If you use HTML tags in your comment field, please ensure that your tags are enclosed. Thank you.
Cheong Khai Meng - 03/27/00 02:34:28
My Email:ckmeng@mbox3.singnet.com.sg
Home Church: Herbon BP Church
I found this site through: Altavista
I am from: Singapore
From Hebron BP Church (Singapore) YAF.
Glad to know that there's a web-page for young adults.
Gary Dill - 03/09/00 10:53:53
My Email:deanogary@cs.com
Home Church: The Church of God
I found this site through: Christian Radio kazc
I am from: Boswell,Oklahoma
It is a great site. Anything to spread the gospel.
Rick Reinckens - 01/13/00 07:35:12
My URL:http://www.GodOnThe.Net
My Email:rick@godonthe.net
Home Church: Christian Chapel CME Church
I found this site through: searching Altavista
I am from: Dallas, Texas USA
Please check out the following websites and possibly link to them:
Christian Chapel CME Church Internet Outreach Ministry: http://www.GodOnThe.Net/cme
Protestantism and Roman Catholicism Compared
Catholic Catechism Compared to the Bible (quote
for quote) http://homepages.go.com/~catholic_catechism
Also, one comment: Your home page comes through as medium-light gray. The gold text is very difficult to read. You may need to set a different background or link text color in your style sheet.
Nick Holod - 12/22/99 00:24:55
My Email:holodfamily@primus.com.au
Home Church: Williamstown Gospel Mission
I found this site through: Dogpile......re: christian poems
I am from: Williamstown,Melbourne, Victoria
I was about to go and perform a funeral, when I was looking for a good christian poem.
I kept following the links and came across your site. Very good, although as i am in a small rush, I will revisit the site. I have bookmarked it.
God bless you guys. Happy New Millenium.
03 9397-1724 OR 0417 541 518.
Sue Stead - 09/27/99 14:19:01
My Email:suzste@telepak.net
Home Church: Roxie Baptist Church
I found this site through: browsing
I am from: Roxie, MS
Enjoyed your site. Haven't seen all yet. Enjoyed the Christian poems...have passed your site along to friends.
From Creation - 09/07/99 04:57:47
My URL:http://www.FromCreation.com
My Email:sales@FromCreation.com
I would like to introduce you to an all-new online
store dedicated to bringing
you quality Christian illustrations and worship
materials for you to use in all
your church publications. We are From Creation and
we invite you to come
in and browse our store.
We are excited to present our premiere art
collection "Art Noel 1999" -- 72
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timeless Christmas/Advent spirit.
Each image is formatted for IBM/PC or MacIntosh
and comes in full color as
well as black and white. As an added bonus, we’ve
included all the art in .GIF
format for you to use on your Web site.
Thank you very much. We look forward to serving
you in the future.
The staff at From Cr
Barbee - 07/08/99 00:51:45
My URL:/SiliconValley/Byte/7453/idex.html
My Email:abcknechtcv@hotmail.com
Home Church: Hope Lutheran Church
I found this site through: a friend
I am from: Nebraska, American
love your pages
Samuel Wong - 05/24/99 16:01:06
My Email:samuelwg@singnet.com.sg
Home Church: Mt Carmel B.P. Church
I found this site through: God's Grace
I am from: Singapore
Wow! What a site you have. Hey guys (older ones), remember me? I was in Perth 1989-1991. Still miss the fellowship I had when I was there. Kevin Wong, if you're reading this, can you please send me an E-mail? I've been trying to contact you!
Smidgit - 05/21/99 02:29:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/estates/7841
Nice job
George King - 02/26/99 01:40:03
My Email:kinggn@worldnet.att.net
Home Church: First Presbyterian Church, Victoria, TX
I found this site through: Friend
I am from: Hurricane, West Virginia, USA
Just moved to West Virginia, haven't joined a church here, but visiting a local Presby.
Richard E Pot - 12/02/98 16:08:00
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~repot
My Email:REPot@iName.com
Home Church: Orangeville Canadian Reformed Church
I found this site through: GeoCities
I am from: Orangeville ON, Canada
I grew up in Western Australia, actually, but am now living in Canada. I was a member of the Free Reformed Churches of Australia. |
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hey , keep up the good work . may we continue to serve the Lord well till the day He comes to bring us home .
