Anil Rajeev Cherian

Hi Everybody.....

Welcome to my home page!!! This page is dedicated to the nature's beauty. The page is created by me, Anil Rajeev Cherian . I am an Indian, born in Kerala - the southern state of India. My state, Kerala is the natures gift, which is well known for spices, water sports, rivers , its greenaries etc.

If you wish to know more about me, just go on.

KERALA - The God's Own Country

Kerala is known as God's own country. This is the land of spices too. King Soloman of Israel had trade links with Kerala, and he used to get Teak wood, Rose wood, Sandal Wood, Spices, Elephant horns, Peacocks, Monkeys etc. from Kerala. Arabians had trade links with Kerala, in the ancient times. Columbus started his journey to reach Kerala, to find out a sea route to this land of spices, but he reached America. A number of such attempts were there to reach this land of Black gold (Black Pepper). Finally Vasco De Gama reached Kerala, and started the trade links with Kerala, in 15th Century. This lead to the entry of western colonialism into India. Kerala is famous for spices like Ginger, Black Pepper, Cardomom, Clove etc. The state is well known for natural rubber and sea foods. The greenary of Kerala is well accepted in the world.

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KERALA - How to Reach this Paradise

You can reach Kerala by Air, Road and Water. The International Airport is Trivandrum. To reach from Europe or America, Fly to New Delhi / Bombay / Madras / Calcutta and get the domestic flight to Cochin / Trivandrum / Calicut. There are direct flights to Trivandrum from Singapore, Colombo etc. The main entrance through road are the national highways NH17 and NH47. There are other hill ways also to reach Kerala. There are railway entrances too to Kerala. The state have the railway line passes through full length of the state. The one who reaches through water can reach Kerala at any of the Ports - Cochin / Alapuzha / Calicut.

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KERALA - The geography

Kerala is located at the south west cost of India. The western boundary of this state is Arabian Sea and Eastern boundary is Western Ghats, the hill range. The northern boundary is Karnataka State and Southern boundary is Tamil Nadu. The state have around 800 km of sea shore. The central Kerala also have the sweet water lakes, which is retained with its full beauty. Alapuzha district of the state, which is mainly lake area is known as the Venice of the east. Alapuzha is one of the ancient trade centres of Kerala. This district is well known for water sports also. Alapuzha snake boat race is world famous.

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KERALA - Political

Kerala is a state of the Republic of India. India adopted Democracy as its ruling system. The state is divided into 14 districts and each districts are divided into tahsils (Sub-districts). The population of the state is 30 million. The state assembly is elected by the people, who are above 18 years old, and the assembly will select the Speaker. The leader of the majority will be elected as the Chief minister, who will lead the government. The Governor will be appointed by the President of India, who will be the supreme authority in the state. Chief Minister will appoint the ministers, who will be looking into various portfolios.

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KERALA - The People, Culture and Fesivals.

Kerala is the place where St. Thomas landed in AD 52. He came do Kodungalloor (known as Musris in ancient times) port. So Christianity came to Kerala, in its early stage itself. Budhism also came to Kerala in the earlier stage itself, and it is beleived that Budhism gone to Srilanka from Kerala. Later Hinduism formed, in 8th Century, by Adi sankara, who belongs to Kaladi in Kerala. By the 12th century, Budhism faded in the state. Muslims also have their own hold in Kerala. This is the state where all these the religious harmony is kept and the people respect each other's religion.

While Arya community reached North India, the Dravid community escaped to Kerala. Due to the geographical position, none of the changes in the north India affected Kerala. It was not easier to the enemies to reach Kerala, since it is protected by the steep hill ranges at one side and the Arabian sea at the other side. This resulted in developing its own culture in Kerala. Since the state had the trade links with other parts of the world, the literacy and knowledge base increased.

The favourite dress of Kerala for men is Dhothi, locally known as Mundu. This rectangular white cloth, without any stitch they wear around waist. They use another Dhothi, locally known as Randam Mundu, which is a shawl on the shoulder. The dress is really attractive. The traditional wear for ladies in Kerala is Set Sari, for Hindu community. Earlier, Christian Ladies wear Mundu and Chatta. The Mundu used by ladies is different than men. This is very long one, and the way of wearing is also different. Chatta is a kind of long blouse, without any front or back opening. Traditionally, Keralite Hindu ladies wear jasmine flower on their hair. People of Kerala have black hair, and ladies have very long hair.

The state have different festivals, among which Onam and Christmas are the major ones. Onam is celebrated by all people in the state. There are other festivals like Vishu, Trichur Pooram etc. This festival is for 10 days, which starts at the later stage of Monsoon.

Alapuzha Uthruttathi Boat race (Nehru Cup) is one of the major events during the Onam Season. The race is for various kinds of boats, where in the snake boat race is more attractive. The snake boats are having the length ranging from 30 m to 40 m and 80-120 people in it.

