LAST UPDATE:   4-3-2002

 (4-1)  The anatomy of breath  -  concepts related to the science of cycles. ( 22-4-2001. Leonardo, Omo Sanza Lettere)

"...then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and the man became a living being." (The Wholy Bible, Genesis, 2:5)

"The Breath of Cosmos compels human creativity to advance in the direction of evolution.  A rhytmic succession is provided by this law." (Agny Yoga Teaching, Infinity, vol. 2, §16)

"In what words would you as perfectly describe the whole system like a drawing does. (...) I advice you not to get absorbed in words unless you adress the blind. If however you want to express yourself in words meant for the ears and not for the eyes, then speak of the substancial or of natural phenomena, and don't let yourself into words that belong to the eye, by letting them through the ears - her you will have to admit the supremacy of painters." (remark, reproduced in english, ca. 1500, Leonardo da Vinci)

Many words and concepts cannot be defined isolated, but involve a number of related concepts as well. In the esoteric tradition one have other problems as well to deal with. First of all, that the unready should be protected against too much information. Secondly, those who are ready to penetrate into new areas could probably benefite from a map, drawn by someone who have allready trodden the path. Both problems are handled simultaneously, using apparantly wellknown vocabulary, but at the same time appealing to the principle of analogy or similarity. As an application of this technique, we shall deal with the concepts of breathing,  so often used in the writings.

Just as the heartbeat, the breath of a human being should work out automatically. Nevertheless we may observe both. A minor analysis tell us, that the breath may be subdivided into four stages or processes: inbreathing, short pause, outbreathing, short pause. The rhythm and speed  may of course vary according to the situation of the human being, but the basic observation is, that breathing consist in repetition of this pattern of inbreathing, pausing, outbreathing and pausing. To distinguish between the two pauses, the one following immeadiately inbreathing is called the higher interlude, whereas the other is termed the lower interlude.

It is not my intention to encourage anyone to control the breath or experiment with the rhythm of breathing, because it involves various riscs. First of all, one may open up to a recognition of yoga techniques, that was used in old days, such as the breathing exercises or assanas (meaning litterally "the death of breath") in relation to socalled hatha yoga or yoga of the physical body. The anscient forms of yoga were usefull to the human stage of the time, but as is often the case, what once was good has now become evil, due to the increased stage of evolution. Secondly, the process of inbreathing and outbreathing has effects,  electric and chemo-electric effects to be concrete, because the iones in the air make the breath quite similar to what is normally termed an electric stream (or simply "electricity"),  with all the usual  electric and magnetic effects on the physical tissue involved in the process. Thirdly, the principle saying energy follows hought, which is the basis for the "mental breathing" used in yoga of the mind or the raja yoga, may to those who carelessly experiment with visualisations and assanas (consciously or unconsciously) cause diseases in the body and increased risc of attacs and obsessions. Thus we repeat: this is not an encouragement to experiment with own breath, unless supervised by a member of the Hierachy.

The various types of yoga has various goals, e.g. is the goal of raja yoga the control of the mind, using the needed techniques of meditation. Having a solid experience in socalled occult meditation (described in the writings of Alice A. Bailey), one may begin participating in the group-meditation of souls. This kind of meditation is called contemplation. According to those, who have achieved this level of integration between soul and personality, the rhythm of breath is suited to structure the meditation. First stage: one raises the vibration of the mind to the highest possible level, during inbreathing. Second stage: the brain is quiet but alert and waiting, the mind is brought in touch with the soul or higher sources, and may copy a partial pattern. Third stage: since every sincere education in meditation starts with techniques on the control of the body of emotions, we may assume the body of emotions is not an obstruction, so the mind may pass over to the physical brain those informations, that was copied and translated to the mind. Fourth stage: one may recognize in the physical brain consciousness what was recorded on higher levels. The last two stages is probably known to most thinkers: one may often postpone the inhailing when broadening on something.
By the way, the word "inspiration" litterally means "something, that is blown into somebody". In this manner, the etymology of the word display a deep understanding of the processes behind the concept.

The wellknown breath cycle, with the four stages mentioned above,  is applicable to another wellknown cycle, the year cycle. We may subdivide the year cycle by the 12 fullmoon festivals, each corresponding to one of the twelve constallations: Aries, Taurus, ... Pisces. The planetarian brain, Humanity, is  thus feeded  with informations from the other centers. The higher interlude is marked by the three great festivals of the year: the Easter festival at the fullmoon of Aries (representing the Hierachy), the Wezak festival at the fullmoon of Taurus (representing Shambala) and the Christ festival  at the fullmoon of Gemini (representing Humanty). We have here the fundamental steps (penetration, polarisation, precipitation) we also recognize in the three-year cycle of the New Group of World Servers. During these three months, the new ideas are anchored in Humaity, but is may take som time, before the new ideas are presented to those who shall manifest these ideas -  singular human beings corresponding to the cells in the planetarian brain.  This is perhaps one of the reasons that the Mahachohan make a conference with the ashrams for rays 3,4,5,6, and 7 in October, in the middle of the lower interlude. The masters suggest the work, and the disciple group take the responsibility to manifest these ideas. So is the rule ever since the Hierachy withdrew long ago. Each disciple attracts those around himself, that can be usefull in the work and learn by the process. In this manner is the New Group of World Servers is a dynamic group of working groups within Humanity.

The same rhythm is discovered in the festival period: the higher interlude is at the fullmoon period, that is from two days before the fullmoon day and to two days after - the lower interlude is at the newmoon. At the higher interlude we may get in contact with the Hierachy, and in the lower interlude we strengthen the hands of the New Group of World Servers. Also  in the process, where the soul-infused  personality may contact the higher triad along the Antahkarana do we recognize the rhythm. It is characteristic for the eternal process of invocation and evocation.

The prospect of the comming age is the intension of making this annual cycle of inspiration a scientific process. It involve not only cooperation with the specific energy of the constallation in question, but also the important realisation, that only in group formation can the divine will be handled safly. Fortunately the energy of Aquarius is very stimulating for group evolution just as the seventh ray quality will stimulate the ability for rhythmic living. The use of the three great and nine lesser festivals of the year in a continous process towards eventual fusion of the three great centers Hierachy, Shambala and Humanity, that is one of the central aspects of the new world religion. As it can be expected, the first step of this new religion is the development of a suitable vocabilary.

In the West where science in many ways have suprimacy to religion, the discovery of the Big-Bang theory naturally promoted a question concerning the stage of the universe before this Big-Bang, or the destiny of the present universe: does the expansion go on infinitely, does it converge to a stable size, or will it reverse the apparant expansion, until it again become a singular point. Recent result affirme the last scenario as possible. In the East, the answer is straight forward: yes, the universe expand and truncate cyclically, it is "the Breath of Brama". So the western science will often rediscover the knowledge of the eternal wisdom. There is of course often a discrepancy, when the vocabulary does not contain suitable wordsymbols to describe another philosophy - the word-universes seem inkommensurable. If we e.g. make the statement, that the man was incarnated for the first time in Aries, but only as a mental entity, where as the first physical appearance was in Cancer. Not only does western science recognize those qualities and degrees of substance, that would allow us to opperate with concepts on mental substance. The rest of it, e.g. the misconception of the concept of a planet for that of a physical globe. The true planet, we are told, is a system of chains each with seven systems of concentric globes of various substances, and with the wave of life circulating cyclically on each.

  (4-2) With colour and sound - in battle for peace and harmony    (21-5-2001,   Mrs. D.O.A.)

"...each part, as in the glorious fugues of the immortal  Mozart, ceaselessly chases the other in harmonious discord on the paths of eternal progress to meet and finally blend at the threshold of the pursued goal into one harmonious whole, the keynote of nature..." (part of letter from the Master K.H. 1883, in: The Mahatma Letters to A.P.Sinnett, p.395)

"§ 379. Indeed, above all We value constructions based upon the higher principles of harmony. ... Only in unity can mighty structures be created." (Agni Yoga Teaching, Infinity, II, p.159)

The substance is impressed by three qualities or gunas: tamas (inertia),  satva (rhythm) and rajas (activity). The variations of substance are based on the ballance between these three "colours". The term colour is used metaphorically (like in the quark theory of modern physics), but we notice that there is a strong correspondence between the blending of three colours into any colour, and then the blending of the three rays of aspect (or the energy of power, love and intelligent activity). Such analogies are actually the only way we can extend our comprehension from the socalled known to the totally unknown - though much is related to the use and familiarity, or lack of the same, in relation to certain words, considered as "atomic" (even if necessarily defined in the context of a whole group of such terms). The term blending, in relation to the first three of the seven rays in order to obtain all the rays, is actually also used metaphorically, covering complex interrelations of an infinite fractal structure, based on the concept of subrays. An introduction to this "blending" of gunas may be found in A  Study of Consciousness by dr. Anie Besant, not to mention the writings of Alice A. Bailey, e.g. specifically on colurs, in Letters On Occult Meditaion..

According to Alice A. Bailey, the fourth ray has been called the "ray of struggle", because on this ray, the qualities of rajas (activity)  and tamas (inertia) are so strangely equal in proportion that the nature of the fourth ray man is torn with their combat (cf. Esoteric Psychology, vol. 1, p. 206).  As the fourth  ray is out of manifestation until  2025, fourth ray egos are rare, whereas fourth ray personalities are quite common.  Master D.K. has said, that only fourth ray egos close to the Path incarnate now, and many of the fourth ray disciples are actually working within the UN. Since the fourth ray disciple have learned to gain equilibrium amongst the warring forces, they may be able to take advantage of their experiences with their own equipment in their work with others, whether directly or in the desk planning. But first of all, the fourth ray worker is the true intuitive, that is able to harmonize the new ideas with the old. Such bridging work was indeed behind the initiative of the Master Serapis, when he channelled the idea of the League of Nations, a predescessor to the UN, to one of his disciples, a colonel who suggested the idea to an aspirant, the american president Wilson, who incorporated plans on the League of Nations in the peace work after the First World War. Master Serapis have later entered some work with the deva evolution (his work  partly taken over by Master P. who had anonymously been working with various psychological shools from his quarter in US, he himself quite unknown to the public). Here we need to remember, that devas communicate with sound and colour, and cooperation with the deva kingdom in relation to healing will become of great importance in the new age of Aquarious.

Humanity as a whole is governed by the fourth ray. Since the fourth ray is not in incarnation (from the point of individual, of course - in some sense, all the rays are always in activity) the conflict aspect of the ray (with the motto "harmony through conflict") will no doubt be used in the final steps towards the new age. We are told, that desire in all its phases, is governed by the constellation Taurus. Just after the Wezak fullmoon of May this year, the third UN conference on the poorest countries was held. Hundreds of millions of people are today still living for less than a dollar aday. The UN general-secretary Kofi Anan commented sternly the situation on the summit,  as the cleavage between rich and poor has increased since the last conference in 1990: "They have not chosen to live like that and it is in no-one's interest that they should continue to do so", he said.  The rich nations promissed in 1990 to donate 0.7% of their GNP to the poorest countries. Today they pay only 0.2% of their GNP in average. It is also a fact, that the US today have a debt to the UN on more than one billion dollars. That is perhaps the reason why recently the US was not represented  in the standing committees on "human rights" and "drugs". It seems that Europe will have to play a new role in the world, as only Europe can match the US as a superpower. Perhaps Europe can keep the idea of peace in the Middle East in front in the international discussions. Another challenge may be found in relation to the proclaimed missil defense system, which will create  risc of a new veapons race  as a consequence,  and probably more conflicts between US and  China.

