The Teranodon Visioneering (Donald Tucker) web page is now limited to some information on Germans from Russia and history of the region north of the Black Sea, focusing on the Tsarist period when it was called South Russia (Novorossiya). I have deleted the material on world/global history, alternate history and other ideas. | ||||
1. Imperial South Russia (Novorossiya), i.e. Northern Black Sea Region, with special attention to German settlement in Krim (Crimea), Taurida Oblast, 1804 to 1920, including:
Teranodon Visioneering is a fast load, user friendly site. The only limitiation is that your browser should support tables. Frame free. It informs you of the size of any graphics over 50KB before you load a page. Most information does not depend on graphics. Solid colors by code, not by unnecessary graphics. Some Javascript and animated gifs. | ||||
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German Russians and Novorossiya
Teranodon Visioneering on Imperial South Russia
(Northern Black Sea Region) with special attention to German
settlement in Krim (Crimea), Taurida Oblast, 1804 to 1920.
including: |
I appreciate your e-mailed comments. I have compiled a selection
of them. I have suppressed peoples names and addresses in order
to protect privacy. If you would like to be identified in
a posted excerpt from your comments, please mention this in your
e-mail. |
Who is Teranodon Visioneering?
If you like the content and presentation of Teranodon Visioneering you
might wish to find out more about the author. |
Notice December 15, 1998 Section on German settlement in Krim (Crimea), Taurida Oblast, Imperial Russia, 1804-1920, now has Imperial Russian currency including pictures of pre-Great War banknotes. New on site: |
Table of Contents | Meet the Author | ||||
GR's & Novorossiya | Germans from Russia | Crimea & Taurida |
If you enjoyed the page, would like to offer suggestions for improvement, or want to discuss any of the issues please send an e-mail to with the letters DELETETHISQWERTY cut from the address. I regret that the increasing flood of spam has made active "mail to" links into spam magnets. I have removed them from my website.
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All the material with this page is copyright © 2003 by Donald H. Tucker, except where otherwise specified, and may not be reprinted in whole or in part, or stored, or transmitted by any means, including electronic, without the prior consent of the owner, except for individual or educational uses. You may make single copies without modification for personal research or study. Anything used should be given the appropriate citation. All commercial use, transmission and reproduction of this site, without my written permission, is strictly prohibited.
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Page last modified June 7, 2003
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