LAST UPDATE: 19-3-2003  (but will  be continued on  the next bulletin board)

 (5-1)  Science and the New Age. (9-4-2002, M.E. Ingott)

If we consult the index of almost any Alice A. Bailey book, we will discover a large number of sciences, that certainly not are available at the universities of today. Now it is not so unusual that non-scientific institutions attempt to borrow whatever status and value that can be derived from the very name "science". Actually the word science is derived from the latin word "scientia",  meaning a (somewhat systematised, theoretical or practical ) knowledge, study or ability. Thus it might be a quite reasonable borrowing even if the borrowing institution does not have the slightest resemblence to a scientific institute of some university, and the only obvious "problem" is found in the fact, that science and people working with science usually possess higher social status that those who borrows the word, e.g. in order to produce beef-burgers or circus-clowns. The situation with the sciences of the New Age is quite different, simply because we hardly can imagine the intended changes in the societies of the world even after the first decanate of Aquarious, some seven hundred years from now. Not to mention the third decanate. The new sciences are quite suited for a quite different civilisation and culture, but we have to change, in order to comprehend the purpose  and position of these sciences. But be sure, we will change!

The New Age will display three major sciences: the Science of the Antahkarana, the Science of Meditation and the Science of Service. In her treatise Education in the New World Alice A. Bailey says (p.95) that these three major sciences will eventually dominate the field of education. They will not negate the activities of modern science but will integrate them into a wider subjective whole, and the dangerous materialism of today will disappear.

It may surprise even the scientific society that exoteric science have always been stimulated if not directed esotericists. The long history of changes from a geocentric world image to a heliocentric world image is a good example of how difficult is the process of making knowledge available to people, of whom some may be ready for the knowledge, but the majority not. Aristarch, a  pythagorean around 300 B.C. published the thesis, that the Earth moves around the Sun, just as the Sun itself moves around another center (today we would say around the star Alcyone, the center of our galaxy). This point of view was repeated by Giordano Bruno (also claiming that the cosmos was infinite). He was consequently burned at the stake, at Campo di Fiori in Rome in the year 1600, a few years before Gallileo Gallilei took a toy just invented,  made it into what we would call a telescope, and made his fameous investigations of the Moon with its mountains and valleys, the moons of Jupitor and the fact that the Milky Way is made up of an infinity of stars. But only with Newton, and inspired by a mystic, Jakob Boehme, was the first step finished, and the Sun, not the Earth, became the center of the world. Modern physics and astronomy have elaborted this and we have today to accept our place as a tiny part of a galaxy, itself an unimportant part of much greater wholes. The Star Wars saga of George Lucas may prepare us for even greater realisations, related to life in the universe.

Another example of all this is seen, if we investigate the history of the discoveries of the qualities of the atoms and subatomic processes. We have learned, that the atom was split by Rutherford in 1895, thus destroying the metaphysical dogme that the atom could not be partitioned. But shortly before, this subatomic world was displayed by quite different methods. Annie Besant and Charles W. Leadbeater used one of the classic yogic siddhies (cf. Pantanjalis Yoga Sutras): they diminished their consciousness and used certain psychokinetic methods to the atoms  (because the subatomic particles are very small, but nevertheless moves vey rapidly) and achieved a large number of data on the structure of the kernels of various atoms. Some criticism have been stated, due to the fact that in the original data there was a variability, as the concept of isotopes had not yet been formulated. The results of the investigations were published in 1908 and 1919, in two editions of Occult Chemistry. In 1980 was published a thesis of physics, that shows the depth of the early, occult investigations: Extra-Sensory Perception of Quarks, by Stephen M. Phillips, Ph.D.

If we will go deeper and consider the very concept of matter, we might study the coilon theory in A Treatis of Cosmic Fire, by Alice A. Bailey, and perhaps the notion of Fohat, Mahafohat and Paramahafohat, in the Agni Yoga Teaching. Or develop the necessary faculties within ourselves. Today science and esotericism agree: energy (in various modes) is all that exist.

