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Guestbook And ye harm none, do what ye will... Welcome to GwP! Here you will find out some information on wicca for both people who are interested in it and other stuff for people who are experienced in the craft... book mark this page,and take the time out to sign the guest book as it helps to keep the site updated on your opinions. NEW!! forum added I hope everyone who visits takes the time to check this out from sharing rituals to debates on wicca related topics to questions from beginners. you will find it here. If you want to link to my page I would like to ask you to us one of my pics for the link if not then your still more the welcome to link to here. Please link to this page only and not a sub page News: April/26/99 GwP get a Face lift! I have changed the layout of GwP to a more attractive and simple format. the Contents ate on a side bar now so you can see the contents right away. I also Got rid of the witches webring fragment because the ring no longer exists. You can view the old version of the page by clicking HERE. April/25/99 Joined the WPR top 100 pagan sites Please VOTE for me. ;)