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Wavs, Wavs, and...well ok so there arent that many wavs...

This page was last updated October 15, 2002

Thanks for coming...enjoy the sounds...
If you want to save a wav click its link and then save it through your player...
and leave my pictures alone!

   Bart        The Simpsons        Lisa   

The Simpson Family
If your looking for Simpsons Wavs this is the place...
I think I have a good selection but nothing from
the last few seasons, cause they are hard to find
and I havn't made my own in a while...

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is owned by Rocky.

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Remember, nobody minds, nobody cares!

When someone says "How-do-you-do..."
just say you didn't!

My Tail-65.3K - Its not much...

Noticen Me-29.6K - Thanks for noticing...

House-69.5K - If you ask me...

Eeyore's Cloud Just out for a swim

Oh and remember
If you dont like Thistles, dont bend a perfectly good one.

Tigger on his tail Tigger


Tigger1-96.9K - I'm Tigger...

Tigger2-57.2K - If I was any better lookin...


The Tick - The Ultimate Superhero

The Tick

My Tick wav's were killed but Fear Not!
They shall make thier return one day soon to again strike fear into the hearts of evil-doers everywhere...

I've found a ton of Tick wavs... they will be here soon... SPOOOON!!!

I am sad to announce that my Beavis and Butthead page is no was the best damn Beavis and Butthead page around...

I'm afraid that my Beavis & Butthead wavs are gone forever... and the world is a slightly worse place for their loss...

A few wavs for other tastes...

Sodd Off -19K - Do you really need a description?

SHH! -120K - Dr. Evil: Just know i have a whole bag of shh...

Life -62K - Ferris Bueller: Life moves pretty fast...

Ok love ya -49K - Mindy: Ok love ya...bye-bye...

Tonight -74K - Pinky & The Brain: Gee Brain, what do you want to do tonight...

Tattoo -88K - Pinky & The Brain: Pinky are you pondering what I'm pondering...

What are you doing man? -20K - Ren & Stimpy: What are you doing man?

Trust them -54K - Ren & Stimpy: Shut up you fool, how do we know we can trust THEM?

A few quotes from Bugs and friends...

Whats up Doc? -22K

How come -29K - Hey Doc, how come your so...

SOB -83K - Porky: Son of a...

Wabbits -69K - Be verwy, verwy quiet...

Screwy -29K - There's something screwy around here...

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