The Nine-Chakra System

The Nine Chakra-Castes and the 81 Initiatic Sub-Castes

Among the Humans, the Nine Castes or Planes may also be subdivided into eighty-one Initiatic Subcastes or Subplanes, to cover the Human interactions on all the permutations of all the planes. Please note that the various Virtues are cumulative; each higher caste or Initiation must continue to demonstrate all the virtues of the Initiation-caste(s) below:

9: ELOHIM (Crown: Logoic Plane), Exemplars of TRANSCENDENCE
Inner Sanctum: Multiversal
9-9: Elohim: Angels for Transcendence
9-8: Seraphim: Angels for Seers (Transcendent Love)
9-7: Cherubim: Angels for Mages (Transcendent Hope)
Middle Sanctum: Universal
9-6: Thrones: Angels for Clergy (Transcendent Faith)
9-5: Principalities: Angels for Royalty (Transcendent Justice)
9-4: Dominations or Dynamis: Angels for Armigers (Transcendent Fortitude)
Outer Sanctum: Galactic
9-3: Virtues: Angels for Yeomen (Transcendent Temperance)
9-2: Archangels: Angels for Artisans (Transcendent Prudence)
9-1: Angels: Angels for Servants (Transcendent Obedience)

8: SEERS (Brow: Monadic Plane), Exemplars of LOVE
Inner College: Universal (University)
8-9: Principals: Seers for Angels (Loving Transcendence)
8-8: Doctors: Seers for Seers (Loving Love)
8-7: Magisters: Seers for Mages (Loving Hope)
Middle College: Galactic
8-6: Baccalaurei: Seers for Clergy (Loving Faith)
8-5: Senior Sophisters: Seers for Royalty (Loving Justice)
8-4: Junior Sophisters: Seers for Armigers (Loving Fortitude)
Outer College: Constellation
8-3: Sophomores: Seers for Yeomen (Loving Temperance)
8:2 Freshmen: Seers for Artisans (Loving Prudence)
8-1: Probationers: Seers for Servants (Loving Obedience)

7: MAGES (Throat: Atmic Plane), Exemplars of HOPE
Inner Choir: Galactic
7-9: Ipsissimi: Mages for Angels (Hopeful Transcendence)
7-8: Magi: Mages for Seers (Hopeful Love)
7-7: Magistri Templi: Mages for Mages (Hopeful Hope)
Middle Choir: Constellation
7-6: Exempt Adepts: Mages for Clergy (Hopeful Faith)
7-5: Major Adepts: Mages for Royalty (Hopeful Justice)
7-4: Minor Adepts: Mages for Armigers (Hopeful Fortitude)
Outer Choir: Solar
7-3: Philosophi: Mages for Yeomen (Hopeful Temperance)
7-2: Practici: Mages for Artisans (Hopeful Prudence)
7-1: Theorici: Mages for Servants (Hopeful Obedience)

6: CLERICS (Heart: Buddhic Plane), Exemplars of FAITH
Inner Temple: Constellation
6-9: Cardinal Archbishops/Regular Abbesses Superior: Clergy for Angels (Faithful Transcendence)
6-8: Cardinal Bishops/Regular Abbesses: Clergy for Seers (Faithful Love)
6-7: Cardinal Priests/Regular Prioresses: Clergy for Mages (Faithful Hope)
Middle Temple: Solar
6-6: Cardinal Deacons/Regular Sisters: Clergy for Clergy (Faithful Faith)
6-5: Archbishops/Abbesses Superior: Clergy for Royalty (Faithful Justice)
6-4: Bishops/Abbesses: Clergy for Armigers (Faithful Fortitude)
Outer Temple: Planetary
6-3: Priests/Prioresses: Clergy for Yeomen (Faithful Temperance)
6-2: Deacons/Sisters: Clergy for Artisans (Faithful Prudence)
6-1: Subdeacons/Novices: Clergy for Servants (Faithful Obedience)