In his Occult Diary, Geoffry Hoddson have included three instances of investigations related to various sciences, where the professional researchers  have documented the extraordinary faculties possessed by Geoffry Hodson, together with a remarkable infallability of results in all cases considered. Geoffry Hodson had  thus been allowed to demonstate the capacities of a modern occultist, but even this is nothing compared to what  science will be able to do within the New Age, when much information now hidden will be public and when an increasing number of people have developed the higher aspects of their senses and other faculties. This also explain the importance of the three major sciences, mentioned above.

(5-2) My favorite Ray Lord ...  (11-5-2002,  Les Lumieres Nouveaux)

Humanity is not pushed into the New Age like a fighting ,wildly screaming child, Humanity will have to demonstrate understanding and willingness to cooperate with the Plan, as far as recognized. And recognitions and affirmation  is exactly what is displayed on the political scene in Europe right now. We will have to choose direction and methods, and the lesson from the world wars 1914-45 will have to manifest a deeper understanding, eventually leading to a new kind of freedom, not to be mistaken with the old liberalistic concept. The results of the two rounds of the election in France are quite distinctive. France has the third ray as personality ray and the fifth ray as soul ray. In the first round, the many groups especially among the socialists reflect the abstract third ray, where as the fifth ray in the second round allow the same socialists to choose the lesser of two evils without hesitation, though intellectual pride and separatism is still present. The massess of France are in general conservative and nationalistic, but there seem no longer to be so much sympathy for the mixing of nationalism and fascism, even among the masses of the population. Vichy-France was a good lesson.

The fifth ray came first into manifestation (again, and in relation to our world) in 1775, after the second, third and seventh ray had come into manifestation. So we have had some two centuries where science increasingly has played its part.  France will soon have to play its part in relation to science, and is already destined to be the place where the final proof of the existence of the soul will be given, within the next two centuries. The dictum of an increasing number of clairvoyant and clairoudiant people,  automatically experiencing non-physical aspects of  individual human beings, will increasingly be accepted, but the fact that something seem to survive the socalled death, at least for a period, does not prove the existence of an eternal soul. Such a proof will however be delivered by science when time is ripe. This will change values, goals  and strategies in society so radically that we cannot anticipate the society achieved when we reach the third decanate that is governed by Venus. The first decanate  of Aquarious, governed by Saturn, will force direction and disciplin on Humanity. In the second decanate, Mercury will call in the intuition, so we in the third decanate will experience greater focus on groups than individuals, and inseparably from the concept of brotherhood.

Venus, the alter ego of Earth and the "Brother from Sirius", may be recognized behind Sanat Kumara, the One Initiator, in this cycle. The venusian energy is related to the mind of God, hence the fifth ray will play its part in the Kingdoms of Nature, just as the fifth ray energy is the force that bring the three aspects of mind together. These aspects: the lower mind, the soul and the abstract mind also represent three of the socalled creative hierachies. The introduction of an individual human soul in this cycle, that again is liberated (gradually) when the antahkarana is build, assures the maximal impact of the downflowing spiritual energies.  This dispensation was decided, after the failore of the Moon chain. Sometimes it may be illuminating to count Venus and the other planets downwords in stead of upwords. Each of the ray Lords, though highly evolved planetarian logoi, are of course imperfect and passing through various stages of evolution, as does the human atom, and according to  D.K.  Venus is the logos that has fulfilled the largest part of its evolution.

In many socalled New-Age groups, where astralism is strong, mental energy is often identified with criticism. Similarly much of the work of the New Group of World Servers is destuctive, to prepare for new forms, even though the central work is to teach the interdependence of Humanity. Sometimes  criticism is necessary, and D.K. has said, that among esoterists, blame for words unspoken is more frequent than blame  for words spoken. The science of Service is based on soul rather than personality. But also here we find differences according to ray. E.g. will those on the fifth ray study an idea from its formside,  using derived propositions that turn out to be true or false, and those with a fifth ray soul will often guide  servers with a fifth ray personality to make contribution within the field of science. Science itself is a psychological reaction within Humanity to the substance of the fifth ray energy, and in relation to individuals and groups, the correct handling of fifth ray energy  leads to meditaion.