The fourth ray is strongly related to art, though it often need the supplement of ray five of seven,  to see the art unfolded in the individual. The fourth ray composer will always create beauty in melody (cf. e.g. Mozart). The fourth ray painter will also be fond of colours, but may be drawing inaccurately, unless complemented with a strong fifth or seventh ray equipment. And similar traits may be pertained to litterature and other arts. If both soul or personality. and the mental vehicle is on the fourth ray, we may obtain the true artist, like Leonardo da Vinci or William Shakespeare.

A new type of  art will probably show up, when the fourth ray become more active around 2025, a multy-art related to the seventh ray. It will become group-art, perhaps presupposing that ordinary work is no longer needed due to automatization, and its purpose didactic. Humanity will illustrate its own evolution and goal, and the Star Wars saga of George Lucas may be prototypical. One of the remarkable side effects of Lucas' production is his company Industrial Light & Magic, that virtually allow any vision to become shared with the public. Education and religion is as usual two aspects of the same thing, and of course both adapted to the technology of the period.

For a few years to come, the fourth ray will allow some conflicts to be instigated. When however the divine yuga is entered after this interim period (after the dissasters of the Kali Yuga that formally ended in 1942), the harmony aspects will become dominating. Here the close relationship with the second ray is comforting. But even during the period of conflict, it should be comprehended, that the fourth ray does not turn the world upside-down, that the goal of the fourth ray is rather perfection of the existing form, than creation of a totally new form. This should be remembered right now, when war and dissaster seem to rule in so many parts of the world. The related colour is soft green, and the goal is allways harmony and beauty.

The Wezak festival, marking the highpoint of the spiritual year, this year also marks the end of a year where one of the rare inflows of Shambala energies took place. These energies, containing synthesis as well as destruction, necessarily pushes to the "scandas" (seeds of old habits, that sooner  or later will  have to be manifested again, and probably transmuted in this or another cycle) of the individual as well as the whole. Some people may experience desires that they considered  rooted out for good. The  same goes for all of Humanity. The transmutation however presupposes recognition, and due action as a consequence, and this process has been accellerated the last month. Again, the flaws and tendencies  we may recognize all over, in ourselves and others, are not creations of today but replicas of old scandas, but if they have to go in this cycle, that is precisely the way to harmony. The perfection of the unit has many steps, but we never go backwards in evolution, whatever horrors may become visible. Remember, they are only anscient or newer scandas, that should be recognized, prior to their modification or final annihilation.

  (4-3)  Eutanacia - with man and with animal. ( 20-6-2001,  XY - in memory of Jane G.)

"If high achievement could be attained only by abstaining from meat, the elephant and the cow would have reached it long ago." (Gautama Buddha)

"When animals die, they continue for a time proportionate to their evolutionary development (...) After a few month, the superphysical bodies of domestic animals begin to fade out and the intelligent life flows back into the Group Soul. " (p.245 in Light of the Sanctuary - the Occult  Diary of Geoffrey Hodson, ed. Sandra Hodson).

In The Letters of Helena Roerich, Vol. 2, p. 164-65, H.R. refer to a story about how the irish-british author George Bernard Shaw once visited the famous Hindu scientist Jagadis Bose, and here began to boast of being a vegetarian, that his great sensitivity would not allow him to inflict pain even indirectly upon any living thing. Bose said nothing in reply, but demonstrated visually to the writer what pains are suffered by carrots and potatos when they are cut, or chewed with relish by the jaws of such "sensitive" people. Yes, some fish feel even less pain than plants. Vegetarian food  is advised, not just for sentimental reason,  but mainly because it is of greater benefice to our health. Of course we might add, for a high Yogi no animal magnetism is to be feared, since nothing can pollute him, everything is consumed by his inner fire - but we, the humble Earth-dwellers, pollute ourselves immeasurably more by unfit thoughts than by swallowing a peace of meat or by using animal secretion for medical purposes. In the New Age however, mankind will realize its true place in the greater pattern, and recognize the sacrifice of the Vegetarian Kingdom as destined for food for the Human Kingdom. And we may add, that since there is nothing as "taking life" since there is only one Life, galvanizing all the Kingdoms of nature, the interest of death and dying is derived primarily from our own deadliness, tabued as it has been for so long  -  rather than the realisation of opppportunity, known to the anscient cultures as an integrated part of their mysteries or as we may deduce from their rich and sometimes true information in a variaty of death cults and "death books". The same may be true with regard to the wish of avoiding pain and disease - "the unwanted, or what we call misfortune and accident" (to quote H.H. Dalai Lama's  Ethics for the New Millennium) without realising its karmic opportunity. According to master D.K. pain is intrisically related to the threefold personality of a great life, whose vehicles are the three planetarian systems we call Earth, Mars and Saturn - nowhere else in our solar system is painnn known to its inhabitants.

As always in the science of Yoga, the need for ballance and harmony should be recognized. Only through the development of a sense of proportion and via the process of decentralisation of the personality can we achieve the poised and elevated consciousness that eventually will allow us to take right action, that is, allowing the will-to-good to manifest through what is left of the personality, wheather of individuals or groups. In the comming Age we have been told, that the discarding the physical form, and later the rest of the personality will be comprehended and aided  by the dying person himself, and those around the deathbed .  It is the science of death and rebirth, as discussed thoroughly by master D.K. in his treatise Esoteric Healing (formally by his amanuensis Alice A. Bailey). The science of death, the anscient Kriya Yoga, is also introduced in  The Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and of course in the traditional "death books" like the tibetan Bardo Tedol.

In Nederland legistlation regarding the act of Eutanasia or assistence to death has been instigated. Without clearcut legistlation on the subject, the Oath of Hippocrates taken by all medical doctors, is often interpreted to allow such assistence, in most European countries. In North America sensitive cases have been broad to court, recognising that the subject is complex and that emotional fear of death and pain should not isolated be allowed to dictate such acts. On the other hand, if there is absolutely no chance of help or of  recovery,  and if there is terrible suffering and if  the patient (or the family, if the former is unconscious)  master D.K. has stated that under propper safeguarding "something should be done" (Esoteric Healing, p. 319). The complexity is also related to the problem of suicide (where - appart from the specific karma, arising from violating the unique plan of the soul group - new dangers are met in the lowest regions of the plane of emotion, as long as the magnetic energies are not lived out)  and (lately) to the use and conservation of the human bodies as such,  in all sorts of  abuse (altruistic donation of organs not included), even when postulated as art - a disgusting art that resembles vampirism and necrophilia more than the anscient greek ideal of art: the true and the good and the beautifull are synonymous. Just as with the problem of mumies, the incapsulated lifegerm is not liberated,  prior to the disintegration of  the involved physical vehicle (so cremation is also to be preferred from egoistic reasons - not to mention the avoidence of earth pollusion).  May it consolate, even Leonardo da Vinci, who forced himself to study three corpses for  each of his exact drawings of some aspect of the human body, beneath the skin, found no other pleasure in this work than the need of the time. The essence is that the physical body has to serve a definite purpose for the human soul, and when certain results have been achieved, is to be replaced by another body, suited to the next cycle of development. It is changed, just as we change worn out clothes. Materialistically identification with the body is as harmfull as the total rejection of the body - as in some periodes of Christianity (or should I say Churchianity).

So much for our fellow man, but what about our younger brothers and sisters, in the Kingdom of Animals. We might recognize two very different trends (though both caused by human egocentricity), the one regarding animals as food produced industrially, the other regarding all sorts of pet-animals as more important than any but the closest family (or even acting as surrogate family to some). In both cases, the goal of the animal evolution is misinterpretated, due to the traditional conviction, that everything in nature is created for the benefice and pleasure of mankind. All animals are the result of a long subdivision according to experience. Each type has its own group soul, feeding sometimes immense numbers of "individuals", but with fewer and fewer representatives, as the animal is developed through a variaty of forms, suited to conditons and gained experiences. At the end of such evolution, we find - on each of the rays - forms, that represent the highest develooopment. They usually become domestic animals. At a certain stage, each member has so specialised experiences, that it can no longer be shared with others, and so the group soul is only nursing one individual. The animal is now almost ready to become individualised, meaning that the final transference to the next kingdom, the Human Kingdom, is possible. The group soul will be "coupled" with a solar pitri or human soul, and is then ready to "become" a human being, when suitable forms are again available (some million years from now, assumably - not since the days of Atlantis have intrance from the Animal Kingdom been allowed, because the human forms are simply to advanced to be suited for such new members of the Human Kingdom). Today, only elephants (ray 2), horses (ray 3), cats (ray 4), apes (ray 5) and dogs (rays 6) seem to have achieved this stage of development. By the way, more of the masters have strongly advised us to keep a mental distance to our domestic animals, and respect them as what they are: animals. The sad story of the antropoid apes (the result of sexual intercourse between animals and men of the third rootrace) is not to be repeated (the great dissimillarity of human and animal forms will make such mixture impossible nowadays), but still individualisation should not be prematurely instigated, by some vague animal desire to become human. Also the adaption of forms in the various kingdoms, and the consequent dissapearance of some of the forms we now know as "rare animals" will have to be accepted, even though it may seem a result of human exploitation of the resources of the Earth  - for some time, even cloning of the Pandas may be acceptable, if the motive is right (in the long run it would probably only hasten the extinction of the form). Let us add, that cloning should not be allowed, in order to fill up the traditional zoo-world with "fresh blood" - we might emphasize, that men and animals always develop optimally in freedom.

Modern society will have to find the ballance between the extremes of consideration of animals as industrial food production on the one side, and substitutes for closer human relationships on the other. Such mediation should also be ruling, when dealing with animals that will have to die, whether due to age and disease or due to its role as food for human beings, in the comming interim period, prior to true recognition of the role of animals and men in the greater patterns of evolution. Eutanacia is again needed, if some animal is badly hurt by a car or in similar situations. There is no need for great pains, when death is close and unavoidable. Anscient religious blood rites will soon die out, as it seems, but animal welfare legistlation only function among the religious groups, with their potentially phanatics, in the general climate of an informed society- and similarly we must hope that it become increasingly rare that people kill their pet animals by utter inconvenience, laziness or similar reasons. In the New Age, where responsibility is one of the major principles the new civilisation should be founded upon,  this attitude  should be extended to those animals we involve in our lives, for various purposes. Or as the greath philosopher Kant has expressed the human case: never only as a means, always also as a purpose in itself. In the New Age, a number of welltrained  mediums ( "informers of the race"  or the socalled "sibyls")  will be allowed to channel the new ideas to the public (however only once a year, we are told, at the Christ Festival, the Festival of Humanity, at the June fullmoon in Gemini), and this will also involve our attitude  to and transactions  with the subhuman as well as superhuman kingdoms. But even now, most people could easily make the right decisions, if they just allowed themselves to love their fellow beings, wheather human or subhuman. We can not necessarily change the world at once, but we can always attempt to enthance our own comprehension, and act in accordance with our best ideals.