5: ROYALS (Solar Plexus: Causal Plane), Exemplars of JUSTICE
Inner Council: Solar
5-9 Emperor/Empress (or President): Royalty for Angels (Just Transcendence)
5-8: King/Queen (or Vice President): Royalty for Seers (Just Love)
5-7: Prince/Princess (or Senator): Royalty for Mages (Just Hope)
Middle Council: Planetary
5-6: Duke/Duchess (or Representative): Royalty for Clergy (Just Faith)
5-5: Marquis/Marchioness (or Governor): Royalty for Royalty (Just Justice)
5-4: Earl/Countess (or State Senator): Royalty for Armigers (Just Fortitude)
Outer Council: National
5-3: Viscount/Viscountess (or State Representative): Royalty for Yeomen (Just Temperance)
5-2: Baron/Baroness (or Mayor): Royalty for Artisans (Just Prudence)
5-1: Knight/Lady (or Councillor): Royalty for Servants (Just Obedience)

4: ARMIGERS (Navel: Mental Plane) Exemplars of FORTITUDE
Inner Court: Planetary
4-9: Marshals/Admirals: Armigers for Angels (Strong Transcendence)
4-8: Generals/Commodores: Armigers for Seers (Strong Love)
4-7: Colonels/Captains: Armigers for Mages (Strong Hope)
Middle Court: National
4-6: Majors/Commanders: Armigers for Clergy (Strong Faith)
4-5: Captains/Lieutenants: Armigers for Royalty (Strong Justice)
4-4: Lieutenants/Ensigns: Armigers for Armigers (Strong Fortitude)
Outer Court: State
4-3: Sergeants/Chief Petty Officers: Armigers for Yeomen (Strong Temperance)
4-2: Corporals/Petty Officers: Armigers for Artisans (Strong Prudence)
4-1: Privates/Seamen: Armigers for Servants (Strong Obedience)

3: YEOMANRY or MERCHANTS (Sex: Astral Plane) Exemplars of Generosity or TEMPERANCE
Inner Grange or House: National
3-9: Grand Garden/Grove Archmasters (or C.E.O.): Yeomen for Angels (Temperate Transcendence)
3-8: Grand Garden/Grove Masters (or Presidents): Yeomen for Seers (Temperate Love)
3-7: Grand Garden/Grove Fellow (or Vice Presidents): Yeomen for Mages (Temperate Hope)
Middle Grange or House: State
3-6: Grand Garden/Grove Entrants (or Regional Managers): Yeomen for Clergy (Temperate Faith)
3-5: Garden/Grove Arch-Masters (or Store Managers): Yeomen for Royalty (Temperate Justice)
3-4: Garden/Grove Masters (or Department Managers): Yeomen for Armigers (Temperate Fortitude)
Outer Grange or House: County
3-3: Garden/Grove Fellows (or Assistant Managers): Yeomen for Yeomen (Temperate Temperance)
3-2: Garden/Grove Entrants (or Salespersons): Yeomen for Artisans (Temperate Prudence)
3-1: Garden/Grove Postulants (or Trainees): Yeomen for Servants (Temperate Obedience)

2: ARTISANS (Base: Physical Plane) Exemplars of PRUDENCE
Inner Lodge: State
2-9: Grand Guild/Hall Arch-Masters: Artisans for Angels (Prudent Transcendence)
2-8: Grand Guild/Hall Masters: Artisans for Seers (Prudent Love)
2-7: Grand Guild/Hall Fellows: Artisans for Mages (Prudent Hope)
Middle Lodge: County
2-6: Grand Guild/Hall Entrants: Artisans for Clergy (Prudent Faith)
2-5: Guild/Hall Arch-Masters: Artisans for Royalty (Prudent Justice)
2-4: Guild/Hall Masters: Artisans for Armigers (Prudent Fortitude)
Outer Lodge: Town
2-3: Guild/Hall Fellows: Artisans for Yeomen (Prudent Temperance)
2-2: Guild/Hall Entrants: Artisans for Artisans (Prudent Prudence)
2-1: Guild/Hall Postulants: Artisans for Servants (Prudent Obedience)

