Note: To tell this joke properly you must use an accent for the character voices
One day two Lepracaun's show up at the Nunery and ask to speak to the Mother Superior, a Nun shows them to a waiting room and leaves to get the Mother Superior. The Mother Superior enters the room and says "You wanted to speak with me?" and the first Lepracaun, named Sean, who is very serious looking says "I have some questions I would like you to answer." and the second Lepracuan, named Patrick, just smiles. The Mother Superior agrees to answer his questions and Patrick cries out "ask 'er Sean, ask 'er", Sean gives Patrick a dirty look and says "damn ya, I'll ask 'er" "Mother Superior are there any Lepracuan Nuns in your Nunnery?" and the Mother Superior says "No there are no Lepracuan Nuns in the Nunnery", Patrick starts snickering and Sean shoves him away. Patrick cries out again "ask 'er Sean, ask 'er" and Sean says "damn ya, I'll ask 'er" "Mother Superior are there any Lepracuan Nuns in the whole Parish?" and the Mother Superior says "No there are no Lepracuan Nuns in the entire Parish." Patrick starts chuckeling and Sean punches him in the arm. Patrick cries out again "ask 'er Sean, ask 'er" and Sean says "damn ya, I'll ask 'er" "Mother Superior are there any Lepracuan Nuns in the entire Irish Ile?" and the Mother Superior replys "No there are no Lepracuan Nuns in the entire Irish Ile." Patrick starts roaring with laughter and Sean slaps him across the back of his head. Patrick cries out "ask 'er Sean, ask 'er" and Sean yells "DAMN YA PATRICK, I'll ask 'er" "Mother Superior are there any Lepracuan Nuns in all the World?" and the Mother Superior says "No there are are no Lepracuan Nuns in all the World." Seans face turns bright red and Patrick laughs so hard tears stream down his face and he doubles over, Sean kicks him in the ass and Patrick, laughing even harder, says "Face it Sean, ya fucked a Penguin!"
Its a wee bit long when you read it
but it always brings a smile to my face...
I first heard this joke about 4 years ago...I went into work and I was in a bad mood, and the Bastard I worked with told it to me to cheer me up..........Thanks Bill
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