The mind  of a thinking  human being  is often on the fifth ray, and when we have to choose between the possibility of fourth, fifth and first ray (covering the options  prior to the stage of  discipleship), the tendency to criticism is often  the decisive factor. Similarly, the astral body is usually on the second or the sixth ray, the latter representing onepointedness and tendency to fanatism. The third vehicle of the personality, the physical body, is usually on the third or the seventh ray (the third ray body is rarely idle). By inspection we may thus often achieve a qualified guess on the rays of the three personality vehicles. If we continue with the personality and soul rays, we have to recognize that all seven rays may be chosen, but here we can perhaps appeal to what we usually are and what we would like to be. In achieving the final ray chart, it should however also be notified, that other factors are present, such as ray combinations of past incarnations and rays of the nation one is related to. In spite of all this feebleness, we should attempt to decide our own ray combination, not only because certain methods are specific to rays, but because that is what we are. True happiness start with the unfolding of those ray potentials that make us what we realy are. Difficulty inherited with the ray combination is the choice of the soul, in order to develop certain aspects of the soul-personality fusion. The goal is always to display as much of the soul qualities that can ever be passed through the personality. This goes for the individual as well as for all of Humanity.

The Plan is clear: soon will many of the finest brains in all countries be engrossed with the concept of Soul and the seven Laws of Soul, as introduced in Esoteric Psychology, II, by Alice A. Bailey.

(5-3)    Sirius  remarks  (9-6-2002,   A.Ryan  Group)

"We have learned that matter in a solar system exist in seven great modifications, or planes; (...) These five planes form the field of the evolution of consciousness, until the human merges in the divine. The two planes beyond the five represent the sphere of divine activity, encircling and enveloping all, out of which pour fourth all the divine energies which vivify and sustain our system. They are at present entirely beyond our knowledge, and the few hints that have been given regarding them probably convey as much information as our limited capacity is able to grasp. (...) The two highest planes may be conceived as existing before the solar system is formed ... ".  (Annie Bessant,  A Study in Consciousness, p. 1, 2 & 3,  Adyar edition 1938, orig.ed.1904)

"Sirian energy is:
 1.  Universal love ...
 2.  Buddhi ...
 3.  Principle of Freedom ...
 4.  Consciously contacted only after the Third Initiation ...
 5.  Void of all sense of separation (or evil)...
 6.  The agent of the Cosmic Christ...
 7.  Instrumental in the rise of the Human Kingdom...
 8.  The origin of Hierachy on our planet...
 9.  The establisher of the Mysteries of Initiation upon our planet...
10.  Potent of processes of initiation upon our planet...
11.  Transmitted through Rods of Power...
12.  Used by Hierachy to prepare candidates for initiations 2,4 and 6...
13.  Connected to Cosmic Path IV...
14.  Behind the existence of the Masonic Order...
15.  A point of emanation for cosmic and other Avatars...
16.  A source of Manas...
17.  Connected with the Cosmic Mental Plane...
18.  The origin of Karmic Law...
19.  The cause of periodicity...
20.  Connected with the heart  center of the Cosmic Logos...
21.  Distributed through the agency of numerous triangles... "
(in :  Sirius, p.346-47, by M. Temple Richmond, 2nd. ed. 2000).

George Lucas officially launched his fifth film in the Star Wars saga at the 16th of May. The first fully digital film. In the past 25 years we have seen how the smart technologies have revolutionized society, even if we may not yet have seen the top of the iceberg. When the first film in the saga had to be made, problems of technology were even greater than financing problems. In those days it was considered quite exotic and original to present a sky with two suns shining onto the desert planet Tatooine. Our solar system is dominated by one star, so how could it be otherwise. Astronomy of today have observed, that around half of all the known stars are situated in a cluster with two or more stars moving around their common masscenter. The brightest star on the night sky (apart from our own sun,  of course) the "dog star"  Sirius, is such a cluster with a bright and a not so bright star constituating a cluster. Sirius Black, one of the agents in the Harry Potter books  (a close friend of his late Father, assisting with dracon problems, has a nickname alluding to dog/"cur", himself capable of escaping the prison of Azkaban  controlled by the horrible dementors, etc.), might be a reference to the star almost invisible from Earth, since all the names are keys to some aspects of the mythology of the series (cf. also the introductory The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter, by David Colbet, ISBN  0-141-31481-8). Knowledge of the Sirius system seem however to be of very anscient origin, and though it is partially based on direct observations of the brighter star in the cluster through the milleniums,  it also seem to be part of the ABC of esoterism,  as fundamental to the comprehension of our own system and its place in a greater whole. If however we consult the work of Alice A. Bailey, we are told by D.K. that the logos of Sirius is focused on the Cosmic Mental Plane, just as our own logos is foucsed on the Cosmic Astral Plane, and its great importance to our system is derived from this fact, in spite of what may be observed by science on the physical plane. There are many mysteries to discover on the Path, and Sirius plays a keyrole due to its generic and polar relationship to our Sun, to Gemini, and to other constellations. In fact, study of the Prototypical Triangle mentioned by D.K. between the constellations of the Great Bear, Sirius and the Pleiades conveys an immensity of information.