1: ELEMENTALS or SERVANTS (Foot: Elemental Plane) Exemplars of HUMILITY or OBEDIENCE
Inner Order: County
1-9: Eremites: Servants for Angels (Obedient Transcendence)
1-8: Sizars: Servants for Seers (Obedient Love)
1-7: Famuli (Aethers): Servants for Mages (Obedient Hope)
Middle Order: Town
1-6: Hierodules (Sylphs): Servants for Clergy (Obedient Faith)
1-5: Cupbearers: Servants for Royalty (Obedient Justice)
1-4: Grooms (Salamanders; Genii): Servants for Armigers (Obedient Fortitude)
Outer Order: Family
1-3: Carls (Undines, Dryads, Limoniads): Servants for Yeomen (Obedient Temperance)
1-2: Bondsmen (Dwarves, Gnomes): Servants for Artisans (Obedient Prudence)
1-1: Thralls: Servants for Servants (Obedient Obedience)

In this system, a given Subcaste is responsible for its equivalent subrealm; thus for all the Elohim (Logoic Plane), the Seraphim are the Transcendental Seers (Monadic Subplane), the Cherubim are the Transcendental Speakers or Singers (Atmic Subplane), the Thrones are the Transcendental Clergy or Ritual Upholders (Buddhic Subplane), the Principalities are the Transcendental Administrators (Causal Subplane), the Dominations or Dynamis are the Transcendental Warriors (Mental Subplane), the Virtues are the Transcendental Growers (Astral Subplane), the Archangels are the Transcendental Artisans (Physical Subplane), and the Angels are the Transcendental Servants (Elemental Subplane).

Among the Seers (Monadic Plane), the Principals are the Knowledge-Transcenders (Logoic Subplane), the Doctors are the Knowledge-Seers or Cognizers (Monadic Subplane), the Magisters or Masters are the Knowledge-Speakers (Atmic Subplane; knowledge of the 12 Demiurges), the Bachelors are the Knowledge-Upholders (Buddhic Subplane; knowledge of the 12 Buddhic Archangels), the Seniors are the Knowledge-Administrators (Causal Subplane; knowledge of 144 Solar Angels; Humans), the Juniors are the Knowledge-Warriors (Mental Subplane; knowledge of Animals, and forensics, debating, etc.), the Sophomores are Knowledge-Growers (Astral Subplane; knowledge of the Vegetables and emotional realm; studiers of the University buttery and gardens), the Freshmen are Knowledge Artisans (Physical Subplane; knowledge of the Minerals; studiers of the University buildings and grounds), and the Probationers are Knowledge-Servants (Elemental Subplane; general scholar-servants); and so forth.

It is evident that there are 81 Sub-castes, and hence 81 possible rungs of advancement. However, there are other ways of stepping the Nine Castes to show relationships between Castes.

The one-step arrangement yields 17 Initiatic tiers or rungs, the minimum possible, delineating a relationship-equivalence where a given Plane (Caste) and Subplane (Sub-Caste) are reversed; e.g. on the 9th tier, an Elemental-Logoic 1-9 (Eremite: Servant for Angels) relates to a Logoic-Elemental 9-1 (Angel: Angel for Servants), and a Physical-Monadic 2-8 (Grand Guild/Hall Master: Artisan for Seers) relates to a Monadic-Physical 8-2 (Freshman: Seer for Artisans). Thus the 17 tiers, from highest to lowest, are:

17 ......................................................(9-9)
16 ...............................................(8-9, 9-8)
15 ........................................(7-9, 8-8, 9-7)
14 .................................(6-9, 7-8, 8-7, 9-6)
13 ..........................(5-9, 6-8, 7-7, 8-6, 9-5)
12 ...................(4-9, 5-8, 6-7, 7-6, 8-5, 9-4)
11 ............(3-9, 4-8, 5-7, 6-6, 7-5, 8-4, 9-3)
10 .....(2-9, 3-8, 4-7, 5-6, 6-5, 7-4, 8-3, 9-2)
9 (1-9, 2-8, 3-7, 4-6, 5-5, 6-4, 7-3, 8-2, 9-1)
8 (1-8, 2-7, 3-6, 4-5, 5-4, 6-3, 7-2, 8-1).......
7 (1-7, 2-6, 3-5, 4-4, 5-3, 6-2, 7-1)..............
6 (1-6, 2-5, 3-4, 4-3, 5-2, 6-1).....................
5 (1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1)............................
4 (1-4, 2-3, 3-2, 4-1)...................................
3 (1-3, 2-2, 3-1)..........................................
2 (1-2, 2-1).................................................
1 (1-1)........................................................

