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Punching Bag

This is where i let everything out. Feels much better after firing off several punches at the punching bag. If you wish to, read on.

Please leave a message!
Chatbox's at the right. (Close that d***ed Yahoo advertisement)

Randox: Stop bloody tapping my internet connection/phone line/shadowing me. That's hacking/invasion of privacy. I'll make sure you burn in hell for that.


Friday 12th October 2007
At JS's encouragement, I am going to try out a transition to WordPress. It should give my readers more flexbility in commenting on my posts, although it will limit the freedom I have over the coding.

And here is the link: Varnish Is Pretty. It Smells Bad..

Tuesday 9th October 2007
Ah yes. Finally I have something to talk about. Webcasting cock fighting. It amuses me to no end that the same people (commentators on the article included) who find manipulating animals to fight for fun and profit downright disgusting are the same people who swear by WWE - humans (the producers) manipulating other humans (the wrestlers) for fun (of the audience) and profit (in the millions, no less). Didn't you know that everything in WWE is scripted? Willing human or unwilling avian participant, blood or feathers do not need to be shed. A willing participant doesn't make "cruelty" any less cruel.

And of the American legislature trying to bring down the webcasts? For every push America makes like that, I am willing to guarantee you that there will be an even greater push in the other direction against American intellectual and cultural imperialism. As the Chinese adage goes, 井水不犯河水, meaning you keep to your boundaries, I'll keep to mine and we won't offend each other. America needs to learn a bit of restraint.

Last but not least, what of the people commenting on the article? Some of them were outright ludicrous to make generalising statements, without qualification, such as "harming any animal is wrong" (and invoking an appeal to religion in the process). In one of the better twists of idiomatic expressions, these people need to "live and let die". There was even one who sweepingly dismissed the link between cockfighting and hunting or fishing, made by the producer of the webcasts, as two different circumstances of killing for fun and killing to eat. Do you really think all hunting and fishing is killing to eat? Oh my, from the land of the free and fair, haven't you heard of "big game hunting"? It's fair game in America for anyone's rifle to take down a/an (insert large mammal here), hack its head off to hang up as a trophy and boast about it to your neighbours. You'll find millions of these in rancher's houses, cottages. And what of fishing tournaments? Wait, the commentator even goes so far as to suggest that the link is lame [teenage vocabulary detected]! What doesn't stand isn't the link; it's the commentator's nonchalant dismissal, the argument of which has just been summarily crippled for an invalid premise that hasn't been thought through enough.

And, boy, I do love my sardonic sense of linguistic humour.

Thursday 4th October 2007
Continuing with my blogging instead of letting one or a few ruin my online experience, one day ago: me vs. lizard = 1-nil. I don't think you'll be interested in the bloody details. Well it wasn't that bloody, although I managed to smack its tail off after slamming it into a wall from roughly 3 metres distance (lucky hit). If I see one again, I will stab it, smack it, skew it with my prototype lizard skewer no. 1, basically a fork attached to the end of a long pole. I will no longer tolerate cleaning up lizard shit everyday.

Today I find myself awake again at 5.20am. I'll forget about sleeping this time. I'll fall asleep in pointless lectures instead. Great big YAWN.

Monday 1st October 2007
I will leave the chatbox posts as they are, for all who view this blog to look upon and shame.

Whoever is fake, leave quietly, or stop impersonating. Whoever left the rude, vulgar comments, real or fake, you'd better write another post asking me to delete them from the chatbox. Otherwise, you've read the large text just above.

If you are one person... then shame on you. Get off my tagboard and find something productive to do. It will benefit you well.

Bullshit. The real 'unknown' is one with the Capiital letter at the start. BUSTED! Now suck my cork and call me harry u lousy doppelganger
01 Oct 07 23:08

no more posts???
01 Oct 07 23:05

The proof is here.

Enough is enough
Bow low before Dignity;
The Master has judged.

Sunday 16th September 2007
The touch of good, professional hairdressers is very relaxing when they wash / massage your hair / head.

I realise the analogy might be a little out-of-context, but, imagine not professionalism, but the intimate touch of a lover.

Melt? O_O

And no, I don't have any experience of it so wipe off the smirk that's already started to form on your lips.

Friday 14th September 2007
It. Is. Over. After spending Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights awake, my project is OVER. Do not, within a period of one week, say the word "airship" to me or I shall... chuck you away in an airship 18000 m above the ground and leave you to rot.

I can finally sleep now.

Then I need to catch up on the lectures and tutorials I'm lagging behind because of that project.

Unknown, let's meet. This is the real thing presenting you with an opportunity to get up close and personal. =P Or you can come to NTU on 27th and watch me speak.

Monday 10th September 2007 6.51am
I didn't sleep. I am still awake at 6.51am, having worked upon my project throughout the night, which remains unfinished.

In uni, I just have no time for myself. When I'm not doing CCA, I'm doing tutorials, when I'm not doing either, I'm doing some project. It has probably been about a month since I enjoyed a movie, and just to illustrate further, I haven't bothered to take the time to even cut my (overly long) nails.

