Inter-Kingdom Scroll Standards

This information is provided for the convenience of scribes creating blank scrolls for SCA kingdoms other than their own.
To those who contributed information and those who intend to use it ...
thank you for your generosity of time and effort.

Need more specific information on the scribal arts in any of the SCA kingdoms?

Corrections and updates may be sent to the maintainer of this page, Maitresse Yvianne, anytime.

Last update October 20, 2006

  • No minimum or maximum size - standard picture frame sizes appreciated.
  • A 1 inch margin around the illumination and an adequate text block is requested.
  • Blank spaces or *penciled* in shields and rondels for heraldry are appreciated, but not mandatory.
  • Scribes without current assignments are encouraged to make blank illuminations and donate them to the Kingdom.
  • Please do not calligraph blanks. The texts will be written and scrolls calligraphed once the blank has been chosen for a specific recipient and award.
  • Get more information on the scribal arts in AEthelmearc or view some scrolls created by AEthelmearc scribes.

    Ansteorran College of Scribes is a sub-college under the College of Heralds. Scribal officers include a Star-Signet (head scribe), Sable Scroll (assigned per reign to provide charters to Crown), five Regional Deputies, and several Signet deputies as needed.

  • Scroll texts are pre-defined, with options for phrase inclusion or omissions for the calligrapher to use as needed; while specific elements of the text are required.
  • Ansteorran scroll texts are created by a scribal deputy with final approval by the Star Principal Herald; once the award charter has been authorized.
  • Scroll texts can be found at the Ansteorran Heralds site. Scroll texts for pre-print 'charters' are to use the authorized scroll texts.
  • Scribes creating hand- original scrolls are encouraged to use the pre-defined scroll texts, but there is no kingdom law requiring their use, though tradition encourages it.
  • Scribes are requested to obtain Star Principal Herald's and/or the scroll text deputy's approval for non-regular texts or adjustments for language or country changes.
  • Ansteorran standard scroll sizes are defined in the Ansteorran Scroll Texts document, as follows. (While hand-original scrolls may be created smaller than these size designations, they may not be larger than the authorized rank size designation.)

    Non-Armigerous & Prize scrolls 8.5 x 11
    Award of Arms 9 x 12
    Award of Arms Achievement 11 x 14
    Grant of Arms 11 x 14
    Grant of Arms Achievement 16 x 20
    Nobility 11 x 14
    Nobility Achievement 16 x 20
    Peerage & Royalty 16 x 20
    Peerage & Royalty Achievement 18 x 24

  • Ansteorra does not use seals (wax nor stamps) for pre-print charters, though for special individual hand-original commissions for nobility or peerage scrolls, then seals may be used aswanted; there are no kingdom restrictions.
  • Regular award scroll 'Charters' have only the Crown (King and Queen) signature.
  • 'Achievement' scrolls are signed by the Star Principal Herald only; personal arms must be registered and personal arms blazon and enblazon are on the scroll.
  • Recipients may obtain one achievement scroll per rank (award of arms, grant, nobility, peerage, royalty), and the scroll may include text and insignia designs for all awards received within that rank.
  • Generally the heraldry for Orders is included on scrolls. Many Ansteorran awards insignia are fieldless with a single charge; so the charge maybe imbedded into the illumination; without having to be within a badge roundell.
  • The name of the award is always included in the text.
  • pdf of Ansteorran charter standards
  • Examples of original scrolls and painted charters

    Artemisia has been a Kingdom since 1997, but is just starting to develop scribal standards. The following is the way it is currently being done.

  • There are no standard scroll sizes but ...
    scrolls that fit in a standard sized frame are the easiest for the recipient to frame.
  • We do not use seals.
  • We do not have the herald sign the scrolls.
  • Generally we do not leave blank spots for the heraldry to be added later.
  • Heraldry is generally only added if the recipient has the heraldry passed when they receive the award
  • We would prefer to have illuminated borders rather than calligraphed scroll blanks. However, I would be happy to work with a particular scribe on a text if they really want to do calligraphy for a gift scroll.
  • Please, please, sign your name and your home Kingdom on the back of the scroll so we know who took the time to do the work.
  • Anyone who is interested in the scribal arts in Artemisia is welcome to join our Yahoo group or to contact the Sable Plume Clerk of the Signet

  • Although we don't have minimum sizes, the unspoken and unendorsed tradition is that larger scrolls are done for higher-ranking awards. Standard 8 ˝ x 11 and 9 x 12 are good for most scrolls. Peerage scrolls do not need to be huge. Please try to do scrolls that fit standard frame sizes when possible.
  • For armigerious awards,we leave three signature spaces: King, Queen, and an affirmation by the Triton Principal Herald. If no AoA, GoA, or PoA accompany the award, then just space for the King and Queen. The King's Award of Excellence and the Queen's Order of Courtesy get one signature space each.
  • Heraldry for Orders is typically included on scrolls, but it is not mandatory.
  • Caid
  • There is no minimum/maximum size, HUGE scrolls are discouraged since they are expensive for the recipient to frame
  • Leave room for wax seals - all scrolls have the Kingdom seal (3") and ones with arms get a herald's seal as well (2"). (note: Apr 2005) New seals are being created will be a little over 1" for the kingdom, and slightly smaller for the heralds.
  • Spaces for two signatures required, king and queen, at minimum. If arms are included, a signature line for Crescent Herald as well.
  • Scrolls should not be done for anyone without at least a name passed by the College of Heralds.
  • Heraldry is mandatory on AoAs, Grant level awards, and Patent level awards. The AoA "other" awards (Harps, Dolphins, etc.) have arms as options, not required.
  • Blazons are required on all armigerious scrolls. Arms may be incorporated in a period fashion in the border, Illuminated capital, or done as a shield in an appropriate space on the scroll.
  • Please do not do complete scrolls without contacting the Signet first. I do not want duplication of effort and doing a scroll for a specific person without being “assigned” it will cause problems.