Dizzy Blue - 11/14/98 19:11:30
My URL:i dont have (sorry)
My Email:devils14@hotmail.com
Home Church: San Agustin
I found this site through: My eyes
I am from: Mexico
Hi! I'm looking some body from Brunei
please write me if you are.
Erin Riebe - 11/10/98 02:04:09
My Email:e_riebe@wmc.edu
Home Church: Bible Presbyterian (Kalispell, MT, USA)
I found this site through: Searching Bible Presbyterian Church to look up my presbytery's web site
I am from: Kalispell, MT
Wow! Here I was just passing time between dinner and sleep, trying to avoid studying, and thought I'd check up on what's been going on in my Presbytery, and I happen to stumble across a youth page that I didn't recognize. So I look and it's yours!
I'm pleased to have members of my church halfway round the world. That's rather an encouragement to me.
So I thought I'd drop a note and say Hi!
God bless,
10/26/98 10:35:16
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
angela - 10/07/98 16:04:42
Home Church: st. philip church
I found this site through: from my sister
I am from: brunei
For my health, and study.
For my friend health (daniel)
Willie Low G S - 08/14/98 03:20:09
My Email:wcmjc524@mbox3.signet.com.sg
Home Church: BP Calvary Jurong
I found this site through: Your Church member
I am from: Singapore
Praised the Lord in your Ministry in Western Australia.
Continue in your good works.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you.
Bekki - 06/08/98 21:19:26
My Email:BekkiAnne@aol.com
Home Church: Cross and Crown Lutheran Church
I found this site through: www search
I am from: Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA
Disciple of Christ - 05/15/98 12:07:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/onfireonline/index.html
My Email:TeenDiscpl@aol.com
Elizabeth Foster - 05/15/98 12:06:32
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/beth4jc/index.html
My Email:Beth4JC@aol.com
Home Church: Bethany World Prayer Center
I found this site through: someone else's guestbook
I am from: Baton Rouge, LA
Lawrene Fan - 04/28/98 16:21:14
My Email:famwtc@cyberway.com.sg
Home Church: Hope of God Church (singapore)
I am from: Singapore
The poem & testimonies are very touching !
Prayer item :
Pray that God will use me to bulit strong and bilblical people to do great thigs for God in my singapore campus where i'm studying. Pray that i will be a living example that excel in my studies and my mininstry as a care group leader and a student
Gaines Johnson - 04/25/98 02:00:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1009
My Email:word_digger@geocities.com
I found this site through: Surfed in.
I am from: Presently working in northern Greece
Hello! Just a note to tell you I visited your site and took time to sign your Guestbook. If you are interested in web pages on the subjects of Creation and Noah's flood I invite you to visit my site, the Christian Geology Ministry, at http://www.geocities
com/Athens/Delphi/1009 and see what using some elementary science, logic, and the exact English wording of the KJV Bible reveals about the Genesis narratives and the earth's geology. God bless!
Sarah Nolf - 04/19/98 01:54:28
My Email:dnowak@wzrd.com
Home Church: First Assembly of God Niagara Falls, NY USA
I found this site through: just browsing
I am from: Grand Island, NY USA
Jim Greiner - 02/23/98 20:27:19
My URL:http://www.olm1.com/~gear/
My Email:gear@olm1.com
Home Church: Tree of Life
I found this site through: Just surfed in
I am from: Depew
Nice site. Keep up the good work!!
Lord Bless.
KIM THIA - 01/27/98 09:32:24
My Email:kimthia@hotmail.com
Home Church: Galilee Bp
I found this site through: Edward Lim
I am from: SingaporeI
Thanks for the fellowship in perth.Hope our Lord will continue to bless all of you greatly.
great to know about the yaf in the net.it has been a great time having been able to fellowship with you all for the past two years. continue to walk faithfully and serve Him well. by the way it will be about 1.5 months more me to be around in perth. till
hen God bless always!
serving Him
Kim thia.