The astrology of the past have usually associated  Sirius with a variety of incommensurable qualities and phenomenons, such as "regality" and "risc of dog bite". The major problem with interpretation of Sirius (and the other fixed stars) in a chart is the fact, that these stars are not part of the Ecliptica plane, where the twelve constellations in the ordinary zodiac are placed, so angular relationships (the most important tool in astrological analysis) to other centers are simply ambigues, as a plane (in higher-diemensional euclidean geometry) is defined uniquely only by (at least) three different centers.  To compensate for this modern astrology suggest to use a grand circle through the two poles of the heavens plus Sirius, and then compute angular relationships to the intersection  of the grand circle with the Ecliptica plane. In this century this would place Sirius in 14 to 15 degrees in Cancer. (see Sirius p.357-58).

We might instead attempt to relate Sirius to the star Regulus, in the constellation Leo, distributing fifth ray energy from Sirius. The seven ray qualities however stream into our system from the Prototypical Triangle, and many ray qualities reach us from various centers via minor triangles. We have here an obvious specification problem. We have to be carefull in our analysis, and notify from what level the emanation is comming, so we may realise what is a subray of what. E.g. we must never forget that Sanat Kumara represent the will aspect in relation to us, third aspect of the planetarean logos of a third ray unholy plantet  and simultaneously is  the highest representative of the Second Ray on this globe.

According to D.K.,  seven constellations constitute the seven major centers in the body of a cosmic entity denoted "The One About Whom Nought May Be Said", including: the headcenter, with the Great Bear as a  center within the thousand petalled lotus; Polaris in the Little Bear; Sirius in Canis Major; our Sun; the Pleiades within the contour of Taurus; Betelgeuse in Orion; Draco in the north.  We also notify, that the seven cosmic paths (one of which are chosen after the sixth initiation, a choice not based on ray qualities, we are told) each and all transfer the initiate to one particular of the seven constellations mentioned before.

If we consider the totality of the Seven Rays as similar to (white) light, each of the constellations forming the seven major centers in the body of  "The One About Whom Nought May Be Said", our own solar system as well as the other stars (or perhaps the center of  each cluster, only) receive all the rays as their galvanizing life energy,  but only radiate or redistribute one of the rays, its "colour", e.g. the Cosmic Second Ray, as in the case of our Sun (and for that reason denoted a Second Ray system). But our Sun is negatively polarized to Sirius as well, Sirius also represent the Heart of the Sun, which  is the soul aspect of our Sun, perhaps eventually as part of a cluster. (We may notify the analogy with the entity whose personality is constituted by Earth, Mars  and Saturn, with Venus, "the Brother from Sirius", as alter ego; apparantly this is not part of the energy projection, linking disciples in isolated unity to Sirius: disciples heart center, disciples head center, the Hierachy, the Christ, Sanat Kumara, Venus, Jupiter, Sun, Sirius).

