David Duchovny Phone in
Really David? 221 K
XF/Millennium X-Over 255 K
October 16th 1997 David Duchovny interview
David's A$$ & F-Word 305 K
Gillian & Emmy 543 K
Tea I love you 33 K
Naked Truth 643 K
Crappy Shots 195 K
Skinner in the blooper reel 235 K
New york and coffee 1300 K
Here is an interview that includes ME talking to him! I sound about ten, and I say some stoopid things, but here it is:
In real audio, the whole 45 minutes of interview. 2.2Mb.
The whole Kevin and Bean KROQ interview
Believe me, I did care! I was just so totally out of it.. I mean , I was TALKING to HIM! I might have sounded 'bored', but I was far from calm. I'm just amazed I could talk at all! Mom says its all the public speaking competitions paying off, but trust me, standing up in front of a couple hundred people to read a little speech was a doddle compared to this.
Here are a few more sounds from various other places:
Patron Saint
Sex symbol
Thats Spooky
Do you think I'm Spooky
Remotely plausible...
You can believe what you want to believe
We all have our faith...
The Truth is Out There though sort of difficult to hear...
I want to Believe
Greetings from planet Earth
See the links library for pages with lots of sound files.
A note on copyright: I dont own much of this, though I would like to think Ive got some right to the bits of me speaking. I put it up for people to enjoy, I make no money, I mean no harm. A bunch of them belong to Fox, some I have no idea, either way I am not claiming them.