David answered two of my questions in the E! Online chat.

From beccaelizabeth: You've said that you believe in karma and that the most noble thing in life is to live without having an effect on the world at all. What does that mean?

It means pretty much what I said. We believe in the Western world that you're supposed to balance out your bad works with good works. But there's a certain way of thinking that is to leave the world exactly as you found it. That's kind of foreign to our thinking, which is probably why she's confused by it.

From beccaelizabeth: What is your favorite word?

Favorite word? Has that ever been asked before? I don't know. Star.

Now, I could just be being overly optimistic, but it sounds just a teensy bit like he remembered our conversation that morning, when I told him about his Star

What would you ask?