Mermaids Exist Welcome to my websanctuary. My online pseudonym is bimaris. I live in Roanoke, Virgina. Please look around and write any comments or suggestions you may have in the guestbook at the bottom of the page or just say hello!


Random Facts About bimaris

real name: guess... (bimaris means "between two seas" in Latin, not that that gives you any clue about, or has anything to do with, my real name)

age: 25

birth sign: pisces with sagittarius rising, gemini moon
red-headed pisces

sex: female

gender-identity: nature-loving, pagan-gothing, retro-stylin' femme

nickname(s): kali-mama, pookie, tart

hometown: "spring city"--Waukesha, WI

height: 5'6"

eye colour: grey-blue

hair colour right now: red

ethnic background: Hanoverian & Saxon, Dutch, and perhaps 1 or 2 proud Irish and Native American ancestors!

companion animals/familiars: black cat with white tummy and green eyes (he's my Baby! I miss him terribly); Minuet (aka Min, Minnie, Min-Min, Minchen, Min-iature), gray & white kitty, golden-orange Clover with green eyes, black with white tummy loverboy, Romeo

favourite colour(s): black,orange, & ocean hues--especially lavender/lilac, sapphire blue, and indigo

favourite scents: honeysuckle, lilac bushes, rosewater, Drakkar Noir, indoor pools, spring

favourite flowers: pansies, star-gazer lilies, certain roses and orchids

languages you know or are learning: English, French (je suis une naufragée), classical Latin (of which 'bimaris' is an example), HTML, modern Irish (día dhuit! táim ag rince), classical Attic Greek (kalnmepa!), I think I'm learning Japanese (watashi wa nihongo ga joozu ja arimasen!)

favourite tellie: Twin Peaks!, X-Files, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Xena: Warrior Princess, Sailor Moon, Tenchi, Charmed, Father Ted , CatDog, Ren & Stimpy , Seinfeld, Quantum Leap, Earth2 , MacGyver, Dark Shadows , Kablam!

favourite movies: Hedwig & The Angry Inch, Dangerous Beauty, Thunderheart, Smoke Signals, Being John Malkovich, Chocolat, Cecil B. Demented, Windhorse, Kundun, X-Men, Stargate, Galaxy Quest, The Mummy, Rebecca, My Favorite Wife, The Dark Crystal, The Last Unicorn, Apocalypse Now, Splash, The Money Pit, Peggy Sue Got Married, Mannequin

favourite directors: Ingmar Bergman, David Lynch, Sally Potter, Tim Burton

favourite town to chill in: Corcaigh, Éire (Cork, Ireland)
Cork's banner

concerts you've been to: Tori again; Dar Williams; Garbage @ VTech (Shirley rocks my world); Violent Femmes @ the Waukesha County Fair for FREE; and of course, my first concert ever by the Goddess of Music herself, Tori Amos

favourite board games: I like cards, identity, balderdash, sequence, life, wish I could remember chess

favourite magazines: BUST: Voice of the New Girl Order, BITCH: Feminist Response to Pop Culture, Circle, SageWoman, Tricycle: The Buddhist Review

best books you've read recently: Eat Right for Your Type by D'Adamo, Goddesses in EveryWoman & Gods in EveryMan by Jean Shinoda Bolen, The Feminine Face of God by Sherry Ruth Anderson & Patricia Hopkins

favourite poets: Pablo Neruda, Anne Sexton

favourite animals: felines (especially black cats, cheetahs, and snow leopards), lemurs, & dolphins

possible future sons' names: Galen, Tiryns, Ulysses (Uly for short) (if I have kids, right)

possible future daughters' names: K/Corinth, Thera, Shamisen, Kohana, Setsuna, Azami Rei, Winter Veil, Vesper, Serenity, Sailor, True, Prynne (unless I keep with the Hellenic or Japanese theme) (or maybe I just like to name things)

which occupation(s) would you love to have? published poet, owner of feminist/witchy bookshop, animal rightsactivist, professional wanderer

college major(s): major in English/Creative Writing, with about 3/4 major completed in Classics/Ancient Studies (basically, everything but the thesis)

if you could meet (or could have met) one person in the world, who would it be? the Dalai Lama, Veronica Franca, John Lennon, Jim Morrison, David Duchovny (let me have my crushes), Tori, my dad's dad

Secret Place by Jack Henslee. Find more wonderful art at

chocolate or vanilla? definitely chocolate

are you a coffee drinker? of course not--I prefer Barry's tea and chai

favourite drinks: root beer, chocolate malts, mint chocolate bomb @ Gloria Jean's, hot chocolate with Bailey's and whipped cream, hot port with cinnamon and clove

if you dyed your hair, what colour would it be? lavender or indigo

if you were to have a tattoo, what and where would it be? an intertwining triskel band around my upper arm, pisces symbol near my ankle, an ankh

what's on your mouse pad? an ocelot print

what is your favourite quotation(s) of the moment? "If there's nothing wrong with me... maybe there's something wrong with the universe!" -- Dr. Beverley Crusher of Star Trek: The Next Generation

pick a song that best describes yourself or that you can relate to: Imagine--John Lennon, The Child is Gone--Fiona Apple

have you ever been in love? yes, currently

what is your dream car? an orange or purple classic vw bug, the Mystery Machine

if you were to be any kind of tree, which would it be? weeping willow, silver birch, or cherry blossom

favourite foods: Fazoli's breadsticks, Lennox's chips and garlic, raspberry anything, Clausen pickles (the more garlic, the better!), green and kalamata olives, the Molly Brown sandwich at Macado's, plain Vienna bread from Tesco with Kerrygold butter, oreos, and of course Nutella!

ice cream, frozen yogurt, or frozen custard? LeDuc's Custard!

favourite ice cream/yogurt/custard: spumoni, grasshopper, cookies 'n cream, cookie dough, lemon razzle dazzle, mint chocolate chip, white russian (I'm quite a connoisseur)

favourite web site: feminist fish by my friend, *jen--This Page Was Killed By ChickPages!!

favourite holiday: Samhain (Hallowe'en, All Hollows Eve)
witches are sexy--find me at

My MoonieCode (1.12.05) as of 10/5/01:
SM:5- F:sMa+ou:vBl+Nh:aQs+:pR2 D:sJu:vEs- X:**:aCl+R2+S+*1+d O:d+:s?:?o:a-:h+:x? P:a++:s56:w:f+:eGrBg:hR:t--:cWh:bB:*Ps:x:r+>

38% Bitch

39% Slut

this says how many days it is until my birthday

Blue is my colourANDPurple is my colour

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Last updated: July 3rd, 2003
All original material and text is Copyrighted ©1997-2003 to me, bimaris,
including the name WinterVeil! All rights reserved.


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