SCA Inter-Kingdom Scribal Contacts
Here are the main scribal officers in the Kingdoms listed. They will be able to give you more information on the scribal arts in your area. If you need help contacting these people, or find a mistake let me know.
Last date fully updated - February 17, 2009
- AEthelmearc (West Virginia, western Pennsylvania and western New York)
- Ansteorra (Texas & Oklahoma)
- An Tir (USA: Oregon, Washington, the northern tip of Idaho
Canada: British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories.)
- Artemisia (southern Idaho, most of Utah, western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana)
- Atenveldt (Arizona, small bits of Utah and California)
- Atlantia (Maryland, most of Virginia, North and South Carolina, part of Georgia)
- Caid (Southern California, Greater Las Vegas Area, Hawaii and New Zealand)
- Calontir (Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska, Northern Arkansas)
- Drachenwald (Europe, Africa, Middle East)
- Ealdormere Canada: Ontario (except for Essex County, and Northwestern Ontario around Thunder Bay.)
- East (eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, eastern New York,
- The New England states, Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,
- New Brunswick, Newfoundland)
- Gleann Abhann (Mississippi, Louisiana, most of Arkansas,
- Calloway County in Kentucky, and Memphis, Tennessee)
- Lochac (Australia, New Zealand and parts of Antarctica)
- Meridies Alabama, almost all of Georgia, a bit of the panhandle of Florida,
- most of Tennessee, and part of Kentucky (Bowling Green and surrounding area).
- Middle (USA: Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, parts of Michigan, Illinois, a nip of Iowa.
Canada: Essex County in Ontario.)
- Northshield (USA: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Canada: Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario)
- Outlands (New Mexico, most of Colorado, parts of Wyoming and Nebraska,
and El Paso
and Hudspeth counties of Texas)
- Trimaris (Majority of Florida, Panama, and Antarctica)
- West (Northern California and Nevada, Alaska, Japan, Korea and Pacific Rim)
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