(4-4)  AIDS, apparantly soon a  threatened species,  prior to the global civilisation and the reappearance of the Christ  (30-6-2001,  H.I. von Niemann)

We shall now examine the major causes to the present situation as
well as blue prints to solutions of these problems in a larger perspective. The main source to the analysis and  solutions is Problems of Humanity, by Alice A. Bailey, written just after the second World War, but still containing much for further elaboration.

In analogy with the relation between soul and personality of an individual human being, the Hierachy will govern the unfolding and precipitation of divine Purpose in Humanity, as far as possible without neglecting the free will of man. It seems that appart from certain fixpoints there is great flexibility on the aspect of time. We might assume that the period 1975-2025 still is to be the interim period where the foundation for the reappearance of the Christ is laid down in form of the basic changes in our value system. Even though the Kali Yoga ended in 1942, there is much healing work to be carried out in the three lower worlds. The six aspects mentioned in Alice A. Baileys Problems of Humanity seem to give the needed practical handles for the initial work, simultaneously allowing for the differences in the affinity of the many workers and the emphasis of the interrelationship between these aspects in the One Work. The major influence of the material forces will have to go, if true and lasting peace should result from the process. The present cycle aims at increased liberty and freedom to the individual, so each individual is assured the opportunity to think through for himself goal and methods, in relation to the greater whole. The new civilisation will be initiated along lines which basically may be reduced to the three principles, the Princip of Goodwill, the Princip of Responsibility and the Principle of Sharing. We shall exemplify their general applicability to the problems of today and tomorrow below, but we shall first establish some facts on the basic problem here discussed: the establishment or perhaps rather recognition of the basic unity within Humanity, a unity assumably build on diversity within and relationship to the whole. In op.cit. Chapter 6, master D.K. give an analysis of the problem. In spite of the fact it was written just after the second World War, it still contain valuable information on the causes of the present situation as well as how to solve these problems.
The final goal is to arrive at coherency within all of Humanity, in close rapport with the other major centers, the Hierachy and Shambala. In the present cycle the task is to make various groups responsive to the impacts from the seedgroups within the New Group of World Servers, in itself being increasingly organised and in coherency with higher impulses. The immeadiate goal in the period prior to 2025, is the galvanisation of and education of the public oppinion, that will outballance the influence of the material forces. Master D.K. emphasises that this must be done with people in their masses, a few disciples here and there cannot "seal the door where evil dwells", but effective work by the many groups within the New Group of World Servers will be a great asset, with its representatives spread all over the globe. Simultaneously we may recognize how a very little group of world servants and saviors are working to stop the renewal of the stimulation directed from the major centers of the material forces. In addition I guess (or perhaps I should say hope for) the Chohans have done the same to those individuals who can use their mind, even if only potentially, so as a result of their conclave, we will experience a change in the potentials of men all over the world. All in all, the substance towards an intelligent public oppinion is more or less established, and the education of this publicity should be carried out along the many lines of diversity, that constitute the groups within the New Group of World Servers, in order to meet the variety within Humanity itself. The specific methods are of course numerous, and I shall therefore only exemplify one of the many issues, that indicate the integration process within Humanity. Even this, only from a very narrow viewpoint, the frozen picture of today, and its relation to the immeadiate past and future. To this could be added the prosperity of the future, derived not only from the development of the human beings involved, in parrallel with increased fair distribution of goods and services, but also the multitude of tools that has been developed by science along the lines of individual and mass communication, including mobile telephone, radio, television and the internet. The role of the UN is also becomming more clear, at first with the discrete hierachical custodian, Robert Muller, and a number of other more or less anonymeous coworkers within the UN and its many suborganisations, today also the general secretary Kofi Anan supported by a world wide band of entlighted politicians outside the UN. A comprehensible approach is optained, identifying (as suggested by D.K. in Problems of Humanity) the problem of unity with problems of economy (also stressing, that economy cannot be separated from other aspects of human living), or to be specific, the fair and just distribution in the world of goods and services, hence opportunities.

The problem of health is related to the fundamental human rights, presented in the original bill of Declaration on Human Rights, sustained 10-12-1948 by a majority of member countries of the UN. The right to medical treatment and nursing assistence in case of disease is not easy to practise, as long as the health industry is just a part of the general capitalistic system of the world, especially when this capitalistic system dominate everywhere, even in those socalled communist societies where it officially is negated (Cuba, China, etc.) - due to the global world trade with its own organisations, like WTO. In many socalled civilised countries, like USA, it is even today not easy to get (even elementary) treatment to some deadly diseases, like cancer or HIV/AIDS. In the poorer countries such diseases are competing with those arising from the lack of infrastructure and technological development, like smallpox, malaria and tubercouloses - not to mention the effects of (civil) waaars and starvation. Thus the issue of disease and lack of treatment is wellknown to each and every one on the globe, even if only from television, in the most privilleged parts of the world. To use the words of Bill Clinton, from an adress on globalism (a few month ago, in Copenhagen): "Today we may still choose not to act, but we cannot choose not to know..." We shall now focus on the issue of HIV/AIDS, and some of the more obvious implications in relation to the unity of Humanity. The exercise is however prototypical: after due inspiration, the disciplegroup design and instigate the way for a solution, then the public opinion is informed and used against the few, but powerfull and separative, and results are inevitable  -  thus another ribbon is tied around the globe, sometimes resulting in a formalised structure, too.

About twenty years ago, in 1981, the first incidence of AIDS was recognized in the West. Soon it spread like an epidemic, with a curious preferency to groups and subcultures with low status in the US California district: gay men and male prostitutes with sex-relations to West-India and Africa, and with a general promiscuous lifestyle. The mysterious disease was supposed (according to initial myth) to originate from a green african monkey that had bitten a westindean male prostitute, and thus infected the San Francisco promiscuous gay milieu. Even when spread to other groups with low status, like drug-addicts sharing needles, it was considered as an isolated problem, with limmited public interest, a kind of Gods severe but just punishment of the involved lowlife groups. The rather wealthy Gay Liberation Movement, starting in the same part of the world back in 1969, and with close ties to the Womens Lib, soon became as global as other ideologies. These groups took the first blows of the disease, but soon it became one of their main issues to educate the public oppinion on these issuses. In the next decade, other groups became involved, at it became clear that the disease was spread with blood contact as well as intimate contact, and slogans like "safe sex" was launched, annoying many dogmatic religious groups,like catholic christeans and fundamentalistic muslims, usually ignoring womens rights in general and harassing any aspect of homosexuality in particular. Simultaneously the global health system became involved, often with political aftermaths, often taking some scapegoat to court, in order to formally place  responsibility: why should it take so long, before the blood used in hospitals was screaned for HIV/AIDS. The fact that donor blood in many of the richer countries was sold and bought as any other merchandise, and often originated from poor people, whether local drug addicts or imported from exotic parts of the world, was wellknown but not considered an ethic problem, a part from the risc of infecting healthy people, and that probably only from the economic (insurrance) aspect. Another fact, that the disease was spreading rapidly like an epidemic in many poorer countries, as well as countries where unmatrimonial sexuality, especially male homosexuality, was not accepted, also became known to medical doctors attached to the UN-suborganisation for World Health: WHO, and other subgroups, but was not yet an issue of the public debate. Only slowly, and with the increasing number of diseased sex tourists, the problems in Africa, Asia and South America, became recognised in the richer countries, and there was usually no recognised responsibility pertained to this knowledge. National problems were to be handled nationally. In some countries the existence of the problem was simply denied, either for socalled moral reason or somewhere, as a consequence of the belief  thast there were no possibilities to do anything, anyhow. Only the last few years have the AIDS lobbies succeded in placing this global problem on the agenda of the international questions debated in e.g. UN. At this moment, in some parts of central Africa, more than  25% of the population is diseased, and soon these countries will represent an instability problem, due to its lack of skilled adult workers, the many indisposed and seek people, and with an increasing number of orphans, left over. Humanitarian, political, economical or any other sort of argument may be used in the discussion. Now, where instantaneous action is urgently needed, the problem is becomming recognised globally, and can only be solved globally.

Last year UN general secretary Kofi Anan suggested a plan for the next decade of  projects, that could be initiated immediately within the present framework of UN, including the five points, later discussed in the spring this year at the AIDS conference in Nigeria. And last monday, the 25th of June 2001, the day before the extraordinary general UN assembly on AIDS related problems started in New York, the US attitude to prohibitate poor countries to violate patent rights in order to get their desperately needed medicin (hitherto legalised only by accute epidemics) was modified, and concrete legal steps in WTO against Brazil withdrawn. So Brazil will now be able to carry on and offer medicin to all HIV/AIDS patients. The case is somewhat similar to that of South Africa, a couple of month ago (here the medical industry used to test their products, in stead of using animal tests). These two countries both contain a relative large percentage of white, but poor population, an insidence that could have influenced the decision. If so, the transfer to other poor countries is still obvious, rights considered universal. At least all 189 nations have signed the verbal results of the three days UN conference on AIDS, 26th-28th of June 2001, so there is now formally a reduced risc when advocating prevention, womens rights to their own bodies and the need to avoid discrimination of infected people, yes even the true causes to the disease will be accepted broadly (an infection, not an evil spirit, etc.). The important issue is here the realisation of possibility for action and choice. As usual in UN regie the money to carry out, both prevention and cure, including the enormeous public educational project (aiming especially at the yuth, and dealing with the many tabues involved), is still not available. Again we see the fundamental role played by economy.

From the analysis above it can be seen, that the basic problem is the very organisation of the health system, including innovation and production of medicin (and other healing methods,perhaps). As long as the capitalist laws work out, the profit of production of medicin is greater than the expected profits on vaccines, so there is little reason to believe, that major efforts will be made to prevent rather than cure. The demands of publicity on health technological results, putting formulas and results on the internet, as suggested by Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, is probably a solution here and now, but eventually there should be a total change in the organisation, probably taking such production out of the capitalist system, e.g. by transferring huge fonds of money to UN-organisations or other supernational structures, like the EU. And here the major problem is the very few but also very rich groups and individuals that prefer the status quo. That is why this health issue could play a key role in the supernational structures, that increasingly will take over, towards the new age civilisation. The means for this is asumably, education and more education, of the public, along all the possible channels, with due consideration of utility and effect. Living pictures on television, with internet support for more facts and special networking (preferably as part of a general plan for eternal education of members of society, including ordinary school education where certain foundations should be laid), might indeed be very effective right now.

By the way we notify, that the process of deveoping a fair distribution policy on HIV/AIDS treatment have now gone so far, that it could never be reversed. Obviously most people find it justified, that unborn children from AIDS-infected women should be saved, when it can be done for less than ten dollars per child. But if the child is saved, it would probably also be possible to argue, that the child need food and other necessities. In this manner, the process continually implicate other aspects of human rights. According to master D.K. the establishment of right human relations is inseparably pertained to the fair distribution of goods and services, hence opportunities, so even if we start in cataclysm we might end up with the opposite situation. In fact D.K. estimate a total change of values and distribution to be possible within less than 25 years - and this is exactly was is left, the nexxxt cycle of the externalisation of Hierachy,starting around 2025, culminating perhaps with the reappearance of the Christ. Elsewhere we have been told, that just after 2025 should we expect a genuine political structure arise, as the outer symbol of the recognised unity of Humanity.

