Doily Rack

My mother spent endless hours crocheting and made some of the lovliest doilies! She tried to teach me when I was in my teens but I had no interest in it whatsoever. Much later, a co-worker taught me and I found it to be a terrific therapeutic pastime.

I was so lucky to inherit my mom's doilies and have them as a memento of all her hard work. She loved doing them though and was always looking for new challenges!

I have a pattern shown HERE for a cute little Christmas gift. I made it this year and have made it in year's past.

Wall of Doiles

Indian Doll
Crocheted Dolls

Now that I do not see as well and seem to spend all my time on a computer, I do not crochet with small thread anymore. The crocheted dolls were fun because they could be made with yarn and still presented enough of a challenge to be fun.
The doll in yellow dress was made in December 2004.

I collect Beanie Babies and have been sent several by friends and family. The mascot of our group is Curly and each of us have one. We dress them and they have their own pages.

This is an outfit I crocheted for Curly, being modeled by Fuzzy. It is white, trimmed in dark green, and features a separate skirt and blouse.

This group features my new Sakura Bear from China as well as CurlyJo in an Easter outfit, Lady Brisbane in a blue dress and my birthday bear.

Lady Brisbane is an Attic Treasure...I consider these a "cousin" of the Beanie Babies. I did not dress Sakura or my birthday bear...just left them as is. I was making Curly Jo an outfit for each holiday at that time. No pattern...just crocheting by "guess".


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Village-Page Three
Lady Vases
Pekingese Collectibles
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Wolf Plate Collection

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