Right now, I haven't yet done a tutorial needed tomorrow, I am terribly hungry and in need of sleep, and I face a 6.30pm + CCA till 10pm day.

Is this what it's all about?

Friday 7th September 2007
Let me guess. You were born in the year 1990, and either another metal horse or a fire tiger had something to do with it. Am I far off the mark?

Thursday 6th September 2007 afternoon
If this keeps up, I can consider a career in private investigation soon. Since you absolutely refuse to tell me the who, where and when, I'm left with the how and why, which I will ask now. =P

How did you start reading my blog? Did a friend recommend it, or did you stumble upon it? Why have you kept your presence in the dark for so long, only to reveal it a week ago? Why have you revealed it at all? Oh, by the way (sneaking in a question here), are you from NTU?

Wednesday 5th September 2007
Interestingly enough, at least to myself, I know that my English, when spoken properly and accented, focuses people's attention and in university, invites the question, "are you Singaporean or...?" What with the disparity between speech and looks. I didn't know my written English attracted people too.

But that means they adore my English, not me... Nu? Hahaha. How long have you been reading my blog, Unknown?

Speaking of the word "adore"... this reminds me of the chorus of a certain song...

My eyes adored you
Though I never laid a hand on you
My eyes adored you
Like a million miles away from me you couldn't see
How I adored you
So close, so close and yet so far

-Frankie Valli, "My Eyes Adored You"

Tuesday 4th September 2007
Every time I look at them, I realise I can't get over the front and back covers of Elva's 1087 album (the original, red one). And 1087 was a very good album too.

Today I shall tell you the story of my watch. Of course, it is not the story of my watch as it was designed, but a story I thought of to describe the watch and why I bought it.
Space and time are captured effortlessly by this watch, named "Faraways" (genuine Swatch name, not something of my conjuring).. the polished, shiny blue face represents the dazzling sky, with the sun and moon depicted as two superimposing images; the inset circle and lines within the crescent representing the sun and its rays, with the crescent itself representing the moon. The two-tone hour and minute hands represent the duality of day and night, an idea also evoked by the depiction of the sun and moon. The four triangles on the outer, polished rim of the face represent the four compass points, while the second hand, with its arrowhead, points to all directions while it rotates 360 degrees. At the same time, since the triangles point in and the second-hand arrowhead points out, they oppose, negate and represent the "directionlessness" of space, a lack of orientation one experiences while free-floating in space. As the hands of the watch move (as do all watches), cycles of time complete and together with the rest of the design, the watch is a window and a journey into space-time, into the faraways of our universe.

Monday 3rd September 2007
At least, some people, like Unknown, are kind enough. Thanks Unknown. But I'm still very busy and tired these days. Did I give myself too many things to do?

Tuesday 28th August 2007
There are really so few people I can trust even here. In a uni. Like I said before, even so-called friends only bother about you if it fits into their plans. Otherwise it's "bye I'm going now, you're on your own". Real camaraderie seems non-existent. I've been left behind by the same group of people twice, no less, maybe more. Is it so hard to wait even for friends? Maybe, maybe, I'll try not to bother with such people.. if they're prepared to leave me alone behind all the time, I should be prepared to leave them alone behind too in other matters.

Oh one more thing I don't get. People here are university students but they don't behave like them. I'm talking about the "so what?" attitude - people living in their own little worlds. Dirty toilet seats (can't aim properly but refuse to clean up), bags all over the place even over and onto the chair of the person in front (just don't bother to put properly so it doesn't lean on the back of the person in front - happens in LTs where the rows of seats are stepped), chairs all over the place blocking paths (can't be bothered to push in after use), some guy even brought a nice cup of coffee on an air-con shuttle bus, didn't bother even after getting scolded by the bus captain, and even now while I write this some guy just walked into the reading/study room with a canned drink. I hope he wipes the table dry after finishing, assuming its a cold drink with water vapour condensing and dripping down.

People who just treat the entire place as their own personal playground - I meet them all the time. Sad fact.

Thursday 23rd August 2007 (or rather 24th morning)
My alarm is at 7am and I'm still awake now at 4.30am. I must be one crazy fucker. Saded. I realised you can't rely on even your so-called friends most of the time. Trust no one. Vibe here: first and foremost, if it doesn't suit me, then you can just fuck off. I'll look out for you if I like it, too bad if I don't. I just feel all alone here in NTU even with 2 JC classmates. Only perhaps one or two people I know aren't like that.

Wednesday 22nd August 2007
I bought a box of chocolate wafer/biscuit thingies =S    but then I realised I had no fridge, and my roommate didn't want to help me eat (he was busy with some hot date), so I ended up having to finish the whole box myself. I'm gonna get a sore throat and lose my voice. >_< Help.

Thursday 16th August 2007
School has started already lah. I am so busy lah. All you lucky overseas bastards who are still holidaying now... BUSY.