Another problem with Sirius in relation to casting the horoscope: according to the Tibetan, receptability to the Sirian energies does not depend on location on Earth but on the stage of consciousness. In her very inspiring treatise Sirius, M. Temple Richmond examine the writings of Alice A. Bailey for systematic and related informations on Sirius, and exercise that call forth all the fundamental concepts in the writings, plus a good deal of thinking out, what the implications of this might be. We are here moving close to the border of what can be known for the moment. We are told by D.K. however, that the fulmoon festival of August will be dedicated to this Star of Initiation (one of its many names), and since also the Transfiguration initiation (after which the Sirian energies for the first time are directly recognizable) will be a public event, when the Mysteries again have been restored,  deeper comprehension of Sirius through the experience of the New Age and its enhanced level of etheric bodies (the major tool to the restoration of the Mysteries, together with ray dependent methods, within the framework  of Masonry ( Ray 1), the new world religion (Ray 2) and the esoteric writings (Ray 3).

(5-4)  Who misses actually the missing link ?   (9-7-2002, once Anytus)

"..."What have you there ?" asked another old magician, who had no name - and that was the best thing about him.
"Yes, if you can guess what it is," said Kribble-Krabble, "I'll make you a present of it."
But it is not so easy to find out if one does not know. And the magician looked through the magnifying glass. It looked realy like a great town reflected there, in which all the people were running about without clothes. It was terrible! But it was still more terrible to see how one beat and pushed the other, and bit and hacked, and hacked, and tugged and mauled him. Those at the top were being pulled down, and those at the bottom were struggling upwards.(...) And they hacked away at him, and they pulled at him, and ate him up, because of the little bruise. And there was one sitting as still as any little maiden, and wishing only for peace and quietness. But now she had come out, and they tugged at her, and pulled her about, and ate her up.
"That's funny!" said the magician.
"Yes; but what do you think it is ?" said Kribble-Krabble. "Can you find that out?"
"Why, one can see that easily enough" said the other. "that's Paris, or some other great city, for they're all alike. It's a great city!"
"It's a drop of puddle water!" said Kribble-Krabble. ..."
(Hans Christian Andersen, from  The Drop of Water, around 1850)

"...if a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts; but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certainties." (Francis Bacon, in: The Advancement of Learning, Book One, 8, 1605)

"Human knowledge and human power come to the same thing, because ignorance of cause frustrates effect. For Nature is conquered only by obedience; and that which in thought is a cause, is like a rule in practice. (...) There are four illusions that block men's minds. (...) The only hope is true induction. (...) The idols of the tribe are founded in human nature and in the very tribe or race of mankind. (...) The idols of the cave are the illusions of individual man. (...) There are also the illusions which seem to arise by agreement and from men's association with each other, which we call the idols of the marketplace; (...) Finally there are the illusions which have made their homes in men's minds from various dogmas of different philosophies, and even from mistaken rules of demonstration. These I call idols of the theatre ..."
(Francis Bacon, in: The New Organon, Book I, III+XIV+XXXIX-XLIV, 1620)

In Esoteric Astrology p. 316-17  & 325,  Alice A. Bailey says, that the entire subject of rebirth is little understood at present. The point of greatest interst at the moment lies in the fact of group rebirth, and the reincarnation of the individual is only incidental to this greater happening.

We know, that the Jew is a left-over from the past solar system. Most of the human beings are however Lemurians or Atlantides, hence much younger  - the last time the door from the Animal Kingdom into the Human Kingdom was opened. Now animals may only "individualize into pralaya". First we must bring the Kingdom of Souls into physical manifestation, just as the Fourth Creative Hierachy, Humanity, was manifested in old Lemuria.

The true story of Homo Sapiens is quite different from the socalled scientific theories (cf. recent debate on early hominides) and will seep into our minds gradually as the Mysteries is restored. For the moment and until 2025, the major work should be on the "rebuilding of man's shrine", prior to a new type of civilisation and culture, that will grow out of the present situation.

The word "sapiens" means "thinking" and indeed we shall soon see teenagers, that has a developed intellect, as now found almost entirely among the trained academics. Just as the intellect is superimposed on the instinctual life, so the intuition can be brought into full flowering on top of the trained intellect.

So in every way it makes sense to publish some of the more advanced teatching in books and films for children.

(5-5) The signs of Agni Yoga are approaching rapidly  (3-8-2002, Leo D.)

