Message 2: Are languages infinite
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 91 10:42:38 EST
From: Jacques Guy
Subject: Are languages infinite
I used to think the same as Michael Kac, i.e.:
"Having said that, I should go on to say that I don't in point of fact
think that it's especially productive to debate whether languages
are infinite." (His 1st Nov 91 posting)
... until I read the biography of W.Friedman (the decipherer of
many a German and Japanese code during WWII) in the latest issue
of "Cryptologia". What if whomever he depended on for funding had
said: "Languages are infinite, so your approach cannot succeed."
(Given Friedman's approach, and granted that languages are
infinite, or even only very large, it seems indeed to be condemned
to failure. But read the article: it is very well written and I
couldn't put it down.)
(The original is there:
Interesting... it seems that the infinity of language may serve to keep the Bornes and their Wheels out of the Good Kingdom of Pork as well as to keep the Elect Piglets' snouts firmly stuck in the Royal Trough. What a useful notion!