The most interesting aspect of this little exercise of recollection is perhaps, that all the changes have been carried out, by means of the three fundamental principles mentioned above. When man or nation have recognised its (shared) responsibility to his fellows, then the recognition of need for sharing resources is not so far. Both recognitions however has to be accepted volentarily by the public (if not necessarily by those antagonistic to this living ethic), and here the bridging technique of goodwill is the only possible at the moment. The three fundamental principles may seem simple, but they are nevertheless both suitable and unavoidable, building the new age of Aquarious. The forrunners of the race will asumably point out the fields where to apply these principles, and should we still share any doubts, then a good nights sleep on top of the regular use of both head and heart will definitely asure the right decission. The unity of humanity is not a static goal but a dynamic process, going through diversity with respect to field of work and concrete modification of the application of the fundamental principles, and each step is linked inseparately with recognised relationships, horizontally and/or vertically. The clearcut concept of unity hide precisely the detaills of a multitude of energy bands and relationships, in a manner similar to the concept of a soul-infused personality. When looking from above, it may be an atom of language, but being part of the process tend to unfold recognition of complexity. And both viewpoints are needed, when consciously part of the process.

(5-4)   On the character of the socalled seedgroups of the New Age. (9-8-2001, B.E. Atitude)

"...Withdraw into yourself and look. And if you do not find yourself beautiful yet, act as does the creator of a statue that is to be made beatutiful ... let each become godlike and each beautiful who cares to see God and Beauty.... Never did the eye see the sun unless it had first become sunlike..." (Enneads, I.6,  by Plotinus)

"In beholding the lifeless material world we stir cosmic memory" (The Arts and their Mission, p. 37, Rudolf Steiner)

"The Shambala energy brings to fruition the fourth ray of harmony and the final adjustment of all pairs of opposites, not the destruction of either. The goal, when attained by mankind will enable the Lord of the World to proclaim, "Now naught remain that is not beautiful". Here we have a key to what beauty really is; transcending beauty in form is beauty in life quality. We know more about the other six ray qualities than we do about the fourth ray. When we become more conscious of Shambala, we shall know more about the fourth ray and respond to its influence more intelligently." (Reflections, p. 50,  by Foster Bailey)

When we speak of the New Age as an age suited for groups it is true in more than one way. First of all, we shall see the traditional Fish Age group (formated around some leader, not seldom the only integrated personality in the group, we might add)  replaced by groups of an outonomous character. Leadership and synthesis is not  achieved by harmonizing the individuals - that is pure sideeffect  - but by letting the group be the atom for development, not the individual.  Such horizontal evolution corresponds perfectly to a vertical integration, where the middle principle of soul  enforces the relationship both upwards and downwards. In the large pattern we may say, that increased syncronicity  between  Humanity, Hierahcy and Humanity is occuring, as part of the planetarian initiation.
Here  we find another cause to group formation, though for the time being usually without much to see in the objective world. The new  groups are not formated directly and only for the benefice of the family, the society or the nation as are the third aspect groups of today, but are related to the second aspect and prevail by law of soul (according to D.K.  the fifth of the seven laws, called the Law of Group Progress, cf. Esoteric Psychology. vol. II, by Alice A. Bailey). As the Aquarian energies seep into our system, we shall increasingly be able to recognize such groups in the outer physical world. We shall recognize, that the forrunner of today is a group, often a worldwide group on mental levels.

In the New Group of World Servers, the training ground for all new age disciples, the synthetic structure of the joint ashram of Sanat Kumara (that which we call the Hierachy) will become reflected at least partially. Thus there has been constructed, even if in embroyo at the moment, ten overlapping departments for work, often referred to as the teen seedgroups. In these working fields we shall in the comming period see a number of special groups to be integrated. Though these groups will be formated around certain specific tasks to be worked out, the groups will also react in a nonseparative manner to other recognized groups and learn to cooperate at least on mental levels. The natural ability to telepathic communication will become strengthened, when the group and not the individual become the transmitting and receiving unit, and much of the trouble arising from the physical and emotional planes may be avoided.

One of the aspects of this new prevailing structure is, that initiation increasingly will be taken in group formation.  Initially  (after 1875) such groups consisted of people on the same ray (only rays 1,2 or 3) and with essentially the same grade of consciousness (thus preparing for the same expansion of consciousness), but as the Aquarian Age unfolds, the diversity of such groups will increase (cf. the experiment undertaken by D.K. and descriped in some of the books of Alice A. Bailey, especially Discipleship in the New Age,vol. I&II). The goal is to externalize the ashrams of the Hierachy,  as a first step towards a total fusion between Humanity and the Hierachy in some distant future. Meanwhile, the New Group of World Servers function as a group antahkarana correspondence in the three worlds, and the groups for initiation will then ease the building of the collective antahkarana, resolving the triplicity into a duality of spirit and matter.

By the demand of Shambala, only individuals who have developed a sense of synthesis and who have started building the antahkarana can tread the Path in group formation. Up to 1875 the disciple in the outer world was a rare individual displaying the new ideas, held up to the intelligentsia as ideals and idols. The master of the ashram was the focus point of the energies, and the individual was a reflection and anchoring in the outer world. In the comming period, the disciple will be a group, now reflecting energies from the whole of Hierachy, focused through some master, responsible for the group. The group shall now longer only display ideas, but also make sure they are manifested in the three worlds. The Way of Love which is the method of Hierachy is superseeded by the will aspect. The safeguarding of the individual is exactly the group. Only in group formation can these energies be handled without too much glamour and illusion. Since the group is in focus, the talents and advantages of the individual members can be stimulated without hampering the effects for the group, as long as the members have some sense of synthesis . We see here the need for a new yoga suited for this situation, the Yoga of Synthesis that slowly will appear  by the experiments and experiences of the many groups in groups. This yoga of fire is thus to be wrought out by the New Group of World Servers, and the goal is to set the whole of Humanity at fire.

If one happens to be born in those parts of the world, where the day is not a desperate fight for bread, one might have noticed a number group reactions to the present economic and generel political crises (or rather a crisis for materialism) in e.g. Göteborg and Genova. Most important perhaps, a relatively new group, the group of nations in the whole world, have made an important step towards recognized unity.   In july at the summit in Bonn, Germany, the US attempts to split the world on the Kyoto protocole did not succed! 168 countries agreed to  care for the climat of the planet by controling e.g. the outlets of carbondioxid, only the US would not let consideration to other nations influence their decision - in spite of the fact, that there are allready some islands in the Pacific Ocean that are slowly drowning, asumably  as result of the increasing temperature, that seem to melt down the ice on the polar caps.  Elsewhere, the US president channeled the viewpoint of national egotism as he saw it - and hardly home, he was confronted with his own political consultants on the very issue. To play the materialistic card again from the Northamerican center (the other materialistic centers are galvanised to their worst) with apparant (and no doubt calculated) boomerang effect, was a sign that there are no more hope among the materialistic forces, only a desperate determination to delay the effects of recognized unity among human beings. Indeed, it is an exciting period to be alive, and a privillege to participate in the building the new civilisation.

(5-5)  Fragments of the Theory of Triangles.  (10-9-01,  N. G. O. Metric)

"We notify joyously the dynamic  triangle  between the UN, the EU and NATO." (Anonymous)

"818. "We have learned that the supernal beard is disposed in nine conformations, and that it is the beard of Microprosopus" (...)  832 "Also we have learned: From the Wisdom which is comprehended in the Quaternary the hairs flow down, which hang in curls upon curls"  (...) 833 "And so many thousand thousand myriads of myriads depend from them that they are innumerable." (S.L.Macgregor Mathers, The Kabalah Unveiled, p. 213-215)

It has often been stated that "before a man can tread the Path he must become the Path itself" (i.e. build the Antahkarana). Similarly with this comming science of the New Age, before we can comprehend this abstruse theory with its vast consequences, we must recognize the elements within our own constitution. Some information and a few hints can however be found in the writings of Alice A. Bailey (containing fewer blinders than the works of HPB), especially in the books  Esoteric Astrology  and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire (where as in the  Kabalah, the jewish esoteric tradition, like the books of Zohar, with its theory of the ten Zephiroth, everything is counted and drowned in a gigantic puzzle, apart from the allegoric antropomorphism). Even so, we shall only copy a few facts, letting the intuition sellect the relevant detailles when needed. Nevertheless a warning should be given: though the Hermetic Principle of analogy applays  we must emphatically warn against any experiment with the centes in the bodies, since "energy follows thought" and the sound unfoldment  goes along the path of service, with studies and meditation as secondary moments.

We have often been told that purpose is passive, and will is active, and the will is the energy that should manifest the corresponding purpose. But this sentence is probably without meaning outside the framework of triangles. This distinction between purpose and will is reflected in the division of those in Shambala, that receive the purpose from higher sources, and the custodians of the will, a distinction that is found again on hierachical levels, some receive the purpose from Shambala and some are custodians of the Plan that should manifest this purpose.

Two of the signs in the ordinary zodiac, Virgo and Scorpio, have symbols that actually are triplicities. They represent the processess of blending several energies, which we might denote a crisis.  In the first place, the unfoldment of the third aspect aiming at the integration of the threefold personality energies with (unconscious) rudiments of soul energy will eventually take the man onto the Path of Probation. In the second case, the turmoil from the blending of the threefold personality, the threefold soul and the threefold monad (initially represented by the higher triad) causes the man to advance on the Path of Discipleship. In Virgo-Leo the stage of self-consciousness is reached, and after the terrific tests in Scorpio (on the reversed wheel), the one-pointed  disciple is seen in Sagitarius, aiming at initiation in Capricorn, displaying eventually the world server in Aquarius and the world savior in Pisces. Or restated, one sign drives the unit out of massconscousness, the other drives the unit into group consciousness.

In the human unit, the etheric web originating from buddhic levels, and constituting the infinity of force lines that cross and blend, making up the totality of seven major centres (where seven lines cross),  twentyone secondary centres (where three lines cross) and many more minor foci (where two lines cross). This etheric web is part of the planetarian web, thus uniting every unit on this planet, as part of even  greater webs, that in the last instance is the foundation of astrology (though one should distinguish between the astronomical constellation and their transformed energy, the astrological signs, received and distributed by the Hierachy). The externalized symbol of this web is the world wide web, also called the internet.

The master D.K. has emphasised the triangular nature and interrelation  of all that eventuates (cf. the now world wide movement called Triangles, initiated by Him). Every organism has a threefold nature, which we call the first aspect or spirit, the second aspect or soul, and the third aspect or personality. This triplicity is also sometimes denoted: life, quality, appearance. On this planet it is a reflection of a great triangle between the three major planetarian centres: Shamballa, Hierachy and Humanity. Every nation is such an organism. We should notify, that a nation need not coinside with a national state. E.g. is the scandinavian countries one nation, where Norway, Denmark and Sweden represent the three aspects (as pointed out by Rudolph Steiner).