There is a parallel between these 17 tiers and the 17 Monadic or Christ Initiations necessary to complete an entire Year --- 16 plus the starting point; in a way, then, the first (1-1) and the last (9-9) are equivalent. This one-step arrangement correctly aligns the Initiatic tiers with the names of the Initiations given by Alice Bailey and in my own experience; e.g. the 5th Initiation-tier (1-5) of Cupbearer includes the experience of Guild/Hall Master (2-4) and Knight of the Royal Council (5-1).

Another way to stack the subcastes is by equating the fifth subcaste of a given caste with the third subcaste of the next higher caste and the first subcaste of the caste above. This two-step system delineates 25 tiers, from highest to lowest, thus:

25 ...............................................................(9-9)
24 ...............................................................(9-8)
23 ........................................................(8-9, 9-7)
22 ........................................................(8-8, 9-6)
21 .................................................(7-9, 8-7, 9-5)
20 .................................................(7-8, 8-6, 9-4)
19 ..........................................(6-9, 7-7, 8-5, 9-3)
18 ..........................................(6-8, 7-6, 8-4, 9-2)
17 ...................................(5-9, 6-7, 7-5, 8-3, 9-1)
16 ...................................(5-8, 6-6, 7-4, 8-2)
15 ............................(4-9, 5-7, 6-5, 7-3, 8-1)
14 ............................(4-8, 5-6, 6-4, 7-2)
13 .....................(3-9, 4-7, 5-5, 6-3, 7-1)
12 .....................(3-8, 4-6, 5-4, 6-2)
11 ..............(2-9, 3-7, 4-5, 5-3, 6-1)
10 ..............(2-8, 3-6, 4-4, 5-2)
9 .......(1-9, 2-7, 3-5, 4-3, 5-1)
8 .......(1-8, 2-6, 3-4, 4-2)
7 .......(1-7, 2-5, 3-3, 4-1)
6 .......(1-6, 2-4, 3-2)
5 .......(1-5, 2-3, 3-1)
4 .......(1-4, 2-2)
3 .......(1-3, 2-1)
2 .......(1-2)
1 .......(1-1)

This two-step arrangement appears to capture some of the relationships between Alice Bailey's various Initiatic numbering systems: as if the "old" system denoted the nine Subplane Initiations of the Elemental Plane (1-1 to 1-9); the "standard" system contained the nine Subplane Initiations of the Physical Plane (2-1 to 2-9); the "Hierarchical" system described the nine Subplane Initiations of the Astral Plane (3-1 to 3-9), and the "Sirian" system denoted the nine Subplane Initiations of the Mental Plane (4-1 to 4-9). Thus the seventh tier illustrates her statements that the Seventh Initiation of old (1-7) is the standard Fifth Initiation (2-5), the Hierarchical Third Initiation (3-3), and the Sirian First Initiation (4-1). Too, the "old" or Elemental Fifth Initiation (not counting the Threshold, 1-1) of 1-6 would be equivalent to the "standard" Masonic Master (2-4). There is also a nice parallel between these 25 tiers and the 25 Duodeciles of the High Feasts of Self-Referent and Opposite Subrays --- 24 plus a return to the starting point --- that make up the four directional Pentacles of the Solar Calendar.

