What is HTML anyway ?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It consists of tags or codes which are inserted in a document to control the way the document looks by a web browser such as Netscape or Internet Explorer. You might say "OK, but is this language for me ?" Don't be terrified by your first look at the following obvious example. HTML is fairly easy and if you really want to teach yourself this "language", in several days or so you'll know it as the back of your palm ! And if you think you are really dumb remember this: HTML is not a computer language, like C++ or Pascal, it is very very simple and understandable by most of the people. So stop complaining and asking questions, step right into the wonderful World Wide Web !

<html> <head><title>French Culinary Secrets</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black" link="#000066" alink="#999999" vlink="#666666" text="white"> <CENTER><img src="french2.gif"></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><I><font face="arial,helvetica" size=5>Beef Perigourdine</font>
(12 Servings)
<I>It is admittedly, a luxury item, but a cold roast fillet of beef in aspic is one of the most beautiful dishes in all French cooking-and one of the handsomest dishes for <font color=red> any </font> buffet.
<LI>1 fillet of beef (4 pounds) 
<LI>¼ cup butter
<li>Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
<li>¼ cup of Madeira
<li>¼ cup Cognac
<li>3 cups Brown Sauce or 2 cans (10¾ ounces each) brown beef gravy
<li>3 black truffles, finely chopped
<li>2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin
<li>1½ cups Clear Aspic, <font color=blue>cool but not firm  

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Igor Malioutov