Now anyone with a pair of binoculars and a clear view of the sky can indulge in nocturnal David gazing. As some of us have always known, he is a real star. The star at

Leo 10h 27m 39s + 9 45' 45"
to be precise.Yes, thanks to the people at Universal Star Listings 'David Duchovny' will be shining above us whenever the constellation of Leo is visible. They let you name stars whatever you want, and I thought David really deserved to be up there like all the ancient heroes.
UPDATE - DAVID KNOWS! I got to talk to him on the radio and I told him!!!
It took me a long time to tell him mostly because I kept on either chickening out or not having the money to send the certificates in to his fan mail address. Then someone from KROQ emailed me and asked if I would like to go on radio and tell him. I bought the star as a present for him, which has had the interesting side effect that I now get junk mail adressed to David Duchovny at my flat. I wish he were! And I know just the star to wish on...