There are a lot of people these days doing everything they can possibly do to get God taken out of our society. Madyline Murray O’Hair expended much of her time working to get prayer removed from our public schools. A few years ago atheists started trying to remove the words “one nation under God” from our Pledge of Allegiance, and they are still at it. Clay Cooper (a country singer) recently said: “If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, we will become a nation going under.” I believe this with all my heart. We cannot, for any reason back down and allow the atheists to take away from us the very freedom that we have struggled so hard to obtain. As a Vietnam veteran, I stand up against those who would remove our freedoms and fight to take them back. I ask all other veterans to stand with me. It is time that stopped allowing a few people in this country dictate terms for us. After all we are the ones who went to war for this country. While I was only in the Vietnam evacuation, I was still at war for my country and for freedom loving people world-wide. I believe that it is a shame for us to simply lay down and allow a few, most who have never done anything to preserve the very freedom which gives them the right to stand against us. Every time they write an article against the war in which our nation is involved, every time they speak out against our Commander and Chief, they are spitting on the very blood that was shed that gave them this right. Merle Haggard once recorded a song: You’re Walkin On The Fightin Side Of Me. This is how I feel every time one of these people speaks out against the very freedom that many of them have never contributed one minute to obtain. Jerry D. McDonald: Boiler Technician, USS Hancock, CV-19. 1975