Miss You
A tear to a smile
A smile to a frown
You're so pretty
When i fall at your feet
Placing kisses with each beat
Covering your body
From toes to nose
Ov'er belly i 'pose
Hips to lips
Caress your finger tips
Longing for you treasured whisp(ers)
It is for you i need
It is for you my heart does bleed
Sucking the life from your flesh
As arms and legs intermesh
MMMmmmmmm Miss YOU
The Race
By Beethoven
Start your engines
Silk flag falls
Body heat flowing through the corners
Hands racing down her back
Tensions mount on the track
Intertwined as they bump and grind
Hips rub 2:4 time
Heat rising as they meet
Clothes laying at their feet
Hearts racing beat after beat
Wanting for their first meet(ing)
Wishing you could see
You are a beauty
Counting the hours til you call
Voice of angels echo the wall
Dreams of you moisten my lips
Thoughts of your treasured hips
Whispery kisses placed upon her ear
Feeling her breathe as she draws near
Soft sucking kisses upon her neck
Sweet baby kisses upon her breast
Glistening bodies of sweat
Thoughts of you making me wet
Nibbling upon her flesh
It is you i ingest
Devouring you from within
Where is it i shall begin??
Slow wet kisses down below
Wondering just how far she will go
'Round the corner... into the straight-a-way
Following her every which way
Drafting her shadows up to the walls
Listening to her sweet calls
Rhythm of the engines; keeping pace
Thoughts return of silk and lace
Devils grin on an angels face
The chase makes me race
Pain gives to gain
Pleasure in her name