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Order Wine Like a Snob

Even the most confident among us
can be intimidated by a man in a
cheap tuxedo with a bad haircut, if
that man is handing us a wine list. Here's how
to look as if you know what you're doing, even
if you don't:

1.Order wine #19 (if there's a #19 on the list, that is). Most
wine lists are numbered. Give it a cursory once-over, then
quickly suggest a wine. Dawdling gives the impression
you're struggling.
2.Never order anything pink. Almost all pink wine is bad
wine. Synonyms for pink include blush, rosé and, in some
cases, white, as in white zinfandel.
3.If you're not sure you can pronounce it, don't try.
Order something you can pronounce with confidence. If
you see a pouilly fuisse on the list and order a
"pooly-fussy," you might as well have announced, "I'm a
no-culture bonehead."
4. No matter what the wine tastes like, use one of these
three phrases as you sip it: "Lots of stuffing in the
mouth." "An extremely well-balanced wine." And
"devilishly decadent." Use each only once. Say nothing else.
Nobody (including you) will know what the hell you're
talking about, so everyone will think you're a genius.

Where Oh Where to Wear Cologne?

The best place to wear cologne is pretty
much anywhere you can take your pulse.
Behind your ears, on your wrist or at the
base of your throat are all good choices,
says Lois Mander, assistant vice president
of Ralph Lauren fragrances. The
reasoning? The body's heat rises to the
skin's surface most easily at these pulse points, activating the
fragrance more quickly.
Another theory holds that since fragrance rises with body heat,
you should splash a small amount on the chest and abdomen.
It will rise slowly throughout the day, creating a time-release
effect. Either method is fine, as long as you abide by the one
overriding principle of colognes: Just a little, please, for
everyone's sake.

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