My compiler refuses to compile my C program.
I just want to...

int number;
printf("Select 1 to fuck this compiler or any other integer to leave it alone.");
scanf("%d", &number);

if (number == 1)
printf("I'm fucked. I'm so sorry I refused to compile your program.");


...and select 1.

Or maybe it's VISTA that's causing all the problems. Because the compiler was designed for XP and below.

Wednesday 8th August 2007
Haven't had the heart to update the past 3 weeks.. anyway.

RUSH HOUR 3 - was good. But it was too short.
Sailor Sapporo Silver Trim - my new fountain pen! Fine nib. Amazingly smooth. Japanese.
Swatch Faraways - my new watch.

Take epic journeys through time and space - www.world-mysteries.com
In particular, Mesoamerica interested me the most - the Mayans and Olmecs. And so did Ancient Egypt. They left behind mysteries and legacies, and we have yet to fully understand the wisdom of the ancients.

My friends - many are leaving for studies overseas soon. I'm going to be so lonely.

I want to go into the past, and rediscover that which was known but is now forgotten. We are but a small chapter in the history of mankind. Times have gone and times will come. Humankind as we know it now; we are but nothing.

Journey back through time, and marvel.

Tuesday 17th July 2007
-cockroach fighting exploits: wise words from a veteran- yes, it is exactly what it says. Prepare your canister, check your aim, and fire. In case of a prolonged firefight with a resistant target on the ceiling, don goggles - you don't want a taste of your own medicine, if eyes could taste. Then mop up afterwards - there will be much in the way of collateral damage, to your property, no less. I once killed a lizard by shooting it with a toy gun - maybe I could do the same for cockroaches. I don't want insecticide drifting down into my eyes again. -.-

On another note.

Hola. Me llamo Ambrose. Soy singapurense y tengo veinte años. Soy estudiante de español en NTU. A veces, mi clase de español me aburre. Sin embargo, el profesor de español es muy simpático y amable. Se llama Olger Portilla. Tiene treinta y cinco años. Sigh, no tengo nada para escribo... yo me voy... quiero jugar con el ordenador... quiero gozar... hasta luego. Usualmente, quiero salir con mis amigos, pero no tengo muchos amigos, y siempre mis amigos estan muy ocupado, no tienen tiempo para salen... quiero una novia...

Sunday 8th July 2007
I'm checking my e-mail and betting to myself whether that new mail I've got is spam or not... Oh well... things you do when you're... bored?

Saturday 30th June 2007 5.17am
Here I am at 5.17am sitting at my laptop typing this. I just got back home; certainly, this is the latest I've stayed out. Not to mention that I have a headache.

Today's programme was as follows: secondary sch class BBQ 7pm, followed by movie at 1.30am, Transformers Digital@Cathay. Throughout the whole period, I had multiple glasses of white and red wine, first Chilean Sauvignon Blanc, then Australian CSM (Cabernet Shiraz Merlot - a heavy mix of 3 varieties) and Shiraz, much lighter, less complex than the CSM mix, and finally Spanish Vi�a Sol, the lightest of all the wines I had tonight, very short aftertaste, perfect for a hot day chilled. The original programme was the Spanish wine followed progressively by the Sauvignon Blanc, Shiraz and CSM, but the weather decided to give a fit so instead of hot weather we had intermittent rain and the whole thing went out the window, so we ended up drinking the lightest wine last.

Catching up with the class after not having seen each other for some time was marvelous; some of us have changed a lot, some still the same, but we're all still bonded like the old days. Our teacher invited us to give him a ring anytime we felt like appreciating some wine - very nice chap. Admittedly, the first question I asked him when I saw the drinks chiller was, "is there wine?" He was delighted to find that at least one of us shared the same interest in wine as him. Besides me, there's about a couple more chaps interested in wines as well.

After the BBQ, a number of us headed down to Harry's for some drinks before the movie, where I had a couple more, one pure and one cocktail - a glass of Cockburn's Special Reserve Port, followed by Harry's 1992. After the port, the Harry's tasted like water - but it left me hungry - I ate one hotdog from the box office at Cathay. Admittedly, I was already a little off with the drinks from the BBQ, and the Harry's sealed in the headache I had throughout the movie, though it must have also been due to a host of other factors, like the cold in the movie theatre. I tried the Port because I had never done so before, and I heard that Port is like wine without the bitter aftertaste. Well, it did taste exactly like that, though I would say that the glass I had was much heavier than a lot of wines I've had before, and the aroma reminded me of caramel.

Transformers was... interesting. Major takeaway tonight - everything, actually (except the food - haha). I've never tasted so many alcohols in one night before. Ok. Now I need water. Lots of it.

Friday 29th June 2007
I'm getting more and more bad dreams lately, that wake me up.

Thursday 28th June 2007
Today is very sian. Woke up feeling sian, went to school feeling sian, sat in lesson feeling sian, went back feeling sian, still feeling sian. I'm going to need some really big distractions. Luckily I just bought a CD and have 2 new books to read.

