More About Storytelling I
have tried to provide you with some interesting links to sites that
have similar, or related, subject matter. This
page, like everything on the web, is continually being revised and
updated. With that in mind, we'd like to invite you to check
back periodically to see what's been added since your last visit.
If you have suggestions for additions, or would like to have your
site linked here, send me an email.
Queen Publishing - It is the purpose of Dark Queen
Publishing to present Storytelling, whether it be through stories
or poetry, wood carvings, stone sculpture, painting, ceramics, beadwork
or weaving. All have a story to tell.
Mythic Journey Virtual Seminar - Finding Meaning in
Your Life Through Writing and Storytelling: attend a Storytelling
Virtual Seminar with philosopher Sam Keen as you visit past, present
and future scenes in your life. RealAudio, QuickTime and Macromedia
Director assisted.
Fairy Tales - now this is, without doubt, the most
unnattractive Web page you're ever going to come across (their
description, not mine!), mainly because it's actually a Gopher directory
- one of those point-and-click Internet sites that were around long
before the Web. This one, at ftp.std.com, hosts about a hundred
classic fairy tales, many of which will reveal to the astute observer
the origins of no few urban legends and modern myths.
Culture - is a collection of 41 traditional storyteller's
tales, fables, myths and legends of the Q'anjob'al-speaking people
of the Cuchumat'n Mountains of Guatemala. It includes "animal
stories, strange encounters with Lords of the Hill, tales of deceit
and wonder, and origin legends". A wonderful folklore resource
that also includes an excerpt from the fascinating novel, "A
Mayan Life: A Birth in the Village" - the first novel ever
by a Mayan writer.
Folklore - is hardly the most dazzling page on the
Web, but it provides a rare insight into an ignored culture. Afghanistan
has its own distinct folklore, incorporating oral Narative, folk
tale, riddles, jokes and poems that "carry certain values and
belifes that form some part of the basic understanding of the people".
Explore the stories, superstitions, proverbs and jokes here.
Hungry Soul - an on-line literary magazine, seeks to
explore these questions through poetry, story, essay, imagery, metaphor
and the creative imagination.
Graffiti Wall - We hesitated to put this one here,
but it's another form of expression and it's really kind of cool...
This interactive graffiti wall shows the 25 most recently added
paintings - from all over the Internet! Click on the banner at the
top of the wall to add your own graffiti, or just sit back and watch
others paint.
Caldwell Appreciation Society - This is the new home
of the TC Appreciation Society, for the exchange of information
and ideas spawned by the author's works. An excellent list
of related links is included.
