past updates


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Update for Sep 8th, 2000.

And now... we're off to Japan!

We might put up little notes to say, "This is a great sushi bar" or "Don't go here unless you have tall boots", but otherwise it should be quiet. Not much difference, eh?

What's new? Reb got started on hunting down all the broken links and beating them back into shape. Look for actual streamlining of this page, since we discovered that the little error notice only comes up with Netscape 3.0 or lower. Yes. We're still on 3.0. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

Update for July 5th, 2000.

Well. Uh. Yes. We're back.

We'd like to thank all the people who sent us nice letters along the way about our loss. We... honestly don't expect people to visit, and then not to reach out sympathies like that. It was unexpectedly nice...

So... Sheepishly, we've come back to update. Rather late, yes. Also because Lexa has booked three months upcoming to go to Japan (from September to December).

What's new? Nothing much for now, but we're trying to fix the broken links and to streamline the site. Yes. That error screen that keeps popping up is *annoying*, isn't it? Anyone know how to get rid of that thing? Also, if enough people want, we might just end up linking to the fanart site that Sammi and Sparrow put their art up as. Maybe. It would also be nice if we finally had a guestbook, but, eh. *shrug*

Update for April 5th, 2000:


We were going to have a serious update. However, someone incredibly important in all of our lives has just passed away. We're not even going to go into it, except to say:

Our thoughts are with you. We love you.

This means that there will be NO updates until everyone is feeling better. This person was not only of massive importance, but he was the substitute father figure for 75% of us. And, most importantly of all, he believed in us and what we are doing on this site.

So please understand if this site is a little painful for us right now.

Update for Feb 19th, 2000.

This page has been taken over by Ariel! BWAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHH!!!!

Ariel: While Rebekka's looking the other way, I'm gonna help Sammi and Sparrow with the anime part of this site! Too bad Reb left her login info lying around!! HAHAHAHAH!

Now, I'm gonna leave the 'multiples in the media' thing up, so that'll stay where it is. But the beginnings of the anime thing are gonna be here.

Update on the Update, Feb 19th 2000:

Reb: No. No, we're not going to have a minipage up that we're going to pretend has no connection to multiplicty. Why? Because it's just a little bit too risky.

Look at this, world. We can't have people know that the fanartist name that Sammi and Sparrow submit their stuff on the net under is a multiple. Yes, we are perfectly happy and proud of who we all are. But all we'd be doing is opening ourselves up to heckling and misunderstanding and all that.

So what are we going to do? Have a different page. Pretend that the fanartist is just a friend of Sparrow and Sammi (and technically she is, but it's not her work--it's theirs).

This is what we have to do to keep ourselves clean in this world. And bigots, plagarists, and other jerks can wander around and not have to worry. All because we Cats are 'mentally broken', and so automatically worth less. Bah.

And while we're on the subject, I've got another self-absorbed mindless rant on the subject of the video game Sammi plays, called Xenogears.

Update for: Jan 16th, 2000.

Well, things are mixed as always over here. Someone we all care about is pretty ill right now, so we're all worried.

Right. So we've got all this space and are doing nothing. Bet everyone who comes here is pretty bored, eh?

Since we aren't spending our time mudding anymore, we're thinking about doing some actual work on here, maybe doing something *real* with the page. We're thinking about splitting it down into a multiplicity section and a personal interests section from the index itself.

So... maybe there's hope for this page yet. At least, we're trying.

We're also working on the guestbook. Unfortunately, we haven't gotten the entries to be private, so it's going to be open to everyone to read--sorry folks. If you want more discreet conversation, then email us. Part of the reason we took the #%?*&% thing down was because we kept getting porn entries in it--do these people sign every guestbook, or did they find us by just doing a search for "multiple"? Arrrgh!

Update for: Dec something, 1999.

What's this one about? Rebekka's got another rant. This one's about being a healthy multiple vs. a world that doesn't think it's possible. Reb's Latest Rant

Reb: I'm thinking about turning this site not into 'I'm a multiple and this is my story', but more into 'We're multiple, we're productive members of society, we don't need to see a therapist, and we're happy. Yes, it's possible. So stop treating us like we have to integrate'...... more on this in my rant. *grump grump grump*

Update for: Sept 5th, 1999.

What got updated? Well, the names list did... two new smaller Courts showed up at the virtual council table to claim their dominion rights... And Sammi and Sparrow are turning half the page into their own anime fan site.

Reb: Bwahahah. Too bad. They're going to turn it into a 'multiplicity in the media' site.

Sammi: HEY!

Sparrow: C'mon, we were going to anyway.

Sammi: Yeah.. but... HEY!

Reb: *ominous laughter*