Is my life going to be filled with only work, music and books? Music and books are good, but that doesn't sound very tantalising.

The Cherry QQ's front was designed to give the impression of a smiley face. I never noticed.

Wednesday 27th June 2007
What an ignominious end to tonight. No good game, played horribly, lost every one, no good talk, my friend disappeared on MSN without saying a thing (am I that nice to dao), while MSN decided to throw another fit while I chatted with a new friend, and even the music seems off... I miss a beat, drop out of rhythm. Empty, empty, empty hours spent tonight. Perhaps the only consolations are that Tech Support replied to my problem concerning my desktop, and that the music on Class 95 is somehow so familiar, that 80s and 90s era...

So sian. So empty, these hours, and these days. Maybe I need more friends. But do they need me?

Just me and my music... slow, unhurried, tinged with sorrow. It wraps me up like a blanket, can it ease the pain, just a little?

What can satisfy my longing, and how?

Sunday 24th June 2007
I am so in tune with the feelings of the music, of the groove around me, I can just let go and lose myself in music, but, I can't immerse myself in music all the time... So sad... I think I can only really be me... when there's music. I feel this... rush? Like as if I am one with the soul of the music... the emotion... Music brings forth feeling in me...

The bass, the drums, the rhythm and melody, the singer(s)... the whole ATMOSPHERE...

I've experienced this feeling so many many times before, but, I just never get around to actively persuing it. I don't know how to. Maybe this life, I'm destined to just searching and searching, and catching a glimpse of, but never really actually finding myself... I wanna try wushu, archery, and I can shoot well with a gun, I mean, air rifle, army and all that jazz, not that I go around shooting people... and play computer games, but, where is the music...? And it doesn't really help that I can't sing very well, and can't dance too...

Music from the 80s and 90s, it's just me... I want.

I was just listening to some tracks from U2 and Tears For Fears... so... good. Though, an exception may be Maroon 5, they're not from the 80s and 90s are they. Makes Me Wonder.

Saturday 23rd June 2007
I've been eating chocolates recently... this urge... they're nice. I like. Sigh. (._.)

I'm bored, again, as usual. I want to go out but nobody's free, or I just have too little friends. Besides my laptop and MSN, I pretty much don't get to do anything with other people. I want some new shirts, but I don't want to shop alone. I need a fashionista/fashionisto, sigh.

Anyway, I found this link. Allie's Attic, one of her posts on "online ettiquette". Make what you will of it/her attitude. I hold doors open, but I'd sure as hell like to slam them in her face. When people say "thank you", it makes me happy that I held the door, which makes them happy because the door is being held for them. When people, like her, take it for granted, it makes me feel like a lower-class servant. She claims to have good taste and manners, but it seems she's just a bitch who thinks she's the centre of the universe. If you have good taste and manners you don't take people for granted. You don't make people feel lower-class. You don't pose to be a cut above the rest. Any one of us could cut her down so easily, an insecure specimen hiding behind an elaborately-weaved tapestry of so-called "class" so she feels like she has an opinion, can champion something and call it her own, to cover up/make up for whatever setback/emptiness she had/has and hasn't exactly dealt or tried to deal with it. The facade of a coward. Of course, that was very cruel, but I like to be sadistic towards her kind. I like helping people who are nice about it and approach me with the right attitude, but if not, too bad, so sad, *slams door*, and I hope you dodged fast enough.

I can be many things. It depends on what kind of person you show me you are.

Saturday 16th June 2007
I haven't been updating. Maybe that's cos I'm a bit busier, or maybe I just care less, or maybe I'm playing too much games. Or maybe everything. As we grow older we get to know new things, new people, new ideas, but we leave some other things behind. It was nearly 4am and it hit me just like that, when my friend and I exchanged goodnights and goodbyes after a good game. We both said good night, he went to sleep and I wanted to spend a little more time awake. See the corollary? As we grow up, some people slow down, or take a different route, or just want to take a break from everything, or just finally settle down after finding what they really want, and others move on, and it's goodbye. Just like that. Goodbye... It doesn't even have to be people. It could be a part of you, an idea you left behind, a vision, an item... and some time down the road we'd reminisce and say "you know.. I used to know/be this guy..... but now... that was so long ago..." and the sense of longing and how different we're all now from who we used to be washes over. Sentiment. The past fades, but not completely. I don't think I can leave this world without regret. We were all happier once, were we not?

Monday 4th June 2007
*looks up from computer* 1dmm5tiisac4lod3is2otrbo4wuo6semw76w1ond9tno8ihst!! (string of unintelligible gamerspeak)*looks back at computer*

I just got my new T61.

Sunday 27th May 2007
Sian-ded and dead.

Monday 14th May 2007 English Translation
Nice to meet you. My name is Ambrose. I'm 20 years old, Singaporean, and I am a student at NTU. I'm learning French, and speak a little French, but I don't speak very well. This is it, goodbye!

