Whats New

This page last updated October 19th 1997

April 29th 1997

A new flat and a new interview up, so life is still good :)

I have finally caught up with the membership requests. My humble apologies for being offline so long, BT wanted all their money back before they would reconnect me.
Don't forget your contributions for the church.

March 29th 1997

200 members and the new graphics scheme completed! Life is good :)

Now I have about 8Mb here and there and not one idea what to do with it. So, send in your ideas, tell me where there are more vaguely religious or strange photos, write essays if you want. This church isn't just my personal platform, it has 200 other people in it who all must have some views on these subjects. Anything about faith, truth, philosophy, and religion as long as it links back to David Duchovny. I await your contributions...

March 20th 1997

More web space just became available, so my tiny movie collection is now in the process of being uploaded. Go check out the picture gallery. Any links that do not work are probably links to things that havent uploaded yet (I keep on getting disconnected. I have everything except the long version of the Mulder/Krychek kiss up). Also, there is a new graphics scheme in the process of being implemented! I need feedback- good, bad, indifferent, put it back to the old scheme, finish the site? Please, tell me:)

February 18th 1997

Okay, spoke too soon. Not finished yet. Today I uploaded a bunch of new pictures and sounds. Go check out the gallery and the sound archive. :)

February 17th 1997

No big changes, but a few tweaks on the page about when I talked to David. Also some of the links to sounds had been down, but now they work again. I guess this site is more or less finished, except for the members, purpose and offerings which evolve all the time. Oh, and the church is getting ready to do a donation to charity. Good works in David's name. :)

January 29th 1997

Yet another interview, this one about David and Téa.

December 29th 1997

Another interview and more pictures, both in and linked from it.

December 27th 1997 approximately twelve hours later

After the last update I went and got an animated gif maker and sat down to make a banner for the new geoguide. this took longer than expected, but I came up with one good one and one that fits the size requirements. Both are now displayed on the members page. I reckon I'll have another go and submit a still and pretty one for the geoguide later, but my fingers are freezing up so I think that's my lot for today. Go look, I'm mildly proud of them. :)

December 27th 1997

Many many more new links in the library. Also new members, new offerings, and a new picture of David in the gallery.

December 20th 1997

Some more sounds in the sound archive. And the geoguide has changed. Try taking the tour. Also, any highlander fans, drop in on my own homepage for my first highlander fanfic, and take a look at some of the other pages I have built.

December 14th 1997

More new announcements, more new members. A new message board, and a new page on what various members have suggested the church should do.

December 3rd 1997

New announcements, and many more entries in the book of inspirations, plus offerings through the chapel and many new members.

November 12th 1997

I re arranged the pictures, sounds and links. Changed some backgrounds. Hope you all like them. Theres also a new picture on the main page down near the Church announcements.

November 9th 1997

New members, new picture on the main page, but you probably noticed that already :)

November 5th 1997

a new piece on what David sees in the mirror is added.

October 29th 1997

The Book of Inspirations is started. It's basically a collection of Mulderisms.

October 28th 1997

I added background music to two pages- 'Eternal Flame' on the page for David and Thought I'd Died and Gone To Heaven on the page about when I talked to David , both sounding like they are on church organs :)

October 27th 1996
I filled my site! I remember thinking 2 Mb was large... So Athens/Delphi/4315 now belongs solely to the church, and I moved my personal stuff elsewhere. This meant I had to restart the counter, and check every link to see if it went to someplace I had moved. Tell me if I missed one and you find a broken link. I still don't have enough space!

October 20th 1997
I realised the main focus of my page was the Church, so I made it my index page. And spent four hours revising every link in my site...

October 19th 1997
The Whats New page is born. Also some new photos in the pictures and links section, and a couple to be found in the page on privacy. I have had to update pretty nearly every page in the last couple of days, so have a good look around.