of her students. Living on the left coast as she does, I don't get to see her all that often, but when I do make the trip, we always travel to some exotic foreign land (Like UTAH). Actually the trips include: Lake Tahoe (See Right), Yosemite, the Grand Canyon, San Jose, and other California like places. She also comes home to Reading to visit me and my Brother (see below) and her Mom. A few years ago when she was home, she got kicked by a BIG HORSE, so you might want to email her and, just HORSING around, offer to buy her some spare RIBS! Sorry, I could not resist. | |
Oh Brothers! |
Meet Corey Dalton, on the left, my YOUNGER brother. You wouldn't know it from the height, would you? He's 21 and, like me, a grad of Reading High School. Almost as rare as my Dad in a suit is Corey in one. (I'm not much better.) We were all dressed like this for my Step Bro's Wedding. Chances are he's currently between jobs, but used to work a the local Humane Society. He made it into the papers the other year when he trudged through the blizzard of '94 to keep the animals fed and watered. And I'm supposed to be the family 'hero'? In case you are wondering, we weren't actually going for the Blues Brothers thing in the photo. What were we going for? Take a look at the "Pizza Italia" sign in the backdrop and make an educated guess. We are all one big happy FAMILY! What, you sayin' my bro don't look italian? Actually, German/Irish. Oh well. If you see him, tell him to "Take it to the hole, Goat!" He'll understand. |
This lovely young (24) lady is none other than Sarah Wanner, my light, my love, my life! She is embarressed easily, and I don't want to say too much that would cause her to blush, but sometimes I can't help myself! She is currently attending Kutztown University and majoring in Sociology! We have been seeing each other exclusively since April 8th 1993. (5.5 years and counting.) In August 1997 we made an unspoken engagement official. She's running out of room for rings! We have a lot of the same tastes, so to learn more about her, turn to my
Info page on myself (She's in my
favorites section a few times.) The above photo was taken at Hershey Park a few years ago. The white fence post in the background was actually perpendicular to the ground... we both leaned over to make the shot into a trick photo... (Look again, see how her hair is leaning?) If I can ever talk her into leaning thing one about computers, I'll help her set up her home
page and then she can put more stuff about herself in here. Someday! One last word on Sarah...
This is a special section that I have devoted to those pecial people who deserve to be included in my family section, even though I am not related to them. They have influenced me in uncountable ways, provided me with direction, and generally made my life better for having known them. They are Franklin and PB.
Franklin! Oh wonderous tool of divine wisdom. Franklin is a Spellcheck/Thesaurous/entertainment-center. Also known as the "Language Master LM3000" it has tought me to spell. Helped me on my SATs. And gave me countless hours of staring at the little LCD screen instead of at my teacher/professor. Wheeeee!
PB is Packard Bell, AKE Juan Valdez (Keeps me up at night.) PB Max is my desktop computer currently sporting a P75 processor backed by 48 MB of RAM and a 3.2 Gig HD. Supporting features: quad speed CD-ROM, 56K fax/modem, HP CDRW 24x4x4, Zip Drive, and 16 bit SB clone sound card. Yee-haw!
Oh, and I almost forgot... I have a cat. Her name is Smech! (pronounced with a hard German "CH"). I adopted her as a stray who was running around behind my appartment for a few months. Funny thing is... a few months later the original owner came knocking on my door looking for his lost cat "Antigone". Well, we talked about it for a while and he decided that I should keep her... and we're still friends to this day! | Smechtigone!![]() |
Well, that's all I'm going to write today, I hope you enjoyed my family as much as I have enjoyed them!
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