Yet another way to stack the subcastes is by equivalent triad, so that the Inner (Planetary) Court of Armigers equates with the Middle (Planetary) Court of Royals, and with the Outer (Planetary) Temple of Clergy, etc. This three-step arrangement delineates 33 tiers, from highest to lowest, thus:

33 Multiversal: (9-9) Elohim
32 Multiversal: (9-8) Seraphim
31 Multiversal: (9-7) Cherubim
30 Universal: (8-9, 9-6) Principals, Thrones
29 Universal: (8-8, 9-5) Doctors, Principalities
28 Universal: (8-7, 9-4) Magisters, Dominions
27 Galactic: (7-9, 8-6, 9-3) Ipsissimi, Baccalaureates, Virtues
26 Galactic: (7-8, 8-5, 9-2) Magi, Seniors, Archangels
25 Galactic: (7-7, 8-4, 9-1) Magistri Templi, Juniors, Angels
24 Constellation: (6-9, 7-6, 8-3) Cardinal Archbishops, Adepts Exempt, Sophomores
23 Constellation: (6-8, 7-5, 8-2) Cardinal Bishops, Adepts Major, Freshmen
22 Constellation: (6-7, 7-4, 8-1) Cardinal Priests, Adepts Minor, Probationers
21 Solar: (5-9, 6-6, 7-3) Emperors, Cardinal Deacons, Philosophi
20 Solar: (5-8, 6-5, 7-2) Kings, Archbishops, Practici
19 Solar: (5-7, 6-4, 7-1) Princes, Bishops, Theorici
18 Planetary: (4-9, 5-6, 6-3) Marshals, Dukes, Priests
17 Planetary: (4-8, 5-5, 6-2) Generals, Marquises, Deacons
16 Planetary: (4-7, 5-4, 6-1) Colonels, Earls, Subdeacons
15 National: (3-9, 4-6, 5-3) Grand Grange Arch-Masters, Majors, Viscounts
14 National: (3-8, 4-5, 5-2) Grand Grange Masters, Captains, Barons
13 National: (3-7, 4-4, 5-1) Grand Grange Fellows, Lieutenants, Knights
12 State: (2-9, 3-6, 4-3) Grand Guild Arch-Masters, Grand Grange Entrants, Sergeants
11 State: (2-8, 3-5, 4-2) Grand Guild Masters, Grange Arch-Masters, Corporals
10 State: (2-7, 3-4, 4-1) Grand Guild Fellows, Grange Masters, Privates
9 County: (1-9, 2-6, 3-3) Eremites, Grand Guild Entrants, Grange Fellows
8 County: (1-8, 2-5, 3-2) Sizars, Guild Arch-Masters, Grange Entrants
7 County: (1-7, 2-4, 3-1) Famuli, Guild Masters, Grange Postulants
6 Town: (1-6, 2-3) Hierodules, Guild Fellows
5 Town: (1-5, 2-2) Cupbearers, Guild Entrants
4 Town: (1-4, 2-1) Grooms, Guild Postulants
3 Family: (1-3) Carls
2 Family: (1-2) Bondsmen
1 Family: (1-1) Thralls

This 33-tiered system has the "correct" alignment of the Nine Subplanes with the Masonic Degrees of Mastery, e.g.: the seventh tier, the Atmic Subplane (1-7), yields the [Fifth] Initiation of Guild/Hall Master (2-4). There is also an interesting parallel between these 33 rungs and the 33 Festivals of the Year --- 32 plus a return to the starting point --- again, in a way the first and the last are equivalent.

While the 33 rungs show equivalent Realms --- Universal, Galactic, etc. --- one cannot generally move up the tiers as given above; to make a move into the first sub-caste of a higher caste, one must have completed the fourth sub-caste of the lower caste; thus in actuality the fifth subcaste of a given caste is equivalent to the first sub-caste of the next higher caste (and to the ninth sub-caste of the next lower caste); thus all the "Transcendental" sub-castes are equivalencies and transfer-conduits. This provides a four-step arrangement of 41 tiers, from highest to lowest thus, with their relevant titles:

41 (9-9) Elohim (Divine)
40 (9-8) Seraphim (Most Holy)
39 (9-7) Cherubim (Right Holy)
38 (9-6) Thrones (Holy)
37 (8-9, 9-5) Principals, Principalities (Splendid)
36 (8-8, 9-4) Doctors, Dominations (Most Illumined)
35 (8-7, 9-3) Magisters, Virtues (Right Illumined)
34 (8-6, 9-2) Baccalaureates, Archangels (Illumined)
33 (7-9, 8-5, 9-1) Ipsissimi, Seniors, Angels (Exalted)
32 (7-8, 8-4) Magi, Juniors (Most Illustrious)
31 (7-7, 8-3) Magistri Templi, Sophomores (Right Illustrious)
30 (7-6, 8-2) Adepts Exempt, Freshmen (Illustrious)
29 (6-9, 7-5, 8-1) Cardinal Archbishops, Adepts Major, Probationers (Magnificent)
28 (6-8, 7-4) Cardinal Bishops, Adepts Minor (Most Eminent)
27 (6-7, 7-3) Cardinal Priests, Philosophi (Right Eminent)
26 (6-6, 7-2) Cardinal Deacons, Practici (Eminent)
25 (5-9, 6-5, 7-1) Emperors, Archbishops, Theorici (Serene Grace)
24 (5-8, 6-4) Kings, Bishops (Most Excellent Reverend)
23 (5-7, 6-3) Princes, Priests (Right Excellent Reverend)
22 (5-6, 6-2) Dukes, Deacons (Excellent Reverend)
21 (4-9, 5-5, 6-1) Marshals, Marquises, Subdeacons (Most Noble)
20 (4-8, 5-4) Generals, Earls (Most Honorable)
19 (4-7, 5-3) Colonels, Viscounts (Right Honorable)
18 (4-6, 5-2) Majors, Barons (Honorable)
17 (3-9, 4-5, 5-1) Grand Garden Arch-Masters, Captains, Knights (Sir)
16 (3-8, 4-4) Grand Garden Masters, Lieutenants (Esquire)
15 (3-7, 4-3) Grand Garden Fellows, Sergeants (Esquire)
14 (3-6, 4-2) Grand Garden Entrants, Corporals (Master; Gentleman)
13 (2-9, 3-5, 4-1) Grand Guild Arch-Masters, Garden Arch-Masters, Privates (Master; Gentleman)
12 (2-8, 3-4) Grand Guild Masters, Garden Masters
11 (2-7, 3-3) Grand Guild Fellows, Garden Fellows
10 (2-6, 3-2) Grand Guild Entrants, Garden Entrants
9 (1-9, 2-5, 3-1) Eremites, Guild Arch-Masters, Garden Postulants
8 (1-8, 2-4) Sizars, Guild Masters
7 (1-7, 2-3) Famuli, Guild Fellows
6 (1-6, 2-2) Hierodules, Guild Entrants
5 (1-5, 2-1) Cupbearers, Guild Postulants
4 (1-4) Grooms
3 (1-3) Carls
2 (1-2) Bondsmen
1 (1-1) Thralls

(Again, if we remove the four lowest and four highest --- the outer Transcendental castes --- we are left with 33 "mortal" castes.) These 41 tiers may comprise the 16 Monadic or Christ Intitiations, plus the 24 Self-Referent- and Opposite-Subtray Feasts (the Directional Pentacles), plus the starting-point.

NOTE: Both the "Full" and the "Minimum" Hyper-hypersphere systems discussed in The Nine-Chakra System: The Lunar and Solar Calendars are, in a sense, skeletal, and allow for much advancement. We have stipulated the progression: (1) Logos to (1) Monadic "I AM" to (3-12) Atmic Demiurges to (3-12) Buddhic Archangels to (9-144) Causal Angels, where in truth, any given sphere may operate as a hierarchical level containing 13 more of the level below; the single Logoic Sphere has the potential fully to develop 13 Monads, which in turn may contain 169 Atmic Demiurges, which in turn could hold 2197 Buddhic Archangels, and 28,561 Causal Angels --- or minimally to develop 3 Monads, 9 Atmics, 27 Buddhics, and 81 Causals.

We note that in the Subcaste system, this "fleshed-out" numbering system generally prevails, and every subcaste may oversee between 3 and 12-13 members of the subcaste below. We may say that the Quests undergone by the Atmic Demiurges and their interactions with the Buddhic Archangels result in the eventual advancement of the Atmics to Monadic status, and of the Buddhics to Atmic status; there is always room at the top!

BACK to The Nine-Chakra System: The Lunar and Solar Calendars

The Solar Calendar: Liturgy and Folklore: The Book of Days