Let us consider three points that is not on line. They constitute thus one triangel, which we will denote the primary triangel. If we reflect (mathematically) each point in a certain point, which we denote a focus point, we obtain a new triangle, from now denoted a secondary triangle. If we consider the primary triangle as a network for the transportation of energies, these energies might origin from one of the points,  is directed through another point which itself transmits energy, to the third point, the latter will  receive a blend of the two energies, that eventually could be returned to the first point. This transportation represent a certain direction around the border of the triangle. We notify, that the direction is reversed in the secondary triangle, its reflection. However, the process of reflection may go on in a long serie, thus increasing the complexity of the whole subject. We notify also, that whenever we pass from one plane or subplane to another, we will usually pass through an uneven number of reflections, with the same resulting reversed orientation. The problem to the disciple arises partially from this fact, because his consciousness is on the reversed wheel, whereas the matter particles in his vehicles are on the ordinary wheel. Only at the transfiguration is "the great illusion" terminated and "the curtain is torn from top to bottom", as it happened when Saul of  Tarsus became St.Paul, the Initiate. We also notify, that the direction of the energies is not allways the same, as it may be changed from above. As an example we mention, that both the planes and the rays are said to "rotate" (or permute) so what is said may be different in another worldperiod. This is related to the building from below, which we usually call the building of the Antahkarana, which is the third line in the primary triangle, that is apparantly induced from below, though it is the result of the pull of the spirit. From the point of view of the human being,  limmited in time and space, it is not so easy to see the triangles working out between e.g. the various rootraces, the seven major centres in Humanity (the first, second and seventh representing the triangle of aspect, working out in the square, just as in the human unit), and externalized on five continents. If we go to the atomic hearts making out the substance of the first subplane of the physical plane  (what science today call an atom is a molecule of such units), we recognize however two streams of three and seven socalled spirillae (spiralls of spiralls in a serie, related to the very formation of matter from plane to plane and subplane to subplane) - and the number of opened spirillae among the seven are corresponding to the goal for the rootraces (thus only matter used in the vehicles of  advanced units have today more spirillae opened than four and a half...).

If we investigate the sources of the Seven Rays, we are told, that they come into manifestation through a gigantic triangle, formed by three galaxies, around Ursula Major, Sirius and the Pleiades. In this manner our sun is focal point for the blending of 12 energies, as a heart center within the cosmic system of Sirius, again a center in the great being called The One About Whom Nothing May Be Said (where the seven stars of the Great Bear, Ursula Major,  corresponds to the seven centers in the head). Of these 12 energies, 7 are streaming from the Great Bear via triplicities of transmitting constellations, 2 from Sirius and 3 from three of the seven Pleiades. We also mention, that it has been said that the source of Cosmic Evil is hidden in the reception of energies in one of the Pleiades, just to stress the huge implications of the mentioned basic triangle of the manifestation of the seven rays in relation to our system. So it is not sufficient to remark that the seven sacred planets (the distributors of the seven rays, subrays of the great cosmic second ray) and the five non-sacred planets correspond to the seven head centres and to the five centers up the spine (all having their correspondence in the head).

According to Esoteric Astrology the Will, considered as the transcendental cause (1) manifest allways through  the triangle of three transmitting focal points with the following characteristics: (2.1) one that initiates the manifestation and make the creation stepwise, in spite of capacity to see from beginning to end; (2.2)  one that brings about fulfillment; (2.3) one that overcommes death or differentiation   -   (by the way, sustained effortt, we are told, is the seed of synthesis, the cause of achievement, and that which finally overcomes death). If e.g. the transcending cause is the human monad,  the transmitting centers are Shamballa, Hierachy and Humanity, from where it is  blended in the human soul, a transforming center (3), before it is further reflected in three transfiguring centers  (4), that sends it along the major focal points in the web, and eventually is received in the physical man (5), part of the square that constitute the lower man (the threefold personality within a physical body). On a drawing of the contour of (1) - (5) we recognize a timeglass shaped figur, that can be seen also in the route of energies, manifesting one of the seven rays on Earth, originating from one of the stars in the Great Bear,  transmitted by three constellations in the Zodiac, transformed in the Sun, transfigured in the seven Sacred and four other Non-Sacred Planets. The story becomes comprehensible, if we omit the detailles, but the price is of course an inaccuracy that prevent premature applications.

(4-7)  Towards global legistlation.  (1-10-2001,  Y. )

"The dark ones ... we use them as our workingbench..." ( M.  in Agni Yoga Teaching)

"Every time the forces of darkness strike a blow and get an effect, Hierachy under the law of balance has an opportunity to strike a blow and get an effect without devastating backlash. Likewise, every time they push too hard a surge of opposing force is let loose. What they can wisely do depends on how much humanity can take. They are drastically limited by us. Our future is more in our hands than in theirs. As humanity matures we recognise this and accept it. If we do not recognise opportunity now we limit Hierachy's efforts to implement God's Plan ..." (Foster Bailey, Reflections, p. 3-4,  Lucis Publ. Comp.,1979)

"Many naive people think that the dark ones act only through evil, corruption and crime. How wrong they are! Only crude and relatively insignificant forces act in this way. Much more dangerous are those who masquerade under the Light of the Teaching. Ignorance and lack of intuition push many into the arms of darkness, and deprive them for a long time, if not forever, of the salutary influence and attraction of the rays of the great Stronghold of Light.  ... They are very threwd and inventive, and they act according to the level of their victims. But all of them lack tolerance and warmth of heart. ... And their best weapon is the ignorant masses." (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 2,  p. 6-7, 1967)

"Terrorism is the evil of our time..." (Tony Blair, tv-speach, 11-9-2001)

The White Lodge and its material counterpart was founded in early Atlantic period, as externalisations of cosmic centers, the Great White Brotherhood on Sirius and the center of cosmic evil on the cosmic astral plane. To our limited consciousness these polar oposites represent what we call good and evil, and the achievement in evolution define the borderline. The clashes between the spiritual and material forces, partly a left-over from the moonchain and later the destruction of Atlantis in this chain, culminated with the great world wars 1914-45, but continoued on astro-mental levels, and though the Kali Yuga ended in 1942, much purification was and is needed in the tree worlds of human living.  We often may recognise how some or another group, according to their karma, painfully pays the price to teach humanity a needed lesson. Each nation, yes each single person has a role to play in the implementation of the Plan.

Germany has a fourth ray personality and a first ray soul, both rays out of incarnation in relation to the individual, so no wonder that she often have nested persons and groups with affinity to the destructive aspects of the power ray, originating to the plane of glamour. Older souls may be far more dangerous than the younger when they fall. In the world there are six occidental and six oriental black adepts capable of channelling the destructive aspect of the power ray, but their followers are numerous. In 1923 died the reactionary occultist Dietrich Eckart in München, Germany. Shortly before his death he said: "Follow Hitler. He will dance, but it is I who have written the music... I shall influence the path of history more than any other german ...". Initially Hitler believed himself to be a world savior, but his idealism was coloured by pride, separatism and cruelty, and soon he was obcessed and directed from the Black Lodge. The destructive energies were circulated between the three foci of Japan, Germany and Italy, each expressing their major flaws of maya, glamour and illusion, respectively. In Germany it was channeled through Hitlers group of seven evil men. The rest is history now.

After the world wars, the "door to evil" was partly opened again and the energy directed along the triangle constituted by foci in (the Zionist movement in) US, central Europa and Palestain. Again there are groups that will try to destroy anything that seem to hamper their plans and desires. We can follow the major source of this type of force: first in Hitler's Germany, then in Sovjetunion, after the fall of the Ironcurt in 1989 we have a large contration in the Balkans and in the region of Palestain, and lately with five major centers and many minor, like the heads of the nineheaded hydra. In the same period, Humanity has passed through the harsh tests prior to the first initiation. Towards world unity we shall experience the internal purification of three major nations, each with its own project to solve. The British CommonWealth work with the project of true government, the US work with the project of establishing right human relations,
and Russia work with the project of brotherhood, starting with mass education. We have here the modern version of the motto from the French Revolution.  The history of the world since 1789 have affirmed the remark of D.K. that the aspirants of the world have tried to "seal the door where evil dwells", without succes; then the disciples of the world have tried, without succes. But the Knowers of the world will succed. The reason for this is the fact, that only groups with roots in Shambala will be able to channel the energy of the Will-to-good, that will galvanize the massess towards the values that are needed today. So agni yoga is a very practical thing to develop, and the need for building the collective antahkarana is more urgent than ever. It is the Plan that the New Group of World Servers will contain groups of such Knowers, and meanwhile the Hierachy protect us against "unspeakable evil", this impact without the slightest content of love energy. But the devils created by our own narrowness, greed and egotism (and there are many skelletons in the closset, in this aftermath of the  sixth ray cycle of around 2100 years, a kind of "kali yuga of the sixth ray cycle"), must be handled in the daily living and all over the world.  Again the solutions are right ahead, if we so choose. The principles of responsibility, sharing and goodwill are fortunately known to those, who direct us through the present world crisis. But no national government, even if lead by one of the representatives of the externalizing Hierachy,  could or should deprive us from the opportunity of growing up.

(4-8) Nine-One-One received - just in time ... ( 16-11-2001,  W.H. Atever)

"We shall choose all the best and affirm that he who cognizes the best becomes a community member. 229. Firmness, calmness, resourcefulness, quickness - thus inquire of each one professing devotion to the community. Yet calmness may appear during sleep, firmness in action, resourcefulness at mealtime, and quickness in the obtaining of money. (...) Sentimentality is often taken for compassion, anger for indignation, and self-preservation for courage. It must be understood how accutely necessary it is to purify one's concepts not in thought alone but in action."
(Agni Yoga Teaching: New Age Community, p. 208-209, 1926)

"I seek not to deal in detail with the evil which holds the world in thrall.  Enough is already known and (...) hierachical workers in all departments of life are struggling to awaken humanity to the risks they are running, and to the finality of the decision which the next two generations will be forced to make."
(Alice A. Bailey:The Rays and the Initiations, p.742, 1960 - but written close to 1949)

 "To this explosion the Prince of the World is directing all his efforts, since he knows that in a purified atmosphere pierced by the new fiery rays, or energies, the spheres of Earth will become unbearable for him, and his continoued presence here made impossible. Therefore, he strives for an explosion, in order to float away on the wreck"  (...)  "Near the fragments (of course, not the physical ones) of an exploded planet, its atmosphere is preserved for a lengthy period, which would enable the Prince of the World to remain in it. In fact, the higher layers of space are not accessible to him, and therefore he has either to float amidst the fragments and their surrounding atmosphere or go to Saturn." (Letters of Helena Roerich, vol. 2, 1935-39, p. 6 & 411)

On the first day of the Ramadan, the holy month of Islam, we might make a status, two month after the  terrorist attacks of 2001-9-11, of the process towards peace and harmony, prosperity and beauty. Already we recognize  the first signs of  the new agenda, that might root out the major culturel and economic reasons for terrorism. Let us by joyful, and simply make a list of concrete world events, indicating this new climate:

USA have paid its debts to the UN, and accepted Syria as member of the Security Counsil. Most likely, it will pay.

Closer political and culturel relations between USA, Russia and China - the past seem to be almost forgotten, and their leaders all shake hands, and  perhaps wash them together.

EU will intensify the social dimension of its relationship to Africa, as mentioned e.g. on the British Labour Conference, at the 13th of September, in a speach by Tony Blair -  ( he also mentioned that 3 millions have died in the conflict in Congo during the last decade...).

Weapons collected for destruction, reviving the peace process, in Northern Ireland and on the Balkans (Machedonia).

Afghanistan in process of radical changes towards a post-Taliban situation. In the military campagne are also participating soldiers and materiel from Germany and Japan,  in spite of their own past, and UN is very active in finding a lasting political solution acceptable to the people of Aghanistan as well as the rest of the world.

The modified Kyoto agreement on climat and carbondioxid-outlets signed in Marakesh, Marocco, by 165 countries.