Monday 14th May 2007
Enchanté. Je m'appelle Ambrose. J'ai vingt ans, je suis singapourien, et je suis etudiant à l'Université de Technologie de Nanyang. J'apprends le français, et parle un peu le français, mais je ne parle pas très bien. C'est ça, à bientôt!


Tuesday 9th May 2007
Anger threatened to supernova yesterday, rage kept from exploding only by a veneer of control so thin I was trembling throughout the entire journey home and beyond. Human scum. Though, the night sky never before looked so black, and so beautiful...


I took this on the sly while exiting the MRT, enroute to coffee yesterday.

It is blurry as I was moving, but that is a person sleeping in the corner of the carriage. The picture speaks for itself. The chairs in the MRT aren't meant for you to lie down on.

This is a typical male toilet cubicle in Singapore. Those spots that you see are urine.
-Obscenities below. If you're likely to be offended, don't read-
Now this is to all guys - if you can't aim properly with your toy, then pee like a girl - sit, then pee. If you can't aim properly with your toy, then forget about fucking a girl. You'll end up penetrating every other orifice except her pussy. Like her dog's ass. And it's not funny. I'm angry. I can be very crude when I want to. And if you think it's crude, THEN FUCKING PEE PROPERLY. Or I'll go all crude on you. Or maybe kick you where it hurts.

Tuesday 8th May 2007
I've been reading "Dead Man Rising" by Lilith Saintcrow lately. Together with its prequel, "Working For The Devil", they are pieces of dark fantasy surrounding central character Dante Valentine set in a very personal tone, which I favour. And as I sit here over coffee, I'm thinking about the word "dead". So to speak, I am a "dead" person. I have been dead since 13 or 14, and don't ask me why. I don't wish to repeat that story again. Since I died I've lost myself in little bits and pieces, bits and pieces that even I cannot find. Don't try to bring me back. The dead stay dead. They can't be brought back. That's the cardinal rule about being dead - you can't be alive again. Just accept it.

Monday 7th May 2007
Dongni... u break my heart... fountain pens are not JUST pens... >_< boo hoo.

Sunday 6th May 2007
It is a cold day. I woke unpleasantly, shivering. It was a cold night. Resilience worn thin, I curled up. Bitterness enveloped me like a cold grey mist, whispering in my head. I didn't resist. Sorrow swept through me, my only solace the blank, unmoving eyes of a small stuffed bear. It managed to snap me in half; whatever remaining confidence fled. Some undignified sobs later the facade (of strength) tried to shove its way back in, half-succeeding.

When it passed, I slept, tired from it all.

It sounds like a piece of fiction, doesn't it? Fine.

Friday 4th May 2007
Apologies on there being no pictures for my belowmentioned Waterman, I tried but I have no lens powerful enough that will capture minute details. Instead, you can go to Waterman's Hemisphere Starlight range and select the 2nd pen down the column on the right. My next target... maybe the Ici et La in Silver Mist (3rd pen down), a Harmonie in Boudoir Red or Patio Blue (5th and 6th down), or an Expert in Urban Brown. Seeing as I can't afford the Serenite Blue now...

Thursday 3rd May 2007
Got my new fountain pen a few days ago.. a Waterman Hemisphere Starlight Chrome Trim, and a few good inks to go along with it. Bliss~

Friday 27th April 2007 No. 2
Adrenaline rush, is when nature calls and you're running for the toilet.

Friday 27th April 2007
Monday to Friday in a flash. So fast. Every day, I can't sleep. Always end up fully awake for 2 hours on the bed before finally losing consciousness. I need to stop thinking and sleep.

Monday 23rd April 2007
New LCD monitor up and running. 19-in widescreen 1440 x 900. I know it's not the best, duh, but it's quite a substantial upgrade over the 17-in model I had. Oh, I made a new pair of glasses too. Those will be ready on Friday.

Sunday 22nd April 2007 No. 2
My LCD monitor decided to bug out on me. GRRRR. Am using an old CRT now. *^%@!#^

Sunday 22nd April 2007
I received a mail package today about HOTA (Human Organ Transplant Act). I was, to say the least, disappointed. Here's why:

I quote the MOH booklet in the mail:
"In Singapore, there are many people suffering from organ failure. More than 500 people are currently waiting for an organ transplant. The number of patients on the organ transplant waiting lists is increasing because of the shortage of organs and tissues for transplantation.

"The generosity of organ donors and their families allow patients with organ failure to have a new lease of life. The gift of life from just one organ donor can improve the lives of 6 or more people. You too have the ability to help through organ donation."

From the same booklet a few pages down:

"People who opt out of HOTA, as well as those who are not covered under HOTA, will receive lower priority on the waiting lists if they need an organ transplant. This will be specific to the organs which they have opted out of or have not pledged."

From a letter, also enclosed in the mail package:

"...objectors, as well as those who are not covered under HOTA, will receive lower priority on the specific organ transplant waiting list, if they should require an organ transplant in the future."