"Each Teaching comprises its own Yoga, applicable to the step of evolution. (...) Therefore, we hail the most anscient - the Raja Yoga. And we affirm the future - the Agni Yoga" (from the preface of Agni Yoga, by H.Roerich)

Playing on the Fixed Cross, the Cross of Light, and emanating from Leo, are the "Fires of God"  (actually  cosmic fire from Aries, solar fire from Leo and planetary fire from Sagitarius, thus involving all three crosses)  producing purification, intensification of light and eventually revelation.  This is the scientific basis for the yoga of fire (cf. Esoteric Astrology, p. 293-4, by Alice A. Bailey), to be applied by the fully self-conscious human being to his threefold reflection in the three worlds. In the New Age, this comming Yoga of Synthesis has to  be developed by the modern group-disciples, suited for the training prior to the third and fourth initiations.

 According to H.P.B. in The Secret Doctrine, vol. 1, p. 249-260, the human centers achieve perception to a new element (and a new configuration of elements) in each Round. In the first round only the element of fire is perceived, in the next  Rounds were added the elements of air, water and earth, and the next Round will also perceive the element of aether. Each element has similarly numerical affinity to the five planes of human evolution  (e.g. the element of fire is especially related to the mental plane), but all are needed in the great creative activity of  manifestation.

In the Kabalistic tradition, the element of fire is related to the third and fifth Sephira, Binah and Geburah, as elaborated in The Kingdom of Gods by Geoffry Hodson (see especially discussions p. 55-56 & 70-71 & 145-47 & 167). The third Sephira is the innermost Soul of the fifth, Binah as white heat and Geburah its flame-like radiation. Actually there is no heat or flame above the physical world. Physical fire and flame are denser counterparts of a subtile universal element, the intelligence, power and activity of which are those of the third and fifth Sephiras. These intelligences are the Sacred Four of all the world religions (cf. the four symbolic animals associated with the four Evangelists).

Fire on Earth is a local manifestation of the Universal Mind, ruled by the Devalord Agni: it is that of the four modes of manifestation that constitutes the electro-magnetic soul of physical substance. The fifth Sephira transfers the Fire Aspect of Deity to the three worlds, where it in man becomes manifest mentally as thought-power, emotionally as desire and physically as heat.

Geoffry Hodson explains the process by a model of a rotating sixfold cross, of which the swastica is the two-diemensional symbol. Vertically the descending creative energies  penetrate the hitherto virginal, pre-cosmic substance, regarded diagramatically as horizontal. A cross is thus formed, the point of penetration being the intersection of the arms (and the location of the central sun). The descending energies radiates from the point of intersection chiefly in the four lateral directions, to each is attributed a distributing Archangel with its Angelic Hosts, and each archangel is associated with one of the four elements, the fifth element, aether, being associated with the center of the cross. The cosmic, fiery cross is said to revolve round its vertical axis, as prototypic to the axial and orbital motions of stellar, solar, planetary and atomic physical manifestations, and producing perhaps the chakras of any form.

The descending energy in its threefold manifestation is perhaps what H.P.B. (as reproduced by Alice A. Bailey in A Treatise of Cosmic Fire) denote the radiations or currents of Prana (as the seven streams from the Great Bear), of Akasha (as the streams from Sirius) and of "neutral electricity" or Fohat (as the streams from the Pleiades), in total the twelve streams associated with the prototypical triangle.

(5-6) Heads: we win, tails: you loose - a travel from Rio to Johannesburg in only ten years... (8-9-2002,  C. Ursus Minimus  &  A. Nous Tacitus)

"A strong spirit can save a whole area from earthquake. Thus in anscient days, the Great Teachers sent their advanced disciples to places threathened by earthquakes." (Letters of Helena Roerich 1935-39, p. 6)

"Long ago the Thinker noticed that the smoke of campfires is harmful, and urged people to use a kind of wood whose smoke does not obscure the consciousness. He knew then that at some time mankind would poisen itself and all that exists." (Agni Yoga Teachings, Supermundane - the Inner Life, Book Two, 1938, §;276)

"Do not be surprised that even the most material science will inevitable lead to the gates of unlimited knowledge. Many earthly systems will have to be transformed." (op.cit. §274)

It is true, that the polluted atmosphere of the world could be cleansed over night, if the greater devas so chose. But they will not interfer, before we realise our place and purpose within the greater system.That would be a violation of the Law of Karma. Thus, to recommend a continuation of the exploitation of Earth for the benefit of the vey few, is madness on stilts. One should keep these traitors in their selfcreated cages, and attempt to listen to the voice of silence. Or we will soon have to repeat the old song "...just remember, don't drink the water, and don't breathe the air."

