Places to Visit on the Net
The Bertone Family of Molise
- Includes history of Molise, and Sant'Angello in Grotte/Santa Maria del
Garry's Web page - Includes Italy
Alfano's GeoCities Web Sites - Dedicated to Italian Genealogy, History
and Culture
Homepage - Rossi and Ricci from Montaquila (my Father's commune).
Joe's Italian Genealogy Homepage
- Useful starting points for exploring your Italian heritage
Cyndi's Lists - List
of genealogical sites
Pallante Centre for Italian Research
-The Pallante Center is an independent reseaarch center, specializing in
Italian genealogy, and offering professional research services for people
of Italian descent worldwide. The Center relies on records in Italy and
LDS microfilmed records. Check Link to province of Isernia
Telemolise Homepage - Web page
for Molisani. Includes online news
Un Viaggio in Molise - Tourist information
NetPoint Service online - Molise
on-line, Web chat Molise, tourist information
In Italy Online - Accomodations,
Travelling to Italy, Bazaar, Italian Regions, Italy at your home, Italy
on the web
Historical Research Center - Your
family Name, history and coat of arms
Darthmount N.S. Family
History Centre- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
other family history centres in Canada.
NETTuno - Italian Tourist information
of the province of Isernia - List of parishes in Isernia, including
addresses, telephone numbers, and zip codes
Zip codes of Italy - Postal codes
of Italy and other important information
of comunes of Italy - Population of comunes
and telephone number searches for various counturies, including Italy
Italink - largest source
of Italian music on the internet. From the '60s to the '90s, including
traditional, folk, kids, eurodance, classical, dance, artists, groups.
Hundreds of real audio.
Italian Embassy in US - provides
up-to-date information about Italy in general, and Italian activities in
the United States.
PIE Mailing List - Mailing
list is for anyone interested in topics related to Italian genealogy
POINT (Pursuing
Our Italian Names Together) - THE American NETWORK of Italian Genealogy
- Database of Italian surnames submitted by COI mailing list members. Join
COI List
information on Italian culture, news, and politics for Italians abroad
ItalyItaly Magazine
- Magazine published in Rome and intended foor readers in the United States
and Canada
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Family History|Family
Photo Album|Roccaravindola|S.
Maria del Molise/Cantalupo
of Isernia|Towns of Molise|Italian
Chats|Places to visit on Net|Useful