USA and Rusia have had renewed negotiations on nuclear missiles reductions. They will also discuss anti-missil-defence systems. We affirm that suicide bombers could bring together the critical mass of Plutonium (e.g.  smuggled into the country by letter as a chemical compound), perhaps saving a bit for the drinking-water reservoirs, without the instrumentality of missiles.

Increased risc of inhaling white powders realised. Red ears observed.

Reduction in the ozon hole due to reduction in air traffic.

The first indications that bank secrecy will no longer be possible (nor will money laundrying), yes eventually no national currency would be possible, if the attempts to limmit the economic resources of terror and crime is to be efficient. Not all nations are members of the UN.

For the moment we have a world wide coalision against terror and for the first time the UN Security Council has imposed mandatory obligations on all UN members to cut off terrorist financing and end safe havens for terrorists. Not all UN decrets are however implemented immeadiately, in all countries.

Increasing dialogue between Islamic countries. like Iran or Pakistan, and the West. In general more focus on the variety of religious and cultural values. Good as well as bad.

Statements from many countries, including Israel and USA, that a palestinean nation must be allowed  if  the Middle-East situation is to be solved. Tony Blair insist that it should be solved.

China (and Taiwan) have become member of WTO, and a new round of trade negotiations, aiming at easier access for the poorer countries to the markets in the richer countries, and probably new attitudes to patent rights on medicin, are in process.

Together with the recessment on the stockmarkets, there are clear signs of a total change in the world economy and the (lack of) global political system.
The conflicts seem as usual to be the agents of harmony. We notify that the holy fourth ray planet, Mercury, is the Hierachical agent of  Scorpio, the sign of testing prior to accepted discipleship, where as the sixth ray planet, Mars, is ruling the individual.

(4-9) Take the stirn lessons with a smile, M. said  -  otherwise your personality reactionns simply interrupt  the subtler energy currents. (13-12-2001,  The New Hope-bits Association)

"232. The path of virtue is not a singing of psalms but labor and service."(Agni Yoga Teaching, Leaves of Morya's Garden, vol 1, p.65)
"Fearlessness is our leader. Beauty is Our ray of understanding. Simplicity is Our key to the doors of happiness." (ibid. vol. 2, p. 60)

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die,
One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all, one Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness find them
In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."
(J.R.R.Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, Book One, Ch.2, p.57)

In The Hidden Wisdom of the Holy Bible, vol.1:4, Geoffry Hodson introduces the glosery of the hidden language of allegory and myth. The symbol of the ring, being without beginning and without end, is a symbol of eternity and eternal power, truth and wisdom. Its shape and completeness signify both the consummation of a cyclic journey of forthgoing and return and, by implication, such powers as have by that time been attained. In terms of consciousness, the circle refers to the realisation of the Eternal Now by the Adept and of duration or time without limits by illumined man. The symbol of a ring and the gift of a ring is of very great significance. Some other interpretations are: The principle of evolution by cycles of forthgoing and return in eternal progression; the monad-ego has completed a cycle and must embark upon its successor.

Through the ages,  the tradition of storytelling have kept the eternal wisdom close to mankind, yet inaccessible to the unready. Music is often more synthetic than conceptual (many great musicians  - like Mozart -  are actually on the ffourth ray) and may prove a powerfull tool towards alignment with the soul.  The fantasy genre in arts and litterature and the  advantages of recent technology allow the sharing of visions and their recognition by the many. Yes, we shall create beauty in colour and sound, not only to please but rather to enhance, and certainly as a means of communication with higher sources, including the healing devas  (here we notify en passant that within our parrallel evolution, the deva-evolution, sound is seen  as colour). All this is part of the Plan. Beauty should govern the New Age. The goals of the fifth ray should merge with the goals of he fourth ray. Remember, art is the one vital medium of the comming culture.

Indeed, cycles relate to numbers in interesting ways. The Nobel Peace Price number one hundred was this year shared between UN and its general secretary Kofi Annan. Last week, at the Nobel Peace Price  award ceremony in Oslo, Kofi Annan pointed out, that the world is not only a group of nations, but each nation is constituted of individuals, with needs and rights to defend, and the first century of this new millennium should concentrate on solving the basic and apparantly interrelated problems of Humanity: ignorance, disease and poverty. It is not an impossible task for the New Group of World Servers and the intelligent people of goodwill, but it cannot be swiftly implemented by means of any occult formula (appart from the three simple principles of responsibility, goodwill and sharing, which are the foundation for the comming new civilisation of Aquarious - and perhaps generel knowledge of the constitution of the world). In the ourter world, democracy, not yet hierachy, is a suitable form of government  to the bulk of Humanity.

Twelve days before Christmas day, and twelve days after,  usually represent a  presentation of the qualities of the  year cycle (due to the holographic or infolded order) - this year  accompagnied by very beneficial energies to heal the struggling disciple, Humanity. It seems that great decisions have now been taken on the inner side. After the dramatic testing in Scorpio, the disciple is now ready for work, always meaning groupwork. Karma is of great importance, but of greater gravity is the choice. Karma is but the condition of the choice. The motto of Sagitarious: "I see the goal. I reach that goal and then I see another" contain the process of the working disciple, who "knows because he works" and not the other way round. The disciple always work in fog and mist, so is the Path, but the drive of the spirit is in line with the great Cosmic Magnet all the time, and the fire of compassion and fearlessness protect the work and the workers.

(4-10)  The deva kingdom, and the four-element formula of the flag: Airy Expansion, Earthly Contact, Fiery Relations and Oceanic Synthesis.  (2-1-2002,  D.V.A. Nocheinmahlzeit )

"... he cast out three devils..." (St.Paul)

"Be in your personality what you are as an Ego.
 Be in little things what you are in great.
 Be in particular what you are in general.
 Be in your moments what you are in your mission.
 Then will your future glory be foreshadowed in your present life.
 To the thinking man, life is a commedy.
 To the feeling man, life is a tragedy.
 To the intuitive man, life is a great Quest."
 (Light on the Sanctuary. The Occult Diary of Geoffry Hodson, p. 60)

"...the cycle now being inaugurated in the world is that of "Growth through Sharing" ... advanced humanity can now share the work, the responsibility and the trained retience of the Hierachy, whilst parallelling this and simultaneously, the mass of men are learning the lessons of economic sharing, and my brothers, in this lies the sole hope of the world." (Discipleship in the New Age, II, p. 316-317, by Alice A. Bailey, 1948)

When the unfoldment of the planetarian heart, the Hierachy (which is the one ashram of Sanat Kumara), is fulfilled we shall experience the beatifull flame of the totality of 49 ashrams,  for each ray a major ashram with a Chohan  at the center, and six subsidiary ashrams pertained to it. For the moment only some of the subsidiary ashrams have at the center a Master, while the rest are embryonic or lead by an initiate of  third or fourth degree. We have been told that every toiling disciple attracts those around him that will enable the group to materialize some aspect of the Plan. In the ashrams the workers advances to higher work whenever there has been trained those to take their place in the Hierachy. But there are actually some disciples who pass the fifth initiation of a Master  without becomming the focal point of an ashram. Instead, we are told, they work as disciples directly under Shambala, and do special work e.g. within the deva evolution (as do the fourth ray chohan Serapis at the moment, in relation to the externalisation of the Hierachy, which will include some representatives of high rank from the deva evolution, perhaps the Great Mother, the former Mary, mother to Jesus). We remember that the Christ is "the Teacher of Angels and Men alike". But what is a deva ? In attempt to answer this question let us make a minor digression.

Any healthy person has a certain capacity for inbreathing and outbreathing, something that seem working out automatically, though actually regulated in complicated ways. Considering the activities of our Solar Logos in materializing His purpose through his threefold solarsystem the analogy to breathing is perhaps usefull in many ways,  if we let the outgoing and ingoing streams correspond to what has been termed involution and evolution, respectively. In the first solar system, a third ray system, the forces of involution dominate totally the forces of evolution, and reversely in the last, a first ray system, where as in the present second ray system a turning point is achieved. Behind these processess are of course many other processess we shall at present neglect, just as the whole "breathing process" is part of processess of still greater systems, of which we no very little. What can be experienced is, that the whole cosmic physical plane, which is the systemic seven planes, is liftet by external forces sometimes termed the Cosmic Magnet (also a term for the holy second ray planet, Jupitor).

It is customary to distinguish between force and energy, though is should be notified, that all such definitions are relative to some specific "whole", e.g. our solar system or some  greater cosmic system. Here we define substance as matter, qualified in former systems, and energy is simply freely moving substance, whereas force is energy limmited by form. Such forms are always "alive" meaning that they are receiving energy from outside, energy that is the life of the form, and the form itself will radiate some of this energy to its surroundings, a radiation which may be dynamic, magnetic or creative according to aspect (we remember, that every manifestation is triple: life, quality and appearance, or spirit, soul and body) and making up what is usually called the aura of the form (a radiation that may be transmitted further on and become the life of another unit, and so forth). It is sometimes defined that the receiving form is negative or feminine to the external transmitter, and the transmitter is similarly termed positive or masculine in relation to the receiving form. But from this arises new questions. How can the form be held together; and how can substance on some particular level become transmuted to another level, higher or lower, in the body of that great life we call space. Part of the solution to understanding both is hid in the very construction of the various grades of matter (cf. A Study of Consciousness by Annie Besant): first is the atomic subplanes created of the third aspect of the Logos, the increasingly complex agregates of matter constitute the molecules of the other subplanes, until the next lower atomic subplane is created, the new atoms being created by an atom of the hitherto lowest atomic subplane but clothed in a sheat of (perhaps 49) aggregationes of the lowest subplane from the same plane above. In our present solar system, being part of  a greater cosmic system around the sun Sirius, the first and second atomic planes were already present. If we again consider our solar system, we may notify, that the substance is either atomic or molecular, the totality of the first is called monadic essence and the rest, the totality of the non-atomic subplanes is called elemental esssence (though usually only denoting those "free" particles found on the astral and mental planes - such individuality is not found on the higher, socalled formless levels).

The forms are all made up of some grades of material, characteristic for certain groups of forms in their totality, making up 12 socalled Creative Hierachies, of forms which are in themselves changed dynamically due to the evolutionary forces. For the moment four of these hierachies have already been abstracted to the cosmic astral plane, and the fifth is on the verge to do so, while there is still seven creative hierachies making up all forms on the cosmic physical plane. We notify the numerical correspondence here to the seven sacred and five non-sacred planets, with planet Earth on the verge to be counted among the sacred planets. Each of the creative hierachies constitute a great form made up of all the lesser forms belonging to that specific creative hierachy. We may compare this to wellknown systems of forms inside forms (perhaps in a long serie), e.g.  the physical atoms of the first subplane inside agregates where on the fourth physical-etheric subplane we meet the atom of physics, which may become part of molecules,  cells, tissue, organs, and living units - or crystals, structures, layers, mountains or landscapes, continents or seas, etc. -   or the totality of forms on several planes which again make up the kingdoms of nature. In fact the whole physical planet  is a great form, sometimes called the spirit of Earth, an entity on the involutionary arc, in spite of its size.