The interconnectedness of all on the globe may be realised, if we consider the continents in analogy to the glandulas pertained to the major centers in the human unit. It is true that the material forces centered on the astral plane have some affinity to the waters. It was no accident that the problems with the rivers in East-Europe have spread to Germany and eventueally to the Baltic Sea (though there is hardly anything bad that does not bring some good, too). But we should not expect purification by water this time, rather by fire. Suppose the water  continue to flod the rivers of China, or the polar ice is reduced, so that Bangladesh come under water. Is it not enough, that "the brown cloud" hanging over India causes two millions deaths each year.

In the years to come the scientists of the world will have to realise their responsibility. The purpose of science is to discover and prove truth, and to apply it for the benefit of all mankind.

The material science ridicule the idea of the subtle world but is often inspired from this greater world, though the guiding hand is rarely recognised.

Initially modern science was set forth on the waves of spiritualism. Just think of H.C. Oersted, the danish scientist demonstrating the existence of what we now call electromagnetism. Not to mention Newton and Faraday.

Due to the gradual change of the direction of polar axis of the planet, or the changing of the magnetic poles, an electrical process according to cosmic law, there is much upheaval on Earth, and during the last 150 years a general increase in the activity of volcanos and earthquakes. These processes will produce the needed changes in the world, including the US (in California and Alaska), prior to the next race.

Did you know, that the Christ is living in a celtic body now. He might even go for a modern kaukasic man, if he so choose. Though  perhapsHe prefers to stay in seclusion with his Brothers until we are ready, wasting no moment nor energy.

The purpose of Agni Yoga is to find those who are sufficiently strong in the spirit and from them build the next race. Those having the characteristics of the next subrace allready succumb to dramatic training. The opportunity of group initiation  accellerate the process.

We mention, that the third ray monads reach their zenith in this fifth rootrace, the second ray monads in the next, and the few first ray monads only in the seventh race of this round. The Triangles could bring direction of activity and harmony into the polluted psychic atmosphere of the world, and the Mysteries eventual salvation.  Hence be joyfull and take your place within the New
Group of World Servers.

(5-7) In order to ballance the pairs of opposites,  new values are needed  -  cherchez la femme. (27-10-2002, Theo Phrast)

"And then the father stretched out golden scales
And put in two portions of death which causes long grief,
One the horse-taming Trojans, one for the bronze-armoured Greeks;
And he pulled the scales up by the middle, and the death-day of the Greeks was heavier.
The portions of the Greeks settled on to the fertile earth,
While those on the Trojans rose up towards the broad sky." (Homer, Illiad 8: 69-74, c. 800 B.C.)

"Sagen sie mir, welches ist zur rechten Tür hineingegangen in die Arznei? Durch den Avicennam, Galenum, Mesue, Rasim etc. oder durch das Licht de Natur." (Paracelsus, Vom Licht der Natur und des Geistes, c.1540)

Choosing values for the future, it may be incouraging to notify, that it now has been scientifically proved, that human beings do not always act according to selfish rules. It has not only been documented (as has so many facts), but also accepted by the scientific world as worth while considering as an option. In fact it is just awarded with the Nobel Price of economy.

Modern science have been very succesfull ever since Galilei, providing the tools for those in power to stay in power. The social sciences have provided the needed ideology when such authority became needed. Human sciences still may deliver the values of the past. However peace is quite popular at the moment. The former nuclear physicist and american president, Jimmy Carter was this week awarded the Nobel Piece price. His influence has indeed increased, since he left office.

Science provide a suitable training ground for some of those who is to become intuitive. In the future the  education should provide the material for developing the potentials of an intelligent citizen, a wise parant and a controlled and directed personality. This should eventually involve the use of the Antahkarana. We may prepare the climate, supporting the  world wide group Triangles,  formating in our mind (and affirming daily) triangles each linking ourself with to friends, until the whole planet is surrounded by this protective energy network.