I am, truly, sorely, disappointed in Singaporean policy and political mindset. Must there always be a stick attached to everything? Pleas are no longer pleas when a stick is attached - it becomes a form of coercion, bordering on blackmail. And I do not see why there is a need to make such INSINCERE pleas. The MOH booklet says "the generosity of organ donors and their families allow patients with organ failure to have a new lease of life". If you are appealing to my generosity, do not use a stick. It insults and belittles my character and generosity, and speaks as much about yours. I'll happily not object even if there was no stick, and even if I don't opt out now, I feel as though my integrity has been compromised.

A distinction should be made between giving and receiving. Always tying them together, of which the above policy is an example, will only serve to continue or worsen the Singaporean kiasu "what's in it for me" mindset. If the politicians cannot get that, then they should expect no more than that from their citizens when it comes to being gracious. If you want to cultivate a gracious society, in addition to good character-moulding, there should be neither incentive nor disincentive to get people to give; receiving something in return should be a neutral issue, or you will just undo years of work, and society will just take a step back.

Besides, putting people who opt out at a lower priority, I believe, is an affront to the intentions of the Hippocratic Oath. I believe the Oath does not make any distinction between groups of people, much less those WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG by opting out. It's their own organ. You can call them selfish and hope it gets to their conscience, but nothing else. Anything more than that is coercion, and that's where you are IN THE WRONG.

Wednesday 18th April 2007
I did 80 x pushups, 100 x half-squats, 80 x dips, 80 x leg-raisers in 4 sets in my room today and ended up half-dead. Super unfit. Or maybe because I didn't do warm-up, was in a claustrophobic environment for exercise, and crammed it in like 30 mins or slightly more. Ugh. I need to tell myself to do proper warm-up next time.

Tuesday 17th April 2007
I tried to floss today. I didn't manage to floss everything. I gave up after 20 mins of trying. How to floss lah! So difficult.
And I met ANOTHER former schoolmate today... LoL... small world.

Sunday 15th April 2007
Many apologies... I left out a chance event on Friday... just before arriving at Pan Pacific, I ran into a former schoolmate. A pleasant encounter... it had been 4 years since we last met. What a long time. He seems to be doing very well now, and will be matriculating at the same time as me. He commented I look different, haha, I've gotten a few comments like that before. =D

Today, outing with another friend and his cousin. I was super late *oops*... we had lunch, some coffee, caught a movie and then dinner. Good stuff today.

And Dongni, if you're reading this, for some technical reason that I don't understand, I can't see, much less use, your tagboard. *confused* But I'm still alive and reading your blog! =P

Saturday 14th April 2007
Thursday, Mind Cafe - more games again. Good stuff. But I = drenched because I ran in the rain.

Friday, morning @ Sentosa for platoon cohesion - woah, a lot of girls with good figures. But me = sian because I don't go to the beach, and I didn't do much anyway. The rest had fun though. I was lucky enough not to get dunked in seawater... I didn't have spare clothes!

Evening @ Sakae Sushi Park Mall for sushi buffet - I enjoyed this part. Practically stuffed myself there... all expenses paid as it was a cohesion-cum-farewell for me... MUAHAHA... Sushi is always goooood...

After that on my way to another gathering, a gentleman commented on how nice my jacket was. We made some small talk and he gave me his business card. I think he must have been a little stunned when I said I was gonna ORD soon and he realised I'm an NSF. MUAHAHA it seems I have quite professional dress sense. I was actually aiming for somewhere between that and casual... t-shirt + jeans, boots and my brown Goldlion jacket to top it all off. A jacket does wonders.

After the MRT ride, my destination = Pan Pacific Hotel Lobby Lounge. Splendid place, live, jazzy music and low ambient lighting... good for relaxing. Joined 3 other friends there for some drinks. Had a couple of glasses of Riesling. Good stuff. Turns out one of my friends appreciates white wine like I do. I wanna go there again. Who wants to go? Drinks are a bit expensive, but iced water is free, and so is the space there. LoL

Saturday 7th April 2007
And so proceeds the "boy" revolution. AND... YEYA is ubercool. Youtube.

Wednesday 4th April 2007
I didn't know the SAF kept hooligans in service... 40-year-old hooligans. His behaviour and attitude was totally and utterly like one. I'm calling a spade a spade, even if he is the "CSM of xxx camp".

Tuesday 3rd April 2007
I worked till 7.30pm yesterday and left camp at about 8... I managed to catch a rare taxi, but the driver thought he had a cancelled booking when actually it was confirmed, so I got out halfway... in the middle of... dunno where. But I didn't have to pay... I then managed to catch another taxi, and this one didn't really know the way to my house. I didn't mind. But LoL... Woodlands Drive 50, very ulu meh? Hahaha...

Sunday 1st April 2007
I still haven't figured out what fire + shade is, if it is not inferno. Or maybe, wind + shade is something else and not inferno.

I got invited to a small gathering @ Mind Cafe on Tuesday. It's a board games cafe, and turned out to be quite fun. If anyone wants to go there, it's opposite Paradiz.

