The Spiritualist Religion Page

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What People Think

  • I would like to say how wonderful your site is and I am sooooo pleased that I managed to find it. I have already been to a Spiritualist church but didn't really understand what they believed beyond the fact that you can talk to spirits. You have enlightened me to the Spiritualist belief and answered many of my questions. Thank you so much for a fantastic site! (Dawn)
  • I felt a huge sense of loss for my faith - until I read your website and everything had clicked into place and makes sense. I can have a God - the God of understanding - of those who have gone before. I have cried today at what I have read, and found. THANK YOU. (Helen)
  • My wife and I cannot thank you enough for putting together such a wonderful website. For me personally you put many questions to rest, while creating many new ones, which is good. This is the beginning of a new journey for us, and we again express our appreciation. (Scott & Grace)
  • Nearly 3 years ago I emailed you, and you set my mind at ease about visiting a Spiritualist event where there was platform work on display. Since then, not only have I been a regular visitor, but I have taken part in courses on psychic and spiritual development, meditation and healing. I have never looked back. I just want to say thanks, and my original enquiries with you have set me up on a better pathway of life than I had hitherto experienced. I am now very aware of Spirit and the worlds around us. (Barry)
  • What a fantastic site! There is so much to read and learn that I think I'll become a frequent visitor. You have a great talent for explaining areas of Spiritualism that I find very difficult to put into words, especially the objections raised by Christians. (Vanessa)
  • I would just like to say how nice it was to see a web page that shows Spiritualism's true purpose and meaning as there are so many people who misunderstand the teachings and beliefs that come from this religion.  In my experience with Spiritualism I have come across some strange things, and none more than the looks people give when you mention that you're a medium. I would just like to congratulate you on the web page and urge you to please never give up the good work. (Mark)
  • I just visited your website and wanted to Thank You - it is an excellent resource for anyone, whether they are just curious about Spiritualism or already practicing. I have been studying Spiritualism for over a year now.  While I haven't joined a church yet, I regularly attend. I plan on becoming a Spiritualist pastor. Recently, I started a spiritual development class, and many of the questions you have answered are frequently asked questions with new and old members of the group. Your website will be an enormous help in answering these questions. (Marcie)
  • As I was surfing the net I came upon your web-site. WOW! I would like to commend you on the material posted on the subject of Spiritualism; very accurately stated and presented. Thank you for the very thorough work you have done to inform the public about our belief system. (Rev. Lisa)
  • I have been involved with spiritualism for over five years but during the last two or three I have taken steps away from it. Recently though, I have begun to look seriously at the whole subject again. I attended a church but found it a touch too...impersonal and basic for my needs. I was beginning to despair about the whole situation until I came across your document. Your document outlines very precisely and clearly the basic rules I have been reaching to solidify. You explained concepts that I am familiar with, you put them all into the right context without going into unnecessary (but still fascinating!) detail, and you even shed new light, or led me to a better understanding of concepts I was very familiar with ('Harmony' as opposed to 'Balance'). It was wonderful to read your document and to see almost precisely what I would have written if I had been more confident in my own beliefs! (Grant)
  • I spent this morning visiting the wonderful pages of your website and was so pleased with all the information you provide. Thank you for your passion and commitment to Spirit and Life! Your sharing has taught me a lot. I just moved and found that there is a Spiritualist Church near me. I've been in contact with the secretary of this church and I look forward to attending next Sunday. From your website, I've learned that I already believe much as Spiritualists do. (Cynthia)
  • I occasionally attend a Spiritualist church. The doctrines of the church seem to make sense to me and you have articulated them beautifully in your document. (Pat)
  • Hi, I'm the chairman for Public Relations in my state's Spiritualist Association of Churches. Having been in Spiritualism since the age of 3, currently awaiting the pastoral skills, and having completed the MPI course, I have to commend you on a well presented web site. I found in more on your site than any other one that was all about Spiritualism. You did a very good outline of Spiritualism and I know more and more will be sending hits to this page. (Gail)
  • was about two years ago that I first wrote to you to compliment you on your very in depth and honest web site. My own path is progressing steadily, as I don't believe in pushing things, and I have learned much in that time. Just wanted to say hello again as I often pop on to your pages for inspiration. Thank you once again. (Pete)
  • Thank you for having this great site on the net about Spiritualism. I have attended a Spiritualist church since March 1998. I am still observing and learning, always with an open mind and a loving heart. I really enjoyed reading what you have to explain about this wonderful religion. I think you are very clear in your understanding and this should serve as a very helpful site to all. Thank you very much. (Mary Ann)
  • I have spent part of the afternoon browsing through different sites associated with a number of different religions and I found your site refreshing and welcoming. (Heather)
  • .... reading your entire website. It was a very gratifying experience. In addition to the information you provided with clarity and very effective examples, I felt a spirit in you that I sensed truly believed the words I was reading... I found many truths which I have come to believe in my life, and have been frustrated to find are uncommon among those people whom I know. I felt a sense of "harmony" and acceptance" in your rebuttal of those views which are unfriendly to your beliefs. (Stephen)
  • I personally found your page to be very informative. I am a developing medium and a member of a Spiritualist Church....I have found a great sense of love and belonging at my church and it was in stark contrast to the cold sense I got with the Episcopalians...I feel this page does a great service to our faith and the perpetuation of the science of Spiritualism. (Robert)
  • I am the President of a Spiritualist church ... and also a candidate for the Spiritualist Ministry taking the course through the Morris Pratt Institute. I have read over most of your web page and I must say "THANK YOU". It is a very well written page and presents our religion quite nicely...I will pass this on to the people at our church and to other churches as well. Thanks for caring enough to "do your part". (Peter)
  • I understand now! I tried and tried but couldn't accept any formal religion - yet, I knew that there is a 'greater force' - I have felt it many times in my lifetime .... (G)
  • Before my mom's passing she asked me to go back to church, and I didn't want to go back into the Lutheran Religion for the simple fact that I was believing in the Spiritualist beliefs. Long before I knew what the Spiritualist beliefs were. I really thought that I was the only one that had believed like this, but I am finding out more and more that there are many people out there that believe the same way that I do. It was a true Blessing to read your informative website, and I hope that more people find it and get the answers that they need. Thank you ever so much. (Larry)
  • I love your web page ....I have been a Spiritualist for over 25 years ... Love to all and keep up the good work on the web. (David)
  • I'm a Spiritualist Minister in the UK. Nice to see your well organized pages and to read your tolerance of others, something that is so important to Spiritualists. As you state so many people just don't know that Spiritualism is a legally recognized religion - by Act of Parliament in the UK...That is a message we still have to get across...Keep up the good work. (Clive)
  • Thanks for your nice page. I am currently a Mormon but I have been feeling like my church is becoming more secular and lacks compassion. So I am kind of trying to reconcile a few things myself. I appreciate your work it has been helpful. (Kent)
  • I just wanted to tell you that I think your Spiritualist web site is terrific. can't always be open about one's religion for fear of being ostracized, so to speak.... thank-you for having the courage to put up a web site, and a good one too. (Pamela)
  • I've always felt a little out of place when it comes to religion, I feel awkward trying to explain my beliefs to others, even though they are clear and seem right to me. ... But more and more each day I find myself looking for something out there, wondering "well, how would I define all my beliefs?" So... that's what got me to type "spiritual" on the Yahoo! the other day... I didn't know my "school of thought" had a name :) but it fits nicely, so I guess I am a "Spiritualist" :) (Maria)
  • I just wanted to compliment you on a great web page! I myself am just getting into Spiritualism--over the last 5-6 months or so--and your page was a great source of info. (Susannah)
  • Thank you for the Spiritualism web page. ...I just gave up on finding one (a religion) that would feel right. It felt so good, to find that there is a religion that believes what I do. You did a wonderful job of conveying this information. (Julia)
  • Evil and deceptive spirit, you have no place on the internet. Your mission will fail and you will come to destruction. In the name of Jesus be gone from this place. In the name of Jesus, you must flee! (name withheld by webmaster)
  • I found your page today as I was surfing the web and was very impressed. You put a lot of thought and work into it and did a marvelous job. It's nice to see so many pages springing up. As you say, there weren't any when you started but thank you for what you did. (Lynn)
  • I would just like to say that finding your page has been the best thing to happen to me in ages. I was looking for information after a Spiritualist friend suggested I might find it suited me. The info in your basics page was excellent, really excellent. It saved my friend hours of questioning. :) So, a very big thank you. (Lyn)
  • Congratulations!!!! You and your friend have written the most concise Spiritualism 101 I have read. BLESSINGS TO YOU ALL!!!! (Mike)
  • Just wanted to let you know I think your page is very informative, and I was so happy to come across something on the net. (Jane)

