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We have to rebuild this from scratch. Completely. But we do remember...


Multiplicity Online:

Astrea's Web! Ah-hah! Yes, we found our way back here at last. The central jumping-off spot of many a way to explore the number of online communities of multiplicity, debates on such, viewpoints and personal matters, collections of information on various resources, etc.... It has more than everything, so go and enjoy. We've spent hours before looking through this place.

Dark Personalities is none other than the site of the Anachronic Army. In particular, visit their many links and listings of essays by themselves and other communities, and read their rants. We love these people.

Stardance: Shaytar's Space is an excellent place to check out, not only for the beautiful layout but also for what they have to say.

The Paradigm Shifter
Where Different does not mean Broken
The Paradigm Shifter! They were nice enough to link to us! Go check out their amazing links.


And go visit the Vicki(s)! Especially if you're searching for midcontinuum information, but also because they're absolutely wonderful people.

Personal Amusements:

Metatron: 8K is a site run by the Traveling Court, with the intent to cause people to smile now and then. It has religious matters, so be warned, and please don't go if religion is a sensitive topic for you. Essentially, it exists to try and collect a list of random versions (in the set of 8000+) that might be versions of the divine or not. Depending on how tired you are. Visit only if bored, or you want to contribute. It's also a place to store good memories or moments for inspiration later.

If anyone is bored enough to read the online diaries of two our of groups, although we have to dress up as singlets:
Reb's, Silence's and the rest of the Fronts scrawl their works on tenken, while Kyth, Laric, and Lexa write on metatron.