Writings by Sadr |
Our Philosophy |
Our Economics |
Logical Basis
of Induction |
Discourses in
Jurisprudence |
Bank in Islam |
Directions on the Principles of Jurisprudence |
Al-Fatawa al-Wadhiha |
Modern Man and Social
Contradiction |
Islam Governs Life |
Concept of Freedom
in Quran |
Objective Interpretation
of Quran |
Ahlul-Bayit: One Mission,
Different Roles |
in History |
and School of Economics |
"I underwent all of my schooling in Najaf,
where Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr also studied. Baqir al-Sadr became
my friend and mentor, and it was he who encouraged me to combine
my religious convictions with political and social participation." |
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Islamic Books, Video, and
more |
by Imam Al-Sadr from
of Imam Al-Sadr
- Fadak
fi al-Tarikh
(Fadak in History), 1957
- Falsafatuna (Our Philosophy), 1959
- Eqtisaduan (Our Economics), 1961
- Al-Usus
al-Mantaqiyya lil Istiqra' (The Logical Basis of Inductive), 1972
- Al-Fatawa
(Clear Islamic Rules), 1974
- Al-Ma'alim
al-Jadidah lil Usul (New Directions of the Principles of Jurisprudence),
- al-Bank
al-la-Rubawi fi al-Islam (Non-usury Bank in Islam), 1977
- Durus
fi Eilm al-Usul
(Discources in Jurisprudence), 1978
- Buhuth
fi Sharh al-'Irwah al-Wothqa (Discourses on Explanation of al-'Irwah
al-Wothqa by
Yazdi Tabataba'i)
and Articles
- "Al-'Amal
wa al-Ahdaf" (The Deeds and the Goals): Min Fikr al-
Da'wah. no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation,
place and date of publication unknown.
- "Al-'Amal
al-Salih fi al-Quran" (The Proper Deeds According to Qur'an):
Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.
- Ahl al-Bayt:
Tanawu' Adwar wa-Wihdat Hadaf (The House Hold of the Prophet: Diversity
of roles but unified goal). Beirut: Dar al-Ta'ruf, 1985.
- Bahth
Hawla al-Mahdi
(Thesis on Messiah). Beirut: Dar al- Ta'ruf, 1983.
- Bahth
Hawla al-Wilayah
(Thesis on Rulership). Kuwait: Dar al- Tawhid, 1977.
- "Da'watana
il al-Islam Yajeb an Takun Enqilabiyah," (Our Call for Islam
Must be a Revolutionary): Fikr al-Da'wah, no. 13. Islamic Da'wah
Party, central propagation, place and date of publication unknown.
- "Dawr
al-A'imah fi al-Hayat al-Islamiyah" (The Role of Imams in
Muslims' Life): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.
- "al-Dawlah
al-Islamiyah" (The Islamic State), al-Jihad (14 March 1983): 5.
- "Hawla
al-Marhala al-Ula min 'Amal al-Da'wah" (On the First Stage
of Da'wah Political Program): Min Fikr al-Da'wah. no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central
propagation, place and date of publishing unknown.
- "Hawla
al-Ism wa-al-Shakl al-Tanzimi li-Hizb al-Da'wah al- Islamiyah"
(On the Name and the Structural Organization of Islamic Da'wah
Party): Min
Fikr al-Da'wah.
no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and
date of publication unknown.
- "al-Huriyah
fi al-Quran" (Freedom according to Quran): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra',
- "al-Itijahat
al-Mustaqbaliyah li-Harakat al-Ijtihad" (The Future Trends
of the Process of Ijtihad): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1980.
- al-Insan
al-Mu'asir wa-al-Mushkilah al-Ijtima'yah (The contemporary man and the Social
Problem). al-Madrasah
3rd ed. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1980.
- "al-Janib
al-Iqtisadi Min al-Nizam al-Islami" (The Economic Perspective
of Islamic System): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.
- Khalafat
al-Insan wa-Shahadat al-Anbia' (Vicory role of man, and Witness role
of Prophets): al-Islam
Yaqwod al-Hayat.
Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.
- Khatut
Tafsiliyah 'An Iqtisad al-Mujtama' al-Islami (General Basis of Economics
of Islamic Society): al-Islam Yaqud al-Hayah. Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance,
- Lamha
fiqhiyah Hawla Dustur al-Jumhuriyah al-Islamiyah (A preliminary jurisprudence
basis of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic): al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry
of Guidance, n.d.
- Madha
Ta'ruf 'an al-Iqtisad al-Islami (What do you know about Islamic Economics).
Yaqwod al-Hayat
Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.
