Shipping Methods:
The quoted shipping price is
for international airmail which normally takes 2-3 weeks for delivery, sometimes shorter or longer depending on airmail
and customs delays. Airmail has no guaranteed delivery time, courier options including insurance and online tracking
are available at a more expensive shipping cost, please contact us for more information. Postage ranges from US$3.00
to US$17.00 depending on your country address.
Payment Methods:
We accept the payment by paypal only! We do not accept the money order or personal check.
The payment must be completed within 7 days after the comfirmation. Please send money by transferring via Paypal to
account email;

35/8 ถ.อู่ทอง ต.หอรัตนไชย อ.พระนครศรีอยุธยา จ.พระนครศรีอยุธยา
Telephone: +66 (0)85 5079991 มาโนชย์ ( ผู้ออกแบบและสร้าง )