LinkExchange Member

Merry meet, and thank you for visiting. I'm sure you're my idea of a wonderful person, or you wouldn't be here!
(Unless you're one of those people who keep sending me their "testimony," in which case, please get a hobby!)

Brief Bio: Jennifer Kent (a.k.a. "ZephyrBrook")
31 year old female, married, no kids. (Just a gorgeous and MEAN black cat, and a hyper-idiot mutt puppy.)
Educational background in Literature, Communications, and Philosophy, extensive post-graduate studies in the fields of nutrition and herbalism.
Obsessive recycler, animal shelter volunteer, dedicated vegan, Democratic Socialist, employed in Office Administration.
I live in San Antonio, Texas.
Home of The Spurs!, The famous city wide party: Fiesta, The AlamoDome,
The Riverwalk, Six Flags Fiesta Texas, the world's best weather,
and The Animal Defense League- the largest no-kill shelter in the Southwest!

(FYI: Never call it "San Antone" - We hate that!)

I think I've always been Pagan- organized religions never made sense, or held any appeal for me, though I was exposed to a fair amount of Catholicism during childhood.
After reading "Stranger in a Strange Land" when I was 11, I started researching other viewpoints. Through this I found a love for Philosophy, and decided I was an Atheist.

In college, (where, if you're lucky, your true ignorance is exposed) I had an epiphany: I don't know. No one knows.
Why are we here? Is there an afterlife? Is there a Heaven, a Hell, or a Summerland? Is anyone in charge of it? Have we lived before, and will we live again?
Is there really, as the Christians believe, an old man in the sky watching your every move, judging you for it, and screaming "You must worship ME! Only ME! Or YOU WILL SUFFER!" ?
(While I know they find comfort in this, the very idea just creeps the shit out of me!)

Or is this it, and when it's done, we simply become fertilizer?
When it comes to answering these questions, there is only one thing that Christians, Jews, Pagans, Philosophers, Teachers, Doctors, and everyone else has in common: They don't know.
So, in the immortal words of Lloyd Dobbler (John Cusack's character in Say Anything)-
"I don't know. But I know that I don't know."
Therein lies the difference.



What I'm reading now:
Otherland by Tad Williams


What I'm listening to now:




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