#Philosophy is an IRC channel inhabited by people who used to like to discuss philosophy and who like to hang out with other people who used to like to discuss philosophy, as well as their friends, acquaintances, and stalkers.
IRC, of course, is the abode of all evil.
If you don't believe me, join EFnet IRC, type /list and hit <enter>.


Message Board
Vent to your heart's content

Philosophy Votes * Voting is for regs, not newbies.*<Kedric> Philvotes started as a place to rant about political problems related to #Philosophy, with occasional voting about issues. It has since become a place to call each other idiots in a way that keeps logs.

Mainline's Page

Cabiria's #philosophy Page

The Tao of IRC
#Politics Parody Home Page
Funny Stuff
GeekComix - Unleash your inner Geek
The Onion
News of the Weird - Proof of just how stupid people can be.
Tests! Are you loony? Are you a flirt?
McSweeney's - Love and Nail Guns
South Park, the Movie Lyrics Blame Canada, Uncka Fucka, etc
South Park Lyrics Kyle's Mom's a Bitch, A Lonely Jew at Christmas, etc
The Matrix as Seen on IRC
Computers, Software, etc.
PriceWatch - Compare the prices on all computer equipment. Never buy anything without checking out PriceWatch first.
Wired - News of the Net
C|net News - News of the Internet
SlashDot - News for Nerds
TuCows - The World's Best Collection of Internet Software
C|NET.COM - The source for computers and technology
Microsoft - Cause they got us by the balls.
Mircrosoft Downloads -Those all important patches to upgrade their perfect products.
Ziff-Davis Net - the people who publish everything from PC Magazine to Computer Shopper. Product Reviews, Downloads and more.
Music and Fandom
Napster - taking the hassle out of searching for MP3s.
IRCNEWS Reports on Napster's response to RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) harrassment
Search Engines
Altavista - The best, especially the Advanced Search .
Yahoo - The worst, so why are these guys so rich?

The Lycos Image Gallery - Pictures on the web.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary
whatis® is a knowledge exploration tool about information technology, especially about the Internet and computers.
37.com - 37 Search Engines in one!
Deja.com - 897,538 USER RATINGS OF 38,976 PRODUCTS IN 1,003 CATEGORIES
The Universal Currency Converter™
BioSearch - 25,000 Personalities and 2,500 videos
Switchboard - People search (Not as good as it used to be)
Babelfish - Altavista's Translation Page
The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
The Geometry Center - Now closed but much of the information is still online
Geometry Reference Archives - Geometry Formulas and Facts
TrafficStation - Traffic conditions for major cities in the U.S,.

Heath and Medical

Your Health Daily - The News in Health
Character and Temperament Sorter - Take the test! Find out what you are!
Cthulhu Store! You will buy...You will buy... You will buy...
BargainFever : BrJ says it's cheaper and better than amazon on a lot of stuff



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