Music, Mountains, Magic & Kids on an Island in the Sun

About Us

A typical (sheesh!)
single mom and son conversation....


bruixa's ruins

A little tour through Prehistoric and Roman Ruins in Mallorca

Skye's Corner



bruixa's links

Links to Mallorca based Sites, some of which I have designed, friends Sites, some funny Sites, some intersting &  informative Sites....

User Friendly

Links to FREE fun and useful programs and other stuff for a better time online

WebMagic Site Design

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About the musicians I work with and our band, eventually I will have some sounds there...

NEW!!!!  Van Basco's
Midi Search Engine
FREE karaoke player

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About Us

about bruixa        about skye

Hmmm...Where to begin...well, I'm bruixa, mom, Website designer, singer...
I write songs too...

that's Skye, my loving son, I've also worked as an artisan...
and I teach dance....
Does this often happen to you when you're trying to get something done on the magic machine???
That's why I always write late, late at night when my darling son has...
had his dinner,

(will you pleeze finish the green beans!)
done his homework

(I have no words to express the horror of this procedure)
been tucked in

been kissed & hugged
been wished sweet dreams
and has told me to

"dream with angels,
dream with all the nice stuff of the world,
and don't dream with bad stuff,
and tell abuelo to come up and say good-night, too"

YESSSS! My evening is just beginning...


Ok...I decided to do the themes on my Ruins page, (which hopefully will expand and change from time to time), after working one summer as an activities director in a hotel for tourist families from the Uk and Ireland.

Part of my job was taking people out on local walks and to make them more intriguing, I tried to tie them up all historically and mystically, so I did a lot of studying about the Balearic Islands from the stone age, through the bronze age, the many invasions...

Roman, Arab, Catalan to name only a few, the changes that occurred during the Spanish Inquisition, and the modern day culture here, which is still quaint, though no longer left behind, as it was in times of Franco's dictatorship.

I'm still studying... it's impossible to separate the history of one place from that of the rest of the world, so scenes and times will change, and I'll keep learning and sharing new information as I go along.

don't go back to the top...  yet...


Well, I'm 10m an October Libra,
(yeah!  talk about fair and even steven etc!!!  Wanna have a good argument??? Here's your boy!!!  Well..... He's also a nice great kid and I'm happy to have him call me Mom, as long as he does it less than 275 times per day....well I'll let him speak for himself as soon as he can find the time to sit here and do it!)

shh...   c'mon MOM!!
your kids can visit my page
Skye's Corner,
I keep putting more stuff in all the time!!,there is a riddle and a puzzle...     the background is a drawing I made of Son Goku that my mom scanned and added effects to, we did a whole series of effects with that picture and made it into a moving gif...   I hope you like it !!

don't go back to the top ...yet...

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About Us     Skye's Corner (Kid's Only!)   User Friendly

ok, if you don't want to go somewhere else, now you can go.....
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