Later in the week I went out with a couple of army friends. Sang KBox, then ate supper. Reached home at 4am. The latest-ever time I've ever gone home, not to mention my protests that were flatly ignored. But my friend drove me home and it was quite fun, so it's all good.

Currently, I wanna go out with friends - think I can't get enough of *not* being cooped up. Other than that, been talking over MSN with ppl as well. Good conversations, fun conversations. Otherwise, I've got 2 new games! Ahh $$$ help. I'm playing Silverfall, I haven't tried C&C 3 yet, and I'm going to uni in 1 month. Somebody save me.

Wednesday 21st March 2007
Tier 1 energies: wind, fire, shade. Tier 2 energies: wind + shade = storm, wind + fire = inferno, fire + shade = ?

What's next may offend some people - you are entitled to your own opinion.

21, 21, 21... that magical number. People may tend to make a big deal out of it, but reaching 21 doesn't make you any better than you are now. To me it's just a number. Some 21-year-olds have the mentality of a 12-year-old. What makes someone "mature" just because of 21 years on Earth? It's just an arbitrary number assigned by the authorities, who think that people *should* be mature enough by then, for legal purposes. "Should be" is not the same as "is".

So what's the deal with 21? If you wanna show off that you've reached 21, then you'd better live up to the "should be". Otherwise, trash all the "in honour of me reaching 21" parties and GET A GRIP. Some people deserve the celebration of the honour of "mature" status as a completion of a cycle of life during which they have already attained maturity BEFORE reaching 21. Others don't. These are the people who have been building castles in the air for 20 years, then expect to stand on firm ground at 21, by partying.

And it seems to be prevalent in society, don't you think? Generation M is one of the last generations to have a proportion of people who possess certain core values that make them mature - responsibility, dignity, sensibility, honesty, etc. The rest, and what follows after Gen M, is just one big mess. Just "responsibility" alone is enough to relegate a lot of people into the "one big mess" category.

Do you belong there?

Sunday 18th March 2007
It was only a couple of days ago when I heard Vernetta Lopez screaming TGIF and generally going mad over the airwaves, but I had nothing much to look forward to, and even managed to get my left thigh mightily strained. Couldn't walk properly after that. It is better now (and I can walk properly). Somehow, the enthusiasm of "TGIF" always manages to die away once evening approaches.

Tuesday 13th March 2007
Throat feels weird... swallowed some bone earlier while eating dinner.

So I'm sitting here at Mc's in Causeway because Gelare upstairs is full. Packed, and I mean packed. Mc's is crowded as usual. It's the school holidays so I should have expected Gelare to be full before I moved off. Bad move, literally. However I originally planned to move off at 7 plus rather than the 8.45pm I managed. Well... I decided to rip/listen to the Elva collection I got yesterday. Pretty cool stuff. I recognise some of the songs. Familiar stuff I've heard from some years ago. I'm literally hooked on 1087 so I decided to backtrack and get her previous albums. I was in luck; there's a compendium/collection of her previous works in a 3-CD album set.

Now I'm thinking, did I paragraph anything above? Bad writing. Shouldn't let standards slip.

Will listen to it in detail again later. I only had enough time to rip the tracks and skim through the music.

Then again even from what little I heard, she's a talented singer who can handle different styles well. Dance/ballad/fast/slow/innocent/flirty/bubbly/sad you name it. Her songs are quite fun to sing as well. Yes I have been singing Elva songs lately. They're not that hard to sing...

How long has it been since I really listened and sang to music? Listen maybe, but sing maybe not... And chinese is good for a change, to begin with. Although, of course, good music is blind to language differences.

Sunday 11th March 2007
Danceworks '07 yesterday... not bad, at least, I can't dance like that. Freshmakers won Best Energy and Best Costumes, well done. I can't praise just one dancer, so well done to the whole team, but anyway praise from the captain and ex-president should be ego-inflating enough *chuckle*... Can I see you dance again?

Today, sang Elva Hsiao.. but 1087 is still new, so didn't really get much to sing at KTV. Totally hooked on 1087. I should go dig up her previous songs from stores as well... And the MTV for Honey Honey Honey... she is sooooo chio.. *gasp* oh no hahaha.

Thursday 8th March 2007
I wanted change for $50. I told the shopkeeper "找钱" instead of "换钱"... how embarrassing.

Love is irrational, it makes people do irrational things. If a foetus were to have severe spina bifida, and the child were to be born hemiplegic and have mental problems, would you keep the baby and risk an operation with a low success rate to correct the defect, and multiple risks to mother and child? Or would you abort the baby?

Which is the greater love? To risk the operation and keep the child? Or... to not bring a child into the world who will not be able to survive 20, 30, 40 years on independently? Spare the life, or spare the lifelong suffering?

Let's leave religious issues out of this... to the Yes camp, have you thought what will happen to the child 20, 30 or 40 years after he/she has been born? Would you rather make a decision that leaves a legacy behind for someone else to bear, or a decision that doesn't?