Deva is sanskrit for "shining one".  They are the builders of the material forms on all planes, and they also constitute the substance of these forms, as substance itself is forms on another level of complexity and magnitude.  Those entities, that constitute these forms, i.e. the hierachies of group lives on the involutionary arc, are usually called elementals, whereas those lives that create, energize and repair these forms are builders on the evolutionary arc, are called devas. They are found in a number of categories on each plane, or (as the socalled Gandharvas) bridging between subplanes or planes, and we often name these groups of devas according to the tradition of folklore or religious sciptures. Most people have heard of angels, but what about gnomes and fairies? The gnomes live in the soil of the earth and the fairies in the woods other places with vegetation. They may display any form they wish.  Wonderfull stories have been told of these little creatures, that hilariously work when directed by their highly estimated conductor, and seem not to distinguish between work and play. They sometimes become abstracted and without fixed form, but often they emulate the human civilisation with bodies shaped like small human beings, even dressed up and apparantly living in houses like humans (though there is nothing inside the houses, and the inhabitants become formless after entering) or they dance in a circle, even if they might have forgotten to create all the needed or at least expected limbs (to their own amusement, when realised). Of course there are also more evolved groups of devas: the deva-raja of one of the seven planes have the same status as a chohan, and the basic problem of evil in our system, a clasic philosophic problem, originates to six maha-devas on the cosmic astral plane.

A  classification of devas that sometime may be used refer to the four directions (often mentioned in folk tales and fairytales: north symbolic for transmission upwards towards superhuman kingdoms, south symbolic for downwords towards the three subhuman kingdoms, east refer to the direction out into the world and the human kingdom, and west the opposite way towards divinity (cf. Alice A. Bailey's Discipleship in the New Age,II)  -  a special group of such devas constitute e.g. the seven major centers in the human vehicles).  On the upward arc of evolution, we have groups of non-individualised devas, directed by a "luitenant" of a higher evolutionary standing (the latter sometimes denoted "angels") exhilating their portion of transformed substance/energy;  small fairies and similar devas often work with groups of vegetabels, directing energy with their hands or repairing the forms. Similarly with the violet health devas (according to D.K. the etheric devas has the symbol of the crescent above the head, thus distinguished from the devas on the astral plane, to the clairvoiant investigator).

In rare cases the devas may borrow a human  aggregation of bodies for special work, but usually they come into the human kingdom (anything in the universe has been, is or will be a human being !) from the animal kingdom: e.g. birds and dolphins are devas. The various groups of builders has a form of close resemblance to the human form/aura,  even if its form is made of etheric or higher plane materials. They all seem to work along the line of will rather reason. The painfull way of friction, the only path for human beings, deliver quicker evolutionary results, but usually this friction makes the devas quite reserved towards closer contacts with human beings. Those human beings, who possess the necessary purity, may contact the devas. Clairvoiant studies of the deva kingdom have been one of the great merrits of Geoffry Hodson, whose remarkable investigations have inspired many to carry on this important research work in one of the central new age fields, aiming at greater cooperation between the two kingdoms of devas and human beings (as seen e.g. in the Findhorn Garden experiment in Scotland, around 1975). We might as well mention that the true white magician work by cooperating with the greater builders, where as the black magician try to cheat evolution, working directly with the lesser builders (eventually with dire consequences to himself).

There is a clear analogy to the group of fairies directed by a deva of higher rank and the group of human and deva monads around one or other of the planetarian logoi, like our logos. At the moment there is around sixty billions of each of these groups of monads. The human monads are on the three rays of aspect: twenty billions third ray monads situated on the third monadic subplane (the left-over from the first solar system), thirtyfive billions second ray monads on the second monadic subplane (the bulk of present day humanity) and five billions of first ray monads on the first monadic subplane (though rarely in incarnation yet). In the next and final solar system, we shall have a totality of 100 human monads and 100 deva monads, a critical number according to Forsten Bailey (posthumously published as part of Mary Bailey's A Learning Experience) enabling Sanat Kumara to fulfill his purpose.

In relation to the human soul, we have a group of solar angels or solar pitris, that build the causal bodies, containing the egoic lotus, again a group of devas. In fact devas are always group creatures, they are not born as are human beings. Instead they are manifesting and disappearing  again like light, fading up and down. The human monads and the solar pitris constitute the fourth and fifth creative hierachy. Another group, the sixth hierachy,  is the socalled lunar pitris, which are the elementals that constitute the human etheric, astral and mental vehicles. As long as a man does not realize, that the direction of progress to himself (meaning his consciousness) and his vehicles are quiet opposite (the first one related to hierachies on the evolutionary arc, and the latter to the involutionary arc) he will easily become the victim of his own personality flaws (originating from past experiences, displayed by his elementals, stored in and directed by those centers we sometimes call permanent atoms). The freedom gained at the first three initiations is exactly the release of controle by the physical, astral and mental elemental, as hinted at in the Bible. The higher is always capable of controlling the lower.

In the next and final solar system, where there is no more involution, we shall recognise (again according to Forster Bailey) a curious creature, a triple aggregation of a physical, an astral and a mental elemental, but now on the Path of Return, as  involution is no longer needed. Let us finally mention some  major sources to the comprehension of deva kingdom, the feminine aspect of the divine hermafrodite: A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, and other works by Alice A. Bailey; and of course Geoffry Hodson's  The Kingdom of the Gods, and four other books on that specific subject, including several photorealistic paintings.

(4-11)  Rebuilding Man's Shrine: towards the new civilisation, the Way of Love is the only method to bridge the higher and lower. (2-2-2002,  A.Vanti d'Oso)

The Way of Love is the method of the Hierachy to implement the Divine Purpose, on its way  from the buddhic plane right to the bottom of the physical plane (even to those who deliberately have attempted to transcend the limmit of this system, and find themselves is a cul de sac, sometimes called the Eighth sphere, a depository for composting until final destruction at the time of planetarian pralaya), so it is not so bizarre that the true purpose of art is to channel this buddhic energy into the three lower worlds of human evolution. This involves one or more of the physical senses, and to some extend their counterparts, to be developed later. The greatest occultist of the Middle Ages, Dante Alighieri, in his Comedia Divina, still appeal to the astral-buddhic mystic, whereas  Erasmus of Rotterdam, the christian humanist and scholar, and the mysterious politician and martyr Thomas More,  visionary writer and co-founder of Utopia, in many ways represent the more mental type to come, rushing forward a culture, slightly modernised by Thomas Aquinas, but still based on belief and dogma rather than reason. After 1425 the more mental approach began slowly to break through, at first only concerning those on the Path, and we had a long series of specialised contributions to the culture of the last decanate of Pisces in Europe. Due to the general illiteracy (and shortage of books and libraries) it became the music that transformed the culture, rather than the other way round (as suggested by Cyril Scott). A number of brilliant composers made this possible. One of the greatest souls of the period, Johan Sebastian Bach, not undeserved sometimes called the thirteenth apostle, did certainly have a crude and unpleasant personality, as it seems, but we should always remember that the development of the soul is rarely to be deduced from the personality, allways representing those fragments not yet transformed by the alchymia of the spiritual man. Bach not only made it possible to use all scales on a single instrument (at first only "das wohltemperierte Klavier" or even the organ when tempered similarly -  later many other instruments have bbeen developed), of the baroque music (some say part of his work, culminating with Kunst der Fuge, is so beautiful that it is created more for the mind than the ear), he also made the way for the modern composers, whether we praise the great orchester works of the later classical period represented by e.g. Mozart and Beethoven, or the apparantly less important music educational traditon, often piano lessons (now so ridiculed and despised by many), that transformed the very concept of children from the status of a rather homogeneous group of  "small, unfinished adults" to some delicate diversity, claiming respect for  potentials and individuality. The line to Rouseau is not so hard to see, though his task was to ground the recognition of the need for suitable education of the youngest souls, rather than the children of the world, necessarily repeating the Atlantean or emotional stage during their childhood and youth.

Today we experience a new impulse of art in Western Civilisation. The medium is books and (lately) especially films. As usual the goal is manifold. There are however two aspects of the work that right now should be emphasised. First of all, the need for changed values. Dickens and Hugo have still much to contribute to the socalled modern man and his semipetrofied heart, but the focus should now be more global and the effects should also be in line with the dynamic flow of socalled information, whether it is the latest news on the expectation of the stockmarkets, the political situation or the scientific developments (not to mention the stream of smalltalk and gossip with little content whatsoever). We have to realise that we need to build our new civilisation based on the Principles of Responsibility, Sharing and Goodwill. But the restoration of the Mysteries, and simultaneously the development of the intuition in the intelligentsia, is also very important. The allegories of the Bible or the works of William Shakespeare (actually also a groupwork  - this one directed by the present regent of Europe, the Master R., in those days Francis Bacon) may not appeal to the average intelligent person, still lacking the intuition, but if the form is more up to date, as it is called, the eternal truth may still be distributed to those in need. The tradition of folk tales and artistic fairytales, the modern phantastic story, sometimes reduced to socalled science-fiction (though the phantasies of Jules Verne would not be ridiculed today as mere fiction) is solidly anchored in the human consciousness and can be transformed into the medium of film without loosing the impacts of the past. Books appeal to some, films to others, and fortunately great works as Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, Lucas' Star Wars saga, and Rowlings Harry Potter, all possess the many layers that can be used to implement the classical myths in symbol and allegory, thus imparting what is needed to catch the fascination of their target group (according to age, in particular), and simultaneously stimulating the process leading to the unfolding of buddhic consciousness, called intuition,  that curious sensing on behalf of Humanity as a whole, indicating the next steps to go.

It has often been stated, that the higher path is only chosen, when all other paths have been cut off. If we for a moment dwell a little on the political situation of the world, and especially the European, we will recognise the bizarre situation, that people are frightened to be overun by other cultural impacts, but give birth to so very few children, that they can't keep up their living standards if they close the borders. Within the next 25 years we might expect a reduction in the European population, from 2.45 billions to 1.4 billions. It is by the way no accident, that the problems are worst in those countries, that supported the materialistic forces in the world wars, or was run over by these forces, with little resistance: Japan, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway,  Austria, Holland, Belgium, France, Spain, Greece, and so forth. In some of these countires we have allready seen new right-wing governments, with support from more or less fascist groups and parties. Etnocentricity is of course no new phenomenon, but we have now the opportunity to accept the multicultural society as an advantage rather than a deficit. As usual there are those in the human family who have to display the problems in order that the whole can be saved. We may find the ballance between opening the gates to the most skilled and educated in the third world (who sometimes find it easy to leave their own culture in order to fulfill their materialistic dreams or personal ambitions) and allowing for a general development in the South and East (so the skilled people trained in the West may return to their own cultures, increasingly becomming part of one great and global, Aquarian civilisation and culture). One should not be surprised, if we in the same period will achieve to work of some of the coarser karmic aspects of the world wars, and indeed make the way for a culture, where womanhood finds its place, without returning to the sexroles of the past. In this process the greatest democracy of the world, India, with a population soon overriding the chinese, will play its part, especially when the fourth ray again commes into general activity in relation to the  individual. It must be remembered, that rootraces are subjective where as nations are objective, and moreover, though the civilisation is build for the whole subrace in spite of national ray makeup, the culture is the result of the frictions between the often unconscious attemt of the intelligentsia to express the ideals of the national soulray, and the innertia of the massess influenced by the national personality ray. Only the Way of Love, that allows the Will-to-good to descend into the three worlds of personality, is the guarantee of a rapid and smooth transferrence of Humanity into the new Aquarian civilisation and culture. This work is focussed in the lower correspondence to the collective Antahkarana, the etheric network called the New Group of World Servers, and especially the heart center within this group, which is made up by the many esoteric groups in the world today, in process of recognising their historical responsibility and opportunity, hence the need for cooperation in all.

