Welcome to the Sanctuary

Where Stories are Told

We've tried to keep the storytelling process as simple as possible, so that you can focus on content, and not be concerned about 'how' to go about this.

To tell your story, simply type in the box below. If you wish to share your story, check the "yes" box, and click the "send" button. That's it. There are no rules for your story, no format, no expectations other than you enjoy the process, and reflect upon the meaning your words have - for you.

When you're finished, you can simply click on the 'send' button of the window, or if you choose, delete your writing (or save it to your own disc) and close the pop-up window.  That's all there is to it!

There are only a couple of things to keep in mind before you start:

  • Your story will remain confidential. The whole purpose of telling your story is for you to clarify your thoughts, and discover better solutions for yourself.
  • Unless clearly stated, there will be no response to any submissions. Because of the generosity of some storytellers, we have added a page for the stories that writers have specifically requested to share.
  • Please honor the spirit in which this site was intended: I'm as sensitive as you are!
  • And, don't forget to enjoy the process you are embarking upon. Self-discovery is always rewarding!

Site Index
Stories That Have Been Told
So, what did you think? Please leave a note.
Rings & Things
Contact Me











If you're not ready to tell your story, or if this is a concept that is new to you, why not take the time to learn more about storytelling and self discovery?  Consider visiting some of the links we have provided; perhaps check out the sites of our affiates, or read the stories that others have offered.  But please, sign our guestbook, and let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.  We'd love to hear what you have to say.

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Luminessence Web Publishing
