This is a listing of sermons that have been on the "Sermon of the Week" page of Jim's Web Site. The outlines are available for your learning and use. They are original outlines that I have used in preaching the gospel. Use them for the spread of the gospel in your community.
No Room For Giving Up: Hebrews 10:19-25.... What Will Provoke One To Be Faithful? Revelation 2:10
Lessons of Life: Hezekiah...............................................Loneliness: Genesis 2:18
The Courage of Gideon: Judges 6-7.......................Jesus Washed Feet: John 13:5
Rocks...Israel...Monuments...Christians: Psalm 18:2
There Is A Season: Ecclesiastes 3:1
Doest Thou Well To Be Angry? Jonah 4:4.............."Am I My Brother's Keeper?": Genesis 4:9
Burned With Anger: II Samuel 12:5...."He Went Away Sorrowful": Matthew 19:22
Spoilers of Service: Song of Solomon 2:15.................."It Is Enough": I Kings 19:4
What Will Provoke One to be Faithful? Revelation 2:10......Basis For Faith: Hebrews 11:1
The Happy Man: Matthew 5:3-9..................The Humanity of Christ: Hebrews 4:15
The Shepherd King: I Samuel 17:15..............The Garden of Eden: Genesis 2:9
The Disappointments of Life: Eccesiastes 1:14
Is the church of Christ too dogmatic? II Timothy 4:2; I Peter 4:11
Word Studies: Communication The Tree: Exodus 15:25
Satan: An Adversary: Revelation 12:9; 20:2...The Worth of a Christian: I Peter 4:6
A Father-in-law's Advice: Exodus 19:23.............David's Plea For Help: Psalm 143
The Conscience of Man: I Peter 3:16..............There Is A Season: Ecclesiastes 2:1
Demons, Devils, Evil Spirits: Acts 19:15
Is the church of Christ too dogmatic? II Timothy 4:2; I Peter 4:11
It Pays To Listen: Acts 13:16(NASV)................A Son of Encouragement: Acts 4:36
Amalek, Moses & Me: Exodus 17:8.................................A Little Time: James 4:14
Lessons From Demas: II Timothy 4:10..................Nothing But Leaves: Mark 11:13
Worship: Meaning and Application: Psalm 95:6
Contentedness: Philippians 4:11-13
Personal Committment: Psalm 37:5......................The Happy Man: Matthew 5:3-9
God's Way: The Infallible Route: II Peter 1:10
Influence & Faithfulness: Revelation 2:10
Love: Defined and Explained: Galatians 5:6
Three Actions: Deuteronomy 32:7................Jesus, The Master Teacher: John 3:2
Questions Jesus Asked: Matthew..........The Ten Commandments: Exodus 20:1-11
What Is Your Life? James 2:14.......................................The Holy Spirit: Acts 16:2
Old Time Religion: Luke 8:11................The Community Church: Esphesians 5:27
The Words of Christ: Luke 24:8..........Have you no sense of Same?: Genesis 2:25
Would You Like Heaven?: Philippians 3:20......................The Tree: Exodus 15:25
Hell: A Prepared Place For Unprepared People
Amalek, Moses and Me(Exodus 176:8)
Three Actions: Deuteronomy 32:7; II John 8; Luke 9:62
When Men Abandon God: Romans 1:28-32...Tobiah's Chamber: Nehemiah 13:4-9
Nehemiah's Purging: Nehemiah 13...The Fellowship of God's People: Amos 3:3
Actions That Please God: I Thessalonians 1:9-10."I Will Leave Me": I Kings 19:18
"Doest Thou Well To Be Angry?: Jonah 4:4......."Who Told Thee...": Genesis 3:11
"Love Never Fails":(I Corinthians 13:4-7)............................Who Sinned? John 9:2
An Apostles' Mother-In-Law: Mark 1:30