- Manabi'
al-Qudra fi al-Dawlah al-Islamiyah (The Sources of Power in an Islamic
State). al-Islam
Yaqwod al-Hayat
Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.
- "al-Mihna"
(The Ordeal). Sawt
no. 5, 6, 7. (n.d).
- Minhaj
(The Path of the Righteous). Beirut: Dar al- Ta'aruf, 1980.
- Muqaddimat
fi al-Tafsir al-Mawdu'i Lil-Quran (Introductions in Thematic Exegesis
of Quran). Kuwait:
Dar al- Tawjyyh al-Islami, 1980.
- "Nazarah
'Amah fi al-'Ibadat" (General Outlook on Worship): al-Fatawa al-Wadhiha. Beirut: Dar
al-Ta'aruf, 1981.
- "al-Nazriyah
al-Islamiyah li-Tawzi' al-Masadr al-Tabi'iyah" (Islamic
Theory of Distribution of Natural Resources): Ikhtarna Lak.
Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.
- "al-Nizam
al-Islami Muqaranan bil-Nizam al-Ra'smali wa-al- Markisi"
(The Islamic System Compared with The Capitalist and The Marxist
Systems). Ikhtarna
Beirut: Dar-al Zahra', 1982.
- "Risalatuna
wa-al-Da'wah" (Our Message and Our Sermon). Risalatuna. Beirut: al-Dar al-Islamiyah,
- "Al-Shakhsiyah
al-Islamiyah" (Muslim Personality): Min Fikr al-Da'wah al-Islamiyah (Of the Thoughts of
Islamic Da'wah). no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation,
place and date of publication unknown.
- Surah
'An Iqtisad al-Mujtama' al-Islami (A Perspective on the Economy of Muslim
Society). al-Islam
Yaqwod al-Hayat
Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.
- "al-Usus
al-Amah li-al-Bank fi al-Mujtam al-Islami" (The General
Basis of Banks in Islamic Society). in al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran:
Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.
- "Utruhat
al-Marja'iyah al-Salihah" (Thesis on Suitable Marja'iyah).
In Kazim al-Ha'iri, Mabahith fi 'Ilm al-Usul.Qum, Iran: n.p., 1988.
- "al-Yaqin
al-Riyadi wa-al-Mantiq al-Waz'i" (The Mathematic Certainty
and the Phenomenal Logic): Ikhtrna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.
- "Preface
to al-Sahifah al-Sajadiyah" (of Imam Ali ibn Hussein
al-Sajad) Tehran:
al-Maktabah al-Islamiyah al-Kubra, n.d.
in English Translation
- The Awaited
Translated by Mustajab A. Ansari. Karachi, Pakistan: Islamic
Seminary Publication, 1979.
- Islam
and School of Economics. Translator name unknown. Albany, CA: Muslim Students
Association, n.d.
- Our Philosophy. Translated by Shams
C. Inati. London: Muhammadi Trust, 1987
- A Study
in the Philosophy of Islamic Rites. Translated by Yasin T. Al-Jibouri
- Thematic Approach to Tafsir Translated
from Arabic by Mujahid Husayn
- Essay
on Iqtisad
- Trends
of History in Quran
- A Short
History of Ilm-ul-Usul
- He, His Message, His Messenger
- An Inquiry
Concerning Al-Mahdi
- Iqtisaduna Vols
- Shi'ism, The Natural Product Of Islam
- Introduction to al-Sahifa al-Sajadiyya
- Islam Guides Life
by Mallat and Yamani. U.K.: Cambridge Univeresity Press, 1998
- Islamic Economy as we believe
- Who and What of the Mahdi?
- Role of the Shiah Imams in the Reconstruction
of Islamic Society
- Letter written to Ayatullah Baqir As-Sadr
- What is an Islamic Republic?
- Continuity and Change in the Intellectual
in Expectation of the Millennium:
Shi'ism in History,
by Edited, Annotated and with an Introduction by Seyyed Nasr
Hossein, Hamid Dabashi, Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
- Economic Theory and Practices
in Expectation of the Millennium:
Shi'ism in History,
by Edited, Annotated and with an Introduction by Seyyed Nasr
Hossein, Hamid Dabashi, Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr
in French Translation
- Aperçu de l'Economie Islamique, Ed.: Bibliothèque
Paris, 1983
- Le Chiisme: Prolongement Naturel de la Ligne du
Prophète Ed.:
Bibliothèque Ahl-Elbeit, Paris, 1983
- Le Révélateur, le Messager, le Message Ed.: Bibliothèque
Ahl-Elbeit, Paris, 1983
- Regard général sur la Signification
des actes cultuels (`Ibâdât)
- The Emergence of Shi`ism and the Shi`ites, Montréal, 1997
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