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Trichur Pooram - A Festival of Elephants and Crackers

Trichur Pooram is a temple festival, at Trichur Vadakkumnatha Temple. The major attraction of this festival is 'Kudamattam', and 'Vedikettu' - the crackers show. Kudamattam is a colourful function, there more than a hundred elephants decorated in two rows, face to face. Men on the elephant back carries decorated, colourful umbrellas and exchange them.

Onam - The Regional Festival

Onam is the regional festival of Kerala. This festival is the starting of a number of other festivals also. Onam is for 10 days. This festival starts at the later half of monsoon season. The festivals like Alapuzha boat race etc. is related to Onam celebrations.

Keralites are celebrating Onam based on a mythical story. It is in remembrance of a king who ruled Kerala, and was wise and justice. In his reign, people were treated equally, and there were no cheating or fights. But this king was cheated by the Gods, and was sent to the Underworld. But while going he got the permission to visit his country once in an year. During Onam, this king, 'Mahabali' comes to visit Keralites. During this season, whatever problems are there, Keralites try to be happy, so that they can make their king happy.

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KERALA - Educational

Kerla is the state, where 100% literacy rate is achieved and is in Guinness Book of Records. Here, the school education is free for all and primary education is compulsory. College education is almost free, since a post graduate student have to pay Less than $10 for the whole year. There are a number of Major colleges in Kerala, some of them are of around 100 years old. All the schools and colleges have very good Libraries, facilities for Sports and Games. There are 3 Arts and Science Universities - Namely Kerala, Calicut and Gandhiji. There is one technical university in Kerala, named Cochin University. Trichur Agriculture University is for the veterinary and agriculture science and Kaladi Sanskrit University is for Sanskrit and Veda Studies. Kerala Recently opened education sector to private management.

The education system in Kerala is 10 + 2 + 3 + 2. The first 10 years is School education, which is divided into Primary 9first 4 years), Upper Primary (next 3 years) and High school (last 3 years). After the School education, 2 years of Pre-university course is there. This is known as Pre-Degree, Which is gradually converted as Plus 2. After the Pre-university course, 3 Years Degree course and then 2 years Post Graduation. One can go for Research Studies after finishing his/her Post Graduation. All universities are providing the Research facilities.

One can decide on his stream after 10 + 2, as Medical, Engineering etc. For Medical stream, there are Medical Colleges and Nursing Schools. For Engineering stream, there are Certificate courses, Diploma courses, and Degree Courses. In Degree courses for Medical and Engineering, Semester System is adopted. The education is completely under the Government Control. This results to the fact that, only eligible candidates on a merit basis will get admission to any of the courses.

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KERALA - The natural resources

The State is near to the Equator. The atmospheric temperature in the state ranges from 15C to 35C. Some regions, which are very near to Tamil Nadu Boarder recorded a maximum of 40C, during peak summer. The tourist season in the state is round the calendar itself, since there is no extreme climates. The state get rain almost every month, however during monsoon season the state gets heavy rains. This keeps the state always green, and the rivers full. When peak summer hits north India, Kerala will be taking bath in monsoon, which keeps the state cool.

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KERALA - The Spots of Attraction
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Venician attractions - Water, Water Sports

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Beauty Spots - Mountains, Wild Life
Kerala wild life was well accepted and enjoyed by the western countries, from as early as King Solomon. He used to have Peacocks and Monkeys from Kerala, as Gifts. We can see variety of animals in Kerala forests, which cannot be seen in any other part of world! The Western Ghats is full of rare species of animals and plants, which makes this state the resource for Ayurvedic Medicines.
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Holy Places - Pilgrim Spots
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Culture Starts here - Historical importance
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KERALA - Health Precautions.

There is no pollution in the state and the people in the state are always alert on pollution. Fresh and pure air can be breathed here. There is no Dust problems or other air pollution problems in the state. The water resource of the state is completely natural, which is pure. Since polluting industries are very rare in Kerala, you can breathe freely anywhere in the state.

There is no need of medical insurance in Kerala, since the Government hospitals will give you free treatment. There are Medical Colleges, District Hospitals, Sub-District ( Taluk ) Hospitals and Primary Health Centres all free. Here the Medicine as well as treatment are free. However, there are hospitals in Private sector also, where you have to pay, but those are not costly.

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About Myself

Hi , Welcome Home!!!!. Let me Thank You for visiting my home. Here, something about myself. I am Cherry from Kottayam in Kerala - God's own Country, India.My Father is a retired Government officer, and mother - housewife. I have two younger Brothers. Well, after completing my basic schooling at different parts of Kerala, ranging from south to extreme north, I did my pre university studies at Mannanam, near Kottayam. After BE, now doing my Masters in Business Administration from Merrut University. I have been awarded various certificates from Computer Society of India, on various computer subjects. I won the President's Scholarship in my school - college studies.

I am always active in extra-curricular activities like Cycling, Badminton, Chess, Nature, Stamps, Travelling and Friendship. I really enjoy listening music. Hiking, travelling through the forest, etc. are my other favourites. I am into social service too. I worked with various cultural and social organisation, in the state, and held various office positions. I won various titles on Debating, Poetry writing, Drama etc. during my school - College days.


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