The Scrolls

Look, I Have a New Guestbook!
Wanna Sign My New Guestbook?!?

Michelle - 07/09/00 01:57:22
From: waukesha, wi
Sun Sign/Ascendant: cancer
Languages You Know: english, lil bit of spanish and irish gaelic
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): disney's the little mermaid and snow white
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: beatles
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): john ;o)

i really like your page

Lori/Nyx aka Serqet Isetnofret from AS! - 06/26/00 14:42:02
My URL:I'm at AS and at
From: the edge of the continent (CA) but once I w as a Jersey Girl.
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Scorpio/Libra: moon in Scorpio
Languages You Know: I've "studied" Latin, Attic Greek, Spanish, French and German, now as far as Knowing them....let's not test that theory!
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: BEATLES
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): JOHN 8~i

So, much fun stuff to read. Darn, I wish I knew you had a poem called "Persephone Rising" I would have forced you to submit it to "Isis Rising: The Goddess in the New Aeon", a poetry and art book that I was involved in. Well, if we ever do another, I wil remember you! See yah at AS.

Wench, Weirdo, you name it! - 06/17/00 19:55:51
My URL:/dangerousbeauty_va/index.html
From: Outer Space
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Libra/Capricorn
Languages You Know: My very own language...among others.
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): I'm working on my own...the heroine kicks male ass!
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: I'll plead the 5th.
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): Mark and Luke.

Hey, sweetie. I thought a new guestbook entry from me would put you in a splendid mood. So, smile.

Ujwal - 05/25/00 22:55:48
From: Nepal (below Tibet)
Languages You Know: Nepali, Hindi, English
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): folk tales fron Nepal
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Beatles
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): John

Bimaris, What a nice web-page... interesting... In Nepali 'devi' is the word for goddess.. 'pari' is the word for fairy... but if you want to say that a girl looks like a goddess... you use 'pari' as 'devi' usually has a respectful tone to it.. so a very nice person can be a 'devi' but that does not m an that she is beautiful... its just she is an amazing woman usually in terms of kindness or caring... I saw your add in Yahoo personals so i just checked out your profile and your Page.. I loved your taste in poetry.. i write poems too.. though i doubt they are as 'hot' as the ones in your page.... You can email me if you wish... check my yahoo profile... i'm in Virginia Tech.. blacksburg... Take care... Ujwal

sh - 05/23/00 19:45:20
From: singapore

You have a great homepage !

Jennya the Great (aka Wench) - 05/08/00 22:28:25
From: Earth (well, that's what I tell everyone, anyway)
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Capricorn (I'm balanced, though)
Languages You Know: English, a bit of Irish and French, and my own jibberish
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): The Wild Swans, King Thrushbeard
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Butterflies and Boulders?
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): Brian

Hee hee...been a while since I've signed I thought I would sign it again in case you forgot me! Hee hee.

ms. jen xcommunications, undercover superheroine (shhh!) - 05/08/00 16:51:16
From: outer space, under the ocean, over the rainbow
Sun Sign/Ascendant: scorpio (in love with a capricorn-- perfect match!)
Languages You Know: a million idiolects, standard american english, ein bisschen deutsch, a negligible amount of spanish
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): the one about the lesbian mermaid & the cross-dressing sailor
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: punk rawk, bay-bee! (ha ha, this means i'm *hardcore*!)
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): i don't have a favorite apostle. :)

i love you, kail-mama! yr page is deee-lightful, & i want to link up to it. (i have big plans for a links page, i swear!) it's too bad you can't have yr writing up-- but i'm the same way: i'll put zine stuff up, but not short stories. hmm... yr mermai lady is too skinny to have breasts like that-- i guess they must be implants? i mean, how can she stay underwater with those thangs pullin' her up to the surface?!? just a minor distraction for me. :) ahhhh, but the site is fantastic (heh, double mean ng!) & i love it. let me know when you update stuff! love, yr water sistah * jen

Lady Midi aka Lynn - 02/20/00 22:01:48
From: England
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Aries/Aries
Languages You Know: English
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): The little Mermaid/original
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: neither
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): neither

Hello there,what great pages you have! I’ve been looking around your site and realised that we have an online group that you might be interested in. Called Womyn of Spirit, we are a diverse group of womyn from all walks of life, small but very friendly. an I invite you to come and take a look at our site; there you can browse, read our creed and see what we have to offer. You are more than welcome to sign up for our ring and join our list. Hope to hear from you soon.

Womyn of Spirit

10/26/98 10:15:18
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Comments: Just surfing. Thanks.

sam - 10/15/98 03:16:11
From: here
Sun Sign/Ascendant: aquarius
Languages You Know: peace, love, and english
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): all time fav is (don't tell) cinderella
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: nix
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): nix

Liked what I read. Wanted to read the poetry but ... pages didn't work.

Cindy - 09/25/98 03:04:27
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

emalee, princess of darkness - 08/29/98 02:43:56
From: wisconsin
Sun Sign/Ascendant: aquarius
Languages You Know: english & french
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): Alice in Wonderland
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: BEATLES BABY!!!
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): JOHN 4EVER!

hey! tis emalee, i wrote this when u were over!

Pandora - 07/01/98 06:22:22
From: Pennsylvania
Languages You Know: English...a lit'l Spanish
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): Disney....Beauty and the Beast
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Beatles definately!
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): JOHN!! FOR SURE!

I was all around your page....took my time. It's great! The Disney Heroine discussion group was hilarious! *grins* The poems were great...I couldn't see yours though...are you not done? I had a great visit...and plan to be back. GREAT job. **appla s**

Amethyst - 04/30/98 05:15:00
From: Seattle
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Pisces/Sagittarius
Languages You Know: English, some French
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): Disney's Beauty and the Beast
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Beatles
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): George :)

Love the site! I just joined the What's your freakin sign webring and that's how I found you. I am also a Pisces with a Sag ascendant.. it's a small world, isn't it? You should add moon sign to your request, too... I am curious, what's yours? Visit my site and have a look around sometime...

Bradley - 04/22/98 04:11:15
From: spacy place
Languages You Know: Finnish, English, Swedish
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): Luiseva Puiseva Leijona (something like: "The thin, thin lion") -dunno the author or anything...
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Beatles
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): JOHN!!! (Did you hear that Linda died on Friday?!?)

Nice site, my fellow procrastinator!

Jennya - 03/14/98 01:31:08
From: Anywhere but Reality...
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Libra/Capricorn
Languages You Know: French
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): The Wild Swans
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: Beatles
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): PAUL!!! (Actually, I just did that to bug you.) :o)

Hey, Pookie! Okay, I've signed your book. Are you happy NOW? Well, you have a nice page....the Disney argument was great. See you later!

WinterVeil - 03/10/98 19:49:43
My URL:Here
From: Neptune
Sun Sign/Ascendant: Pisces/ Sagittarius
Languages You Know: English, French, Latin, modern Irish, ancient Greek
Favourite Fairy Tale (specify original or Disney): Cinderella & The Little Mermaid (both)
Beatles or Rolling Stones?: BEATLES!!!
John or Paul? (Hint: the answer is John): JOHN!!!

Now all of you can sign it, too!

Last updated: March 28th, 2001
All original material and text is Copyrighted ©1997-2001 to me, bimaris,
including the name WinterVeil! All rights reserved.

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