Tuesday 6th March 2007
Yesterday was my first time as a pillion rider... the bike: a Honda Phantom. Even if it's one of the smaller bikes, its 197 cubic centimetres worth of displacement still makes itself felt. My colleague (the owner) was right... it feels like you're a pilot when you pillion.

Today... Drove from home to NTU for medical checkup, then back home, then to Causeway Point and back home again. Movie then dinner @ Causeway Point. Dragged to watch "Just Follow Law" or whatever it was with parents... (but nothing else caught my fancy really). I never knew though, Fann Wong, in spite of her 30+ years, has a fabulous body... And Gurmit Singh and her can act really well too.

Between Sunday & Monday 4th & 5th March 2007
His beard is very long...... O_O

You are The Hermit

Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.

The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.

The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.

The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Sunday 4th March 2007
Today...spent half the day walking around VivoCity and Junction 8, in search of that elusive, simple but subtly, understated-ly elegant jacket. To no avail...the jackets today are so full of themselves they need so many pockets, straps and buckles everywhere to contain that ego. And so passes my day, listening to 1087 and walking, walking, walking, looking, looking, looking.

In fact I think my whole life is just walking, walking, walking, looking, looking, looking, for something I may never find...

There may be hope yet, but maybe not hope from my time...there is a very simple jacket design available at GoldLion...now all you youngsters will go what the heck that's your dad's clothing store...but so? Another design, not of GoldLion, is available at Seiyu Lot One, but of some obscure brand I don't quite trust.

In an increasingly interconnected world, I feel isolated and alone. Walk, walk, walk, look, look, look...looking for peace and relief, of soul, of mind, from emptiness. Or will I be doomed to damnation without relief? To always be finding, but to never find, to always tire, but never rest.

Wednesday 27th February 2007
I'm cold-blooded. Took my temperature in the morning today. Two readings, 35.7deg then 35.5. Fear me.

Tuesday 26th February 2007
The blizzard plains. What does it feel like to be isolated... call a friend? They seem distant, and they have their own stuff anyway. Me, myself and I, alone in the frozen whites of the blizzard plains. Chill winds, raging snowfall. Everything is cold, so cold it feels like it's burning. "Frostfire"*.

*The name "Frostfire" taken from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, copyright Bethesda Softworks.

Monday 25th February 2007
Refer 13th Nov 06, 11th Dec 06. She still works @ Yoshinoya. Probably only on weekends due to school - yes, she's in secondary school. Saw her in uniform twice. Haiz, she's cute, but, too young.

Sunday 18th February 2007
ARRRRGH my glasses are blur. From little dried translucent particles of hairspray. GG me...I even used Vanish o2 on it but the little tub of white powder I have seems really weak. WEAK. I'm going to soak my glasses in water when I sleep. That should dissolve the little particles.

There's been a mosquito camping in my bedroom the past 2 days. BLOODY HELL. BURN!~

Oh. Happy new year.

Thursday 15th February 2007
Valentine's Day 14th spent:
1) in camp
2) buying new phone
3) preparing for CO Parade the next day

*Owner of a sleek new V3xx*

And nobody's free.

Saturday 10th February 2007
Music: 1087
Elva Hsiao

Ppl close their doors to prevent mosquitoes from coming in. Sky closes his doors to prevent them from escaping his deadly clutches.

Monday 15th January 2007

Haven't touched this in a while.. Some time ago I went to watch 茶舞(One Last Dance; MediaCorp RainTree Pictures) and I must say I really enjoyed the plot. I'd gladly watch it again, if only to clear up some questions about the plot twists I still have. I love the theme song, the interplay of red, yellow and orange, the speech, personalities, analogies, ... what have you... It's a good movie, money well spent.
Anyone wanna watch it?

Some time ago, too, I bought a coupla shirts...didn't know the feeling of owning something you looked for yourself was that satisfying - no wonder girls shop so much for clothes.

On a seperate note, recently I've been struggling with some personal difficulties I don't wish to say here... and I haven't found the correct person to talk to about them yet. Some of your friends have drifted away, some you don't really know that well, some others you know well but who are involved in your very difficulties... ...just who to talk to?

Saturday 6th January 2007
I couldn't tell you why she felt that way,
She felt it everyday.
And I couldn't help her,
I just watched her make the same mistakes again.

What's wrong, whats wrong now?
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
That's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Open your eyes and look outside, find the reasons why.
You've been rejected, and now you can't find what you left behind.
Be strong, be strong now.
Too many, too many problems.
Don't know where she belongs, where she belongs.
She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
That's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

Her feelings she hides.
Her dreams she can't find.
She's losing her mind.
She's fallen behind.
She can't find her place.
She's losing her faith.
She's fallen from grace.
She's all over the place.

She wants to go home, but nobody's home.
That's where she lies, broken inside.
With no place to go, no place to go, to dry her eyes.
Broken inside.

She's lost inside, lost inside. oh oh
She's lost inside, lost inside. oh oh

Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home

Wednesday 3rd January 2007
Rain, rain, embrace me
Drown me in your melody

I'm tired of my life.
