This is a listing of sermons that have been on the "Sermon of the Week" page of Jim's Web Site. The outlines are available for your learning and use. They are original outlines that I have used in preaching the gospel. Use them for the spread of the gospel in your community.

"Such A Time As This": Esther 4:14...........................................Cain's Sin: Genesis 4:22-23

Daniel, A Lesson In Survival: Daniel 6:28.................................Happy Is The Man: Psalm 1

"As Long As I Live": Psalm 116:1-2..............................Tobiah's Chamber: Numbers 13:4-9

The Better Things of Life: Ecclelsiastes..............Outstanding Characteristics of O. T. Men

The Wells of Isaac: Genesis 26:12-25...........................Count Your Blessings: Ezekiel 34:26

The King and the Prophet: I Kings 20:35-43 ......... Actions That Please God: I Thessalonians 1:9-10

The Woman at the Well: John 4........................................The Ark of Safety: I Peter 3:20-21

Jesus Cure For Anxiety: Matthew 6:19-34....................The Prayers of Cornelius: Acts 10:2

The First Liar: Genesis 3:4.................................When Men Abandon God: Romans 1:28-32

What Can We Accomplish? Philippians 2 .............................The Diety of Christ: Mark 1:11

A Hebrews Monument: The Passover...............Influence and Faithfulness: Revelation 2:10

"He Went Away Sorrowful": Matthew 19:22.............................Titus: II Corinthians 8:22-23

Joy: Galatians 5:22.......................................Worship: Meaning and Application: Psalm 95:6

A Worshipper of God: John 9:31...............................................Who Told Thee: Genesis 3:11

The Hatreds of Solomon: Ecclesiastes 2:17-18...The Voice of My Teachers: Proverbs 5:13

Seek the Kingdom First: Matthew 6:33....................Lessons to Inspire: I Corinthians 10:11

The Tree: Exodus 15:25............................................Treasures of the Kingdom: Matthew 13

The Seed Picker: Acts 17:18....................................................On This Rock: Matthew 16:18

The Wicked Husbandmen: Matthew 21:33-46; Mark 12:1-2; Luke 20:1-19

Ruth and Naomi: Ruth 1:16-17...............................................The Unknown God: Acts 17:23

Andrew: Mark 1:16-18..Is the church of Christ Too Dogmatic? II Timothy 2:4; I Peter 4:11

Angels: Hebrews 2:9...........................................Knowledge of the Scriptures: Psalm 119:l05

"What Aileth Thee Hagar?" Genesis 21:17........................................Honest! Romans 12:17

How Good...How Pleasant: Psalm 133........................The Worth of a Christian: I Peter 4:16

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