John Glenn High School

Instrumental Music Boosters

Executive Board

  • President: John Buehner
  • Vice President: Carol Fenner
  • Treasurer: Doris Silcox
  • Secretary: Cathy Corney
  • Freshman Class Representative: Jane Alder
  • Sophomore Class Representative: Marge Hensel, Karen VanDongen, Stella Marandino
  • Junior Class Representative: Leslie Haver
  • Senior Class Representative: Janet Lilienthal
  • Alumni Representative: Linda Rose

Mission Statement:

Working together by assisting the Director , in the creation of opportunities for

our children, through financial support and parental involvement.

Goals and Objectives



Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are held in the John Glenn High School - IMC (library)

7:00 pm, the first Monday of each month, during the school year.

Calendar Marching Band Photo Gallery Alumni Symphony Orchestra
JG Bands Instrumental Music Boosters