(12-4)  A propos Sir Thomas More, "the King's good servant, but God's first":  on Arhatship in the modern world  (3-3-2002,  N.O.Vielgeschrei,  Esq.)

"When More some time had Chancellor been,
No more suits did remain.
The like will never more be seen
Till More be there again"
(Traditional stanza, recorded in:
Thomas More, by R.W.Chambers, 1935)

"Think about how important your differences are to you. Think about how we all organise our lives in little boxes - man, woman, British, American, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Tory, Labour, New Labour, Old Labour, up, down - you know, everything in the world. I like red ties, I got a blue shirt on, you laugh about it, think about everything you define yourself by. Our little boxes are important to us. And indeed it is necessary, how could you navigate life if you didn't know the difference between a child and an adult, an African and an Indian, a scientist and a lawyer? We have to organise that, but somewhere along the way, we finally come to understand that our life is more than all these boxes we're in. And that if we can't reach beyond that, we'll never have a fuller life. And the fanatics of the world, they love their boxes and they hate yours. (...)
When I was my daughter's age, just about to embark on my great adventure in England, just before that Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, two of the heroes of my youth, were murdered by their fellow Americans for trying to reconcile the American people to each other. Gandhi, the greatest spirit of the age, murdered, not by an angry Muslim but by a fellow Hindu because he wanted India for the Muslims and the Jains and the Sikhs. And the Jews and the Christians. Sadat - murdered not by an Israeli commando, but by a very angry Egyptian - a member of the organisation now headed by Bin Laden's number two guy - an angry Egyptian. Because how could he be a good Egyptian or a good Muslim because he wanted secular government in Egypt and peace with Israel, though he got the desert back. And one of the people I have loved most in my increasingly long life, Yitzhak Rabin, was murdered not by a Palestinian terrorist, but by a very angry young Israeli Jew who thought he was not a good Jew or a good Israeli because he wanted lasting peace for Israel through the recognition of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinians for a homeland. And that guy who murdered him got exactly what he wanted - he derailed and delayed the peace process and let it be swarmed and mauled by all those people who were under the foolish illusions that their differences matter more than the fact that they are all the children of Abraham." (From The Struggle for the Soul of the 21st Century, by ex-president Bill Jefferson Clinton, a speach held 14-12-2001 in London - it may p.t. be found in its totality at: )

"But the crown of the Arhat is attained only by the strongest, in the severest tension of achievement, and through a powerful, unshakeable striving of the heart, purified by bloody tears of sufferings throughout many, many lives. The heart of the Arhat has to go through all the joys and all the sorrows of the earthly path; he must drink the entire chalice of poison. (...) However handrails  are prepared for the striving spirit, and only at the last moment of complete exhaustion before a fall will the solicitous Hand give support. (...) Yet, with all that, when the spirit has known lofty joys, when the beauty of the higher worlds is cognized, all these difficulties do not frighten, but even bring their own joy, for they signify the approach of the end of the path. Thus, a Judas also must appear in order to throw into greater emphasis the light of the Path." (Letters of Helena  Roerich, 1935-39, p. 86-87)

Esoteric keynote of Pisces:"I leave the Father's home and turning back, I save."

In Vishnu Purana we read that great avatars visited the physical world in the shape of a fish or a boar. The greater avatars always choose a form suited to the time and work. In our time avatars descending to the physical world seem to prefer human forms, in fact they may live their physical world life (which always is a minor aspect of the total activity) as competent workers in their chosen field, often recognized for their skills and blamed for their high ideals, but never recognized by the masses for what they realy are. Most of these avatars have passed the stage of Arhatship, but emulate that specific stage to the public, involving a kind of spectacular dramatization of certain aspects of their lives, so that they may indeed be recognized sooner or later (by the public or  at least the historians) for precisely these qualities and deeds. The lives of Francis Bacon, and before that, his ashramic second-in-command, Thomas More, are no exeptions. The Arhat always shows great creativity and displays usually superhuman capacity for work, and should in fact be recognised by the layman for at least two great deeds, one constructive, the other destructive, both with (more or less hidden) globally beneficial implications.  Destiny never intented man to be a helpless victim of circumstance or the self-hypnotised tool of an affirmed but undeveloped divinity. Man is intended to be the intelligent arbiter of his own destiny, and a conscious exponent of his own innate divinity, of God within. It is however important to notify, we speak of grades of realised soul development, not of personalities. The purpose of all esoteric training is to put a man consciously in touch with his own soul, not with the Master. The Hierachy work only (downward) as souls with souls, and a life of inner unfoldment should without exception be paralleled by a life of exoteric service.

The life of Sir Thomas More (1478-1534) was a one-pointed struggle for the amelioration of the conditions for the unpriviliged masses, in centuries to come, though the red thread often seem to disapear to his biographers, not so much due to the fraud by Tudor historians as the general miasma, related to the religious and political surface structure of the period. Today More is wellknown for his great Utopia, published 1516, and Erasmus of Rotterdam, one of his closest friends and admirers, regretted that he was lost to the Letters when entering the service of  King Henry VIII, though  More himself explained this step as motivated by duty, which he also urged upon the portugese travellor Raphael Hythloday,  from Utopia: "That which you cannot turn to good, so to order it that it be not very bad". Though More formally was a good catholic, the citizens of Utopia displayed only the classical four platonic virtues unfolded in The Republic, in addition to two dogmes: the existence of God, and, though invisible, that society was perpetually in communion with those already passed over;  and though there was freedom to hold any belief in this utopean society, they held death penalty for opposing these dogmas publicly. In his own life More showed great respect to foreign protestant scholars studying in Oxford, as long as they kept their dissent in private, for he anticipated already the slaughtering of millions of innocent peoples in the wars of religion in the centuries to come. When he later became a martyr for denying to take an Oath with a dubious preampel, he simly denyed to explain why, but no doubt he fought to allow no Prince or  State to claim anyone to state what he could not hold as belief. Years before, as official Speaker of the Commons, he is recorded to have emphasised  representatives to  be allowed to give their oppinion without risc of consequent punishment. Only much later, the thought-creation of the ashram of Master Robert More (cf. his incarnation as Robert Browning), the modern democracy (together with the labour movement, another educational tool)  gradually have materialised the wellfare, for the moment limmited to the West, but eventually an important condition for and aspect of globally achieved right human relations.  In his own time, the keyword to More was peace, and on the scaffold, just before his beheading, he was allowed only few words and "begged them to pray for the King, that it might please God to give him good counsel, protesting that he died the King's good servant, but God's first".

Today with ecchoes of conflict between muslimes and judes, or judes and christeans, or christeans and muslimes, or muslimes and hindues, or hindues and budhists, or muslimes and communists, or communists and conservatives, or catholics and protestants, or what ever, it seems that we are nearing a cross way. However, this huge and constant material for conflict is comming to its end in these years, since the Aquarian culture and civilization will recognize all religions as ethical systems, sharing certain beliefs (quite similar to More's utopeans, in fact), and similarly ideologies as expressions of partial truths.
The recently arroused conflicts in Israel/Palestein and Gudjarat, India,  are of course not pleasant to those involved, but should be considered as a final purification that in the end will turn to good. Only a few phanatic agents of the material forces are trying to keep the passions aflame, and they will not succed, since the majority of people prefere peace and stability, as recognized precondition for wellfare and right human relations. And the New Group of World Servers are the competent firebrigade, active in all parts of the world, today, so let us concentrate on solving the obvious problems of fair distribution. The fuel of most conflicts have always been shortage of basic material needs. As suggested by Kofi Annan, general secretary of the UN, we should in this 21th century attempt to solve the problems of poverty, disease and ignorance. This applies to all nations !

Another striving disciple, the american president Franklin D. Roosevelt held a key-position during the second world war, together with the british primeminister Winston Churchill. The traditional selfsufficient isolation of the US could have become a dissater to the fighting UK, the last bastion of Europe around 1941.  We know today beyond any doubt that when the japanese attack of Pearl Harbour was in process in December 1941, and the intelligence information piled up, the president ordered all information directly onto his own desk, so unfortunately he did not succed in warning the navy in time and could only order a military counterattack when the Pascific Ocean fleet had been destroyed. The rest is now history, and due to this move, the material forces were conquered on this planet. Roosevelt was indeed a great disciple, who actually sacrificed a couple of thousands in order to save millions. But formally this was  an obvious case of high treason, and if the president had not worn out his body and died in 12-4-1945, he might have faced a trial after the war. Roosevelt was maried to Elinor, herself a great disciple, but fell in love with his secretary, and the scandal was complete, when at his deathbed was not his wife but the beloved secretary. Even with such great world servants we find rudiments of selfhood which  would have to be eradicated as part of their next step in evolution, the process of arhatship, which is the background of any socalled world savior.  The Law of Karma attempt to harmonize, and the fourth or Arhat initiation is governed by the fourth ray of harmony through conflict. If F.D.Roosevelt should return he would necessarily have to face a formal trial in US, most likely as president, and most likely he would get much blame but forgiven in the end. And his wife could probably return as another close person, e.g. a friend or daughter. If we asume, that it would be part of an Arhat initiation, he would also have to dramatize his remnants of selfhood, that is, his uncontrolled sexuality, and in a way that turned all to the better. It would not be necessary that he also died a violent death, in fact many world servants are able to take both the fourth and fifth initiatíon in a single life, in a way that would not be unnoticed by the many though the longsighted implications would be beyond the recognition of the majority. In fact the process of Arhatship need no longer be the spectacular crucifictions of  the past. Instead the goalfitness and succesfulness could be emphasised in the eyes of the public.

We are told, that the Arhat construct his own mayavirupa or form in the three lower worlds. An ordinary physical human body may be used, and if the possesser have passed the fifth or Aseka initiation and is continueally revived from atmic levels, the form can be used for many centuries. And when it become worn out, a solidification of an astral body can last almost infinitely. In choosing a form, it is often seen that the Arhat emphasize similarity, even if detailles like skincolour or beard, not to mention sex, may vary (and we remember, that the Epoque of Maytraya is certainly the Epoque of Women). If we should look for Francis Bacon today, he may have lost his beard, but not the rest of characteristics. Thomas More had a characteristic nose and facility of smiling, that may be fixed, even if sex is changed. Such detailles may be usefull in recognition among disciples and former friends, but only in physical plane life, since the whole matter is completely transparant on the subtler planes. At the same time, they always hide their true status, in relation to the masses of unthinking people, avoiding any claim-making, leaving that to the agents of the material forces. They may be recognized by their quality and influence, not by their form or claim-makings.

It has been said that The Secret Doctrine by H.P.Blavatsky contain the keys to the Greater Mysteries. But they have only been turned one time. Already the second turning belong to the esoteric teaching. If the disciple discovers a turning of the key, his Guru must confirm it, so is the occult law. The Arhat knows all seven keys, and they may be turned seven times, just as Arhatship contain seven stages. It has been said that the Arhat is self-initiated. Technically it is due to the absorbtion in atma, so the monad simply takes over, and drives the disciple forward. "Striving is the boat of the Arhat" M. said, and there are indeed many secrets in the life of an Arhat.

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