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The History of Washington State

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It rains 20 to 135 inches each year. That's a lot of water pouring out of the sky. Though it's raining a lot here, there is still a lot of fun stuff to do. In fact, water adds to the fun. Boating, water skiing, fishing, swimming, and other water sports are popular here. I've even seen water ski fanatics skiing in cold weather.

But water sports aren't the only things to do in Washington. Many people enjoy hiking and camping. The beautiful Olympic Mountains have many good hiking and camping spots, as does the Cascade Mountain Range.

There are a lot of beautiful sites to visit, such as Mount Rainer which can be seen from almost every where (on clear days) in Western Washington if there aren't any trees in the way.

One of my favorite places to visit and explore are the islands of the Puget Sound. I sometimes find myself wishing I owned one of those picturesque islands.

In the winter time, people like to ski, snowboard, and sled in the surrounding mountains. One of my favorite places to sled is Snoqualmie Pass.

Have a look around and have fun! This website was created by me and my sister Rachel.

Joshua Jones

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Last updated: 6/13/97

Facts About Washington

Statehood:November 11,1889; the 42nd state.
(68,139sq mi);rank 20th.
Orgin of Name:Named after George Washington, the first president of the United States.
Nickname:The Evergreen State.
State Song:"Washington,My Home," by Helen Davis.
State Motto:Alki(from Chinook Indian words meaning "by and by"). This motto appeared on the territorial seal.
State Seal:A portrait of George Washington appears in the center of the seal. In the border are the words"The Seal of the State of Washington." The date at the bottom of the seal is the year in which it was admitted to the Union.
State Flag:The state seal appears in the center of a dark green field. Dark green represents the color of the forests and refers to the nickname of the state.
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