  • No size requirements or restrictions, uses both metric and american-imperial system for scroll sizes.
  • Sometimes use Pendant seals about the size of a silver dollar.
  • Signatures are king and queen only.
  • Blank spaces for heraldry and recipient's Arms appreciated, but not necessary.
  • Many awards token oriented, so the emphasis is on the token not the scroll which is usually a hand written document (letter of Marque style)

  • No required sizes, though most of us try to aim at sizes that won't need a mortgage to frame.
  • The East does not use seals.
  • Signatures - most awards get King and Queen, armigerious awards need a space for the Brigantia Herald.
  • A suitable space is left blank for the arms. For other awards the badge or symbol of that award are pretty much always included in the illumination, but the blazoning for it is not always included.
  • No standardized texts. The goal is to have each text specific to each recipient and each award.

    Gleann Abhann
  • No information available

  • No Minimum size
  • Typically scribes leave room for a 2 inch seal and indicate where they'd like in the scroll
  • Two signature spaces should be left for the King and Queen. On the scroll who's name goes first depends upon what the Award is.
  • It's up to the scribe if they want to paint the heraldry into the scroll. It's a lot of fun to see the elements that scribes use and place in the scrolls.
  • Meridies
  • All information regarding the creation of Scrolls in Meridies can be found at the Parchment Pursuivant's website.
  • We utilize the Pre-Printed and then paint within the lines method of scroll production, mainly because number of awards given out far, far outstrips the number of scribes we have that can create original scrolls.
  • If one should desire to create either a new "Master" scroll or an original scroll with spaces for names and such one would look to the Meridian Scribes Handbook - which is on the website in both .doc and .pdf.
  • For new "Master" scrolls I am asking that the scroll be designed to the size of 11 x 14.
  • For original scrolls, the sky is the limit, but we do encourage at least a thought towards the ease of framing.
  • The scroll wordings in the handbook are suggestions and can be fiddled with by the scribe.
  • Each award has listed it's seal and signature requirements (King & Queen, adding on Beacon Herald if Armigerious, and some that are King or Queen only).
  • Visual depictions of different order/award badges can be found on the portion of the website that has all of the "Scroll Wordings."
  • Outlands
  • No Minimum size. There is a tendency to make larger scrolls for higher level awards here. Lately scribes have been doing smaller scrolls for big awards if that is what the illumination style calls for.
  • No seals
  • Please leave a space for the King and Queen to sign. If the recipient's Arms are on the scroll a space for the White Stag Herald is also needed.
  • Including both the blazon and emblazon are optional... it depends on the scribe. It's more common to include a picture of the badge in some form or another (not always in the correct heraldic colors) somewhere in the illumination.
  • We don't normally use xerox type scrolls here and virtually every award given at court has a scroll to go with it at that time.
  • Recipients get "promissory scrolls" if they don't have arms passed (and often they get them for AoA's even if they do have devices passed) they don't usually automatically receive a final scroll after their arms pass
  • Virtually all peerage scrolls are commissioned by the recipient from a specific scribe to be presented at their ceremony

  • We produce all original scrolls, most created in advance to be handed out in court as the award is announced.
  • We use all sizes of scrolls, but primarily 9x12 or 11x14
  • We are currently weighing our options for a new Kingdom seal, as the one we have is quite large. It very seldom gets used because of it's size, so scribes need not be concerned with it for now.
  • With an Award of Arms or higher, often room is left for the recipients arms to be added at a later date. Other awards often have badges that can be added as well, so leaving about a 3"x4" space is a good idea.
  • The Kingdom's heraldry may be included, but generally isn't used for anything under an Award of Arms level.
  • If you are making scrolls to give to the Kingdom of Trimaris as a gift, we are happy to recieve anything from out-of-Kingdom scribes and are grateful that they think of us. Illuminated blanks and/or fully calligraphed scrolls (minus the specifics)are gracious gifts.
  • Anyone interested in producing scrolls for the Kingdom of Trimaris can visit our website or join our scribes' list. This page . has all sorts of links and files, including wording for a lot of our awards. This is a private group, but please introduce yourself and one of the moderators will allow you in.

  • No actual size restrictions, however we suggest that scrolls never be greater than 16x20 due to the expense of framing.
  • The Western Crowns (or Coronets at the Principality level) sign and seal all award scrolls - the Kingdom seal is about 2.5 inches in diameter, once the wax spreads. Armigerous scrolls are also signed and sealed by the College of Heralds - their seal is about 1.25 inches.
  • In general, we prefer to avoid any restricted arms or emblems on scrolls not remaining in the possession of the Crown, or being gifted to someone with a right to the emblem. Kingdom arms should not be used on populace scrolls, laurels wreaths should not be used on a scroll for someone not a laurel, etc.
  • Scribes wishing to help us tame our Dread Beast Backlog should feel free to contact the Chancellor or to request an assignment through our "available assignments" page on our website.
  • Need more specific information on the scribal arts in any of the SCA kingdoms?

    Thanks to the following for the information presented on this page.

    Tetchubah (Caid), Bridget Greywolf (Drachenwald), Baroness Alexandra dei Campagnella (Middle), Mistress Averil (Outlands), Maitresse Yvianne (AEthelmearc), Sarra the Lymner (East), Lady Finneadan ingen Ruadhan & Lady Gwenhwfyr(Trimaris), Serena da Riva (Meridies), Master Eldred AElfwald & Master Tristan Alexander (Atlantia), Master Darius of the Bells, Mistress Hillary Greenslade (Ansteorra), THL Theodora of Trebizond (Artemisia), Eliska z Jihlavy (West)