<I>It is admittedly, a luxury item, but a cold roast fillet of beef in aspic is one of the most beautiful dishes in all French cooking-and one of the handsomest dishes for <font color=red> any </font> buffet.<html> <head><title>French Culinary Secrets</title> </head> <body bgcolor="black" link="#000066" alink="#999999" vlink="#666666" text="white"> <CENTER><img src="french2.gif"></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><I><font face="arial,helvetica" size=5>Beef Perigourdine</font> <P>
(12 Servings)
<br><UL><strong> <li>Ingredients: <ul> <LI>1 fillet of beef (4 pounds) <LI>¼ cup butter <li>Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste <li>¼ cup of Madeira <li>¼ cup Cognac <li>3 cups Brown Sauce or 2 cans (10¾ ounces each) brown beef gravy <li>3 black truffles, finely chopped <li>2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin <li>1½ cups Clear Aspic, <font color=blue>cool but not firm <P><CENTER><A href="intro.html">Back
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