Friendly Folk

(aka people who put up with me in real life)

dancing girlJennya's Secret Place on the Web (or-not-so-secret now) & neko The Mad Cafe

This gentle soul is an artist, writer, dancer, and dreamer who also just happens to be one of my best friends! Her homepage has lots of wacky photos and a bit about herself. The Mad Cafe is her gallery of spiffy computer-generated art (yes, she created them!) and poems. A friend I met in 1996, our 1st year of college, now married!

a picture of Ginger's Voices and Girl, the characters in her theatre/dance piece called Chimeras

Nightmares are Beautiful

My adopted big sister's homepage. Please go and pay homage to a beautiful dark Angel who passed away at the age of 20 in 1998. The site is a collection of her fiction and poetry, gothic artwork/photography, and opinions. Ginger, I will always love and miss you.

Hello Kitty on a motorbikeNo Ordinary Princess--This website was killed by Chickclick!! *sniff*

*jen's home planet is an intense and beautiful diy grrrl homepage with excerpts from her incredible zine, "Bad Reputation," a page dedicated to fellow zinesters, info. on Scrawl (the all-grrrl spoken-word troup she's a member of), poetry, femme power, and quite a bit about herself (she admits she likes to talk about herself). Another of my best friends, this one I met in 7th grade!

young atheist's symbol Molly Joy's Homepage

Atheist and left-hander extraordinaire, Molly's page has tons of interesting info. on atheism, objectivism, Monty Python, left-handedness, philosophy, literature, and of course Poinsettias! Also contains links to endless hours of time-wasting, absolutely fun things to do, in real life and on the net. Procrastinators beware! A friend I met in middle school.


one of Lindsay's paintings Lindsay's Homepage

Artist, feminist, genius, friend...this homepage includes some of her personal essays, poems, great paintings (yes, she painted them!), a multimedia children's book presentation, her fave links, and a bit about herself (with photos). Another friend I met in 7th grade, also now married!


Nate's Homepage

A friend I met in high school U.S. history, Nate is a swanky physics guy going to grad. school in Austin. Yup, that's right. Texas.


MariaStC logoMaria's Homepage

The Divine Miss Mer is retro, sassy, and cute, and so is her site. It displays her photography, web design, and custom-made greeting cards. There's also a link to her e-zine,> Confessions of a Pissed-Off Secretary. She kicks ass.

a flyer and her familiar Robin's Studies in Wicca

This is a friend I met at Hollins through our common classics courses and because she took over HAREM when Bradley and I (co-founders) left the States. Quite the Latin scholar, she's also a newly-minted Canadian citizen! This page includes Robin's poetry, art, a link to her online diary, and information about her self-created tradition in the Temple of the Divine Hermaphrodite.

Matt's Homepage

A friend I met, along with Nate, in 11th grade. He's back in Madtown, USA, the coolest town in the Midwest. This page includes a bunch of photos and a forum where you can chat him up!



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Last updated: September 27th, 2001
All original material and text is Copyrighted ©1997-2001 to me, bimaris,
including the name WinterVeil! All rights reserved.


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