April 29th 1997
I have finally caught up with the membership requests. My humble apologies for being offline so long, BT wanted all their money back before they would reconnect me.
Don't forget your contributions for the church.
March 29th 1997
Now I have about 8Mb here and there and not one idea what to do with it. So, send in your ideas, tell me where there are more vaguely religious or strange photos, write essays if you want. This church isn't just my personal platform, it has 200 other people in it who all must have some views on these subjects. Anything about faith, truth, philosophy, and religion as long as it links back to David Duchovny. I await your contributions...
March 20th 1997
February 18th 1997
February 17th 1997
January 29th 1997
December 29th 1997
December 27th 1997 approximately twelve hours later
December 27th 1997
December 20th 1997
December 14th 1997
December 3rd 1997
November 12th 1997
November 9th 1997
November 5th 1997
October 29th 1997
October 28th 1997