Opening Mine # 2 Fleming, KY


Fleming, Ky was built in l9l3-l4 by Elkhorn Coal Corporation.  

It is located about 7 miles northeast of Whitesburg on Wright

Fork of Boone Fork of the North Fork of the Kentucky River in 

the southeastern portion of Letcher County. Fleming was the 

center of the operations of the Elkhorn Coal Corporation.  The 

town was named for George W. Fleming, the coporation’s first 

president .

Fleming’s Main Street in l9l3 consisted of a hotel, bank, Elkhorn

Coal Corp. offices, depot, company store and meat market, and 

shop buildings.  A few years later a church, fire department, 

soda fountain, hospital, jail, elementary and high school were 

built.   On the lower floor of the hotel (boarding house) were 

a movie theater, doctor’s offices, barber shop, pool hall and 

post office.  In l907 much of Fleming’s Main Street was the 

farm of W. K. Collier.  The company houses were under 

construction by July l9l3.

On Aug. l0, l9l3 the first train came to Fleming, which at this 

time was the end of the new line. The first train car of coal 

was loaded at Fleming on Aug. 30, l9l3.  In l9l4, the day after 

the funeral of John C. C. Mayo, officials of Elk Horn and 

Consolidated coal companies assembled in Fleming to look over 

their mining interests.  The Fleming Baptist Church was formally

and duly organized on July 8, l9l7.  The First National Bank of 

Fleming was organized in l92l and closed in l937.  Fleming High 

School had its beginnings in the Fleming grade school, over the 

store and in the Fleming Church.  The High School was built in 

l928.  The first class to graduate from Fleming High School was 

in l929 with 4 graduates.

Fleming Fire House

Fleming Municipal Building

Elkhorn Coal Corp. Fleming, KY

Elkhorn Mine 302 Fleming, KY

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