Thank you for the compliments! Like many people, I believe that the little corner I live in is the whole world. When I get mail from other countries, I get jolted out of my American egocentrism. It's great! People from the following countries have written me:

  • Australia
  • Bangladesh
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Hong Kong
  • Mexico
  • The Netherlands
  • Republic of Panama
  • South Africa
  • Turkey
  • United Kingdom

Your input really means a lot to me. It makes me feel good to know that people everywhere are learning about Spiritualism, particularly because it is so often misunderstood and misinterpreted. I always look forward to getting mail, and I enjoy helping people.

As for those who think Spiritualism is something other than positive and God oriented, well, they have some reading and learning to do. Names withheld to protect the ignorant (from further embarrassing themselves).

Perhaps the best part is knowing that as people begin letting their Spirituality, Love, and Compassion show through, the world improves. We need more spirituality, love, and compassion in our world, but it starts with you - on the most personal level - your everyday thoughts, actions, and attitudes.

In everyday life, each person affects others, usually in very subtle ways that we aren't normally aware of. As your vibration becomes higher due to spiritual learning, that vibration affects those who are around and about you. Good vibration has a way of "rubbing off" on others. If you learn something from this site, it is sure to "rub off", and I am happy to be a small part of that. Understanding Spiritualism, knowing that death is but a doorway, and realizing that Spirit comes back out of love to help and guide us, enables the process.

Again, a most sincere thank-you. Many blessings to each and every one of you.

In love and harmony,

Joe Loffredo