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I am working hard.
It is just a matter of time.
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Under Construction ! Sorry, but this site is currently under construction. Check back real soon. I am working hard. It is just a matter of time.If you have any suggestions e-mail me at
As you can see it doesn't matter how many spaces you'll make between the
words, the most you can get in the browser is one. Also keep in mind that
the text you just wrote is not in HTML. From now on I'll start to teach real
HTML consists of tags or codes which are inserted in a document to
control the way the document looks in the web browser.Here are some of
the basic rules for using HTML.
1. Your every document should start with the code <html> and end with </html>. This command basicly means that the document is written in HTML. Although it is not necessary (if you are not going to include it, it is not going to affect anything) I'll still recomend you to use it. As I already said HTML is not case sensetive and it doesn't matter if you type <HtMl> or <htmL>, the browser is going to interpret it as <html>. You may have already noticed that at the end of the document you should type </html> not <html>, just like I said in the rules: if you start a code you'll end it by adding a slash (/) before the code.
2. Text effects:
Now that we went through all of those great codes, let's write a simple document written in HTML.(Don't forget to save the file in your word processor as filename.htm or filename.html.)
<i>Sorry</i>, but this site is currently <b>under construction</b>.
Check back <sup>real</sup> soon.
I am working <u>hard</u>. It is just a matter of time.
<tt>If you have any suggestions e-mail me at</tt>
Sorry, but this site is currently under construction. Check back real soon. I am working hard. It is just a matter of time. If you have any suggestions e-mail me.
Next step coming really soon
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