Michael Hagan - 01/05/98 13:39:50
My URL:http://members.aol.com/cynews
My Email:cynews@aol.com
Home Church: Gateway Baptist
I found this site through: Christian Web Center
I am from: Portland, OR
Great Site. Please add our page as a link! God bless!
EVELYN WONG - 12/18/97 11:55:08
My Email:petite@post1.com
Home Church: BPCWA
I am from: SINGAPORE
Good Work!
Timothy - 12/10/97 15:27:39
My Email:echeong8@cc.curtin.edu.au
Home Church: BPCWA
I am from: Brunei
Good work and I hope this homepage will serve it purpose in getting more people to interact with us through email.
Tammy Gan - 11/05/97 15:36:07
My Email:gantam@mbox3.singnet.sg.com
Home Church: Zion BP (Spore)
I found this site through: Former YAFer
I am from: Singapore
It's great guys. Congratulations. I'll be looking in regularly to get updates of programs.
Sharon Ying - 10/06/97 10:35:48
My Email:oriel@hotmail.com
I found this site through: Email
I am from: Singapore
This is great! Finally...a link to BPCWA at last! May the Lord richly bless all who are involved in this for your labour of love. Praise the Lord!
Christopher Mims - 10/02/97 22:57:14
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~web_hazard/index.html
My Email:web_hazard@earthlink.net
Home Church: New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
I found this site through: Link in my guestbook
I am from: North Carolina
I am signing your book as promised to Edward who
visited my site. I am proud to say that I like your site. Just like my site, we are sharing the same common goal, which is to praise and honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ...Keep up the good work my Christian brethren
Kate - 10/02/97 13:23:26
My URL:http://members.aol.com/justmekate/html/index.html
My Email:JustMeKate@aol.com
Home Church: Forked River United Methodist Church
I found this site through: Ed Visited my web page
I am from: NJ USA
Lovely site, an inspiration to me as I am working on my churches own home page. Visit us at http://members.aol.com/frumc/index1.html
Enjoyed the testimonies and stories especially Pastors and the difference. Thanks a bunch. Love In His Name Kate
Rita Orich - 09/25/97 03:24:11
My Email:
Home Church: Corner Stone Christian Fellowship
I found this site through: Guestbook
I am from: Ohio
It's always a blessing to visit a Christian site. I really like the colored tables on your main page. Looks very nice.
Kay - 09/14/97 20:56:22
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/5794/index.html
My Email:Ka-Da@msn.com
Home Church: Zion Christian Church
I found this site through: Family Christian Site
I am from: Florida
Good effort for those who have designed and contributed to the webpage in one way or another.
May this site provides a means of encouragement to many who are in Chirst as well as outside Chirst.
Vincent Hou - 08/28/97 06:55:55
My Email:ehouhes@cc.curtin.edu.au
Home Church: Bethel Chapel
I found this site through: Netscape
I am from: Brunei
Praise the Lord.
Good Work.
Uncle Sam - 08/26/97 02:14:17
My Email:sleong@cyllene.uwa.edu.au
Home Church: The New City
I found this site through: Recommendation
I am from: Planet Earth
This is COOL! Thanks for the 'surprise' Ed.
Kevin Wong - 08/25/97 09:48:51
Home Church: BPCWA
I found this site through: Edward
I am from: Perth
Well done guys, I like it.
...for as much as you know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Cor 15:58
Sheren Wong - 08/21/97 06:55:42
My Email:skc@brunet.bn
Home Church: Bethel Chapel
I found this site through: Internet Explorer 3
I am from: Brunei
Hurei !! I enjoy reading this web site.
Keep it up !
Give Thanks !! : )
Lee Chieng Wei - 08/20/97 13:37:04
My Email:elee30@alpha2.curtin.edu.au
So wonderful to see our YAF on the web! I like it!
Jonathan - 08/20/97 08:48:38
My URL:http://bibleclass.com
My Email:pctan@letterbox.com
Great start!
Keep up the good work :)
Dorothy Wong - 08/20/97 02:08:48
Well Done and Praise the Lord!