a piscean book selection

Books in My Personal Library

21st Century Wicca: A Young Witch's Guide to Living the Magical Life--by Jennifer Hunter


Preface: About This Book-- and Some of the People In It
Part I-- The Maiden: Roots of Wiccan Practice

1. Beginnings--What's This All About, Anyway?; Basic Wiccan Beliefs; About the Exercises
2. Energy Work and the Elements--Energy Work: The Root of Magic; Exercise: Sensing Your Psychic Energy; Exercise: Relaxation; Exercice: Grouding and Centering; Exercise: Seeing the Aura; Taking Care of Your Own Psychic Energy; Shielding; The Elements; Exercise: Make Yourself Uncomfortable!
3. Deity--The Wiccan View of Deity; Who Are the Wiccan Gods?; The Sacred Marriage; Exercise: Who Are Your Gods?; Exercise: Spend a Week with a God/dess; Joining with the Gods; Exercise: Sensing the God and Goddess in People
4. Magic--What Magic Is and How It Works; The Steps of Magic; Magic Within Yourself; Magic Affecting Others: Magical Ethics; The Nuts and Bolts of Magic; Location; Planning Your Spell; Intent and Focus; Power-Raising
5. Sabbats--Samhain, November 1; Yule, December 20-23; Imbolc, February 2; Ostara, March 20-23; Beltane, May 1; Litha, June 20-23; Lughnassadh, August 1; Mabon, September 20-23

Part II--The Mother: Moving Between the Worlds

6. Magical Tools and Altars--How To Treat Your Tools; Exercise: Cleansing and Dedicating a Tool; The Ritual Altar; Exercise: Creating a Ritual Altar
7. Ritual--The Opening; The Middle; The Closing
8. The Other Side: Expanding Your Awarenes--Expanding Your Awareness; Exercise: Eat an Orange; Safety
9. Initiation--Self-Initiation; Ceremony of Self-Initiation
10. Everyday Magic--Sacred Living Space; Exercise: Creating a Permanent Sacred Space; Household Altar; Magical Thinking; Exercise: Magical Makeover;Magical Maintenance; Wicca in the Workplace; Don't Forget the Physical

Part III--The Crone: Living as a Witch

11. Community--Who are the Pagans in Your Neighborhood?; Group Ritual; How to Lead a Group Ritual
12. Relationships--You're a WHAT?; The Conversation; Love and Marriage; Should Your Mate Be Wiccan?; Working Partnerships; Sex Magic
13. The Teenage Trip and College Life--To the Teenager; Wearing Your Pentacle to School; How to Be a Teen in the Pagan Community; The Craft at College
14. Speaking for the Craft--One-liners; Exercise: Role-Play
15. Conclusion: The Path Ahead

Practical Magic--by Alice Hoffman



Websters' First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language--conjured by Mary Daly, in cahoots with Jane Caputi

A Witch Alone: Thirteen Moons to Master Natural Magic--by Marian Green

The Ethics of Star Trek--by Judith Barad, Ph.D., with Ed Robertson

Soulmates---by Jess Stearn

Convergence (Book One of The Blending)--by Sharon Green

Other Powers: The Age of Suffrage, Spiritualism, and the Scandalous Victoria Woodhull--by Barbara Goldsmith


Prologue: A Page of History
1. Born Again in the Lamb's Blood
2. A Child Without a Childhood
3. The Spiritual Telegraph
4. My Long-Accumulating Discontent
5. You Ugly Creature
6. True Wife
7. Willfully Did Kill
8. God Bless This Trinity
9. An Accident of Fate
10. Draw Its Fangs
11. A Dangerous Man
12. Written in Fire
13. To Equal Account
14. Consult the Spirits
15. We Are Ready. We Are Prepared.
16. Soup for Three
17. A Hard Place
18. The Evangel
19. Your Child Is Not My Child
20. The Yawning Edge of Hell
21. The Woodhull Memorial
22. Silence, Time, and Patience
23. The Worst Gang
24. This Girl Is a Tramp
25. Yes! I Am a Free Lover!
26. A Heavy Load
27. Mrs. Satan
28. Burst Like a Bombshell
29. I Can Endure No Longer
30. What Have We Done Now?
31. A Monstrous Conspiracy
32. Human Hyenas
33. Daniel in the Lion's Den
34. A Meteor's Dash
35. The Last Enemy


The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception--by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh


Map of Qumran and the Dead Sea


I. The Deception
1. The Discovery of the Scrolls
2. The International Team
3. The Scandal of the Scrolls
4. Opposing the Consensus
5. Academic Politics and Bureaucratic Inertia

II. The Vatican's Representatives
6. The Onslaught of Science
7. The Inquisition Today

III. The Dead Sea Scrolls
8. The Dilemma for Christian Orthodoxy
9. The Scrolls
10. Science in the Service of Faith
11. The Essenes
12. The Acts of the Apostles
13. James 'The Righteous'
14. Zeal for the Law
15. Zealot Suicide
16. Paul--Roman Agent or Informer?

Notes and References

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