(5-8)  A remarkable month for the Ringbearers. (N. Ongûl, I.N.C.L. Marillion, 22-11-2002).

"Gandalf: Smeagol's life is a sad story. Yes Smeagol he was once called. Before the ring found him. Before it made him mad.
Frodo: it's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance.
Gandalf: Pity ? Is it pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death, some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo ? Do not be to eager to deal out death and judgement. Even the very wise cannot see all ends. My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before this is over. The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many.
Frodo: I wish the Ring had never come to me. I wish it never had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But it is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring, in which case you also were meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought." (J.R.R. Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring in the DVD-version, directors cut, disc two, 20.50-22.47)

It is not unusual  today to insist on the differences between the three groups of sciences, in accordance with the Franfurter school. It is however just as with the three aspects of ray, they are different, but still mutually interrelated. It should however not be a symbiotic relationship as seen with the plants and animals in some cases.

Recently it has been discovered, that there exist a new group of animals (a socalled "phylum" -  like birds or insects), phylum cycliophora, at the moment only with two known representatives (symbion pandora and symbion americana) living on the mouthparts (maxillipedes) of lobsters in Europe and North America, respectively.  In spite of their tiny (microscopic) size they have now been discovered and been denoted ringbearers. The justification of this name may become clearer when both (and by this meaning the new phylum as well as the concept of ringbearer) have been better comprehended. The usufulness of the animal may show up to be related to genetic therapies in relation to cancer in human beings, where as the human ringbearer is symbolic for the individual disciple (a meaningless term indeed) as well as Humanity as a unit.

The term "ringbearer" applied even to recently discovered species shows the popularity of The Lord of the Rings in certain countries, a fact that has surprised even those distributing these movies and books. Given a second thought it is perhaps not so surprising, as the last month indeed has displayed extraordinary concentration of impacts within the field of Instauratio Magna. Let me just mention, that today is Harry-Potter-Day in Denmark, because the movie made on the second book (Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets) has premiere, only one week after the premiere of the second film based on J.R.R. Tolkien's Ring-trilogy: The Two Towers. At the same time we have had the debut of the first film, Fellowship of the Ring, in a special (instructors cut) edition, and simultaneously the launching of the second Star Wars film, Attack of the Clones on video and DVD. This cornucopia of  wisdom in modern style  not only display the wellknown language of myth and allegory, but also use the same non-verbal filmic language, yes even the same actors in some cases (whether made out of flesh and blood or only virtual). So there is absolutely no excuse to neglect the informations, unless you simply are not ready yet,  to participate consciously in this great instauration. Some of the films are so packed with information, that you seem to have to decide whether to process discipleship training information, information on the past (including Shambala) or other branches of the great unity of truth. It is like a cascade of light dropping into your brain.

On the political scene, Blair succeded in keeping the alliance with Bush, so that the US didn't become isolated again, and the alliance between US, UK and Russia is also still intact. Even the expansion today of NATO with seven new members seem acceptable to all. We notify that the countries involved in NATO now cover the old celtic territories in Europe as well as the many american emigrants from these territories. This may be related to Christ and his people, making it possible. The most important triangle on the globe is still between the UN, the EU and NATO. The vulnerability and interconnectedness of people in the modern world is becomming quite obvious to most thinking people. Its consequences in every field of human activity is thus inevitable. This may show protective, when the birthpain hampers on the massses in the radical changes towards the new civilisation.

(5-9) The mysterious concept of Europe  (25-12-2002, C.Us & Frank Lee)

"Agenor, Libya's son by Poseidon and twin to Belus, left Egypt to settle in the land of Canaan, wher he married Telephassa, otherwise called Argiope, who bore with him Cadmus, Phoenix, Cilix, Thasus, Phineus, and one daugter, Europe.
Zeus, falling in love with Europe, sent Hermes to drive Agenor's cattle down to the seashore at Tyre, where she and her companions used to walk. He himself joined the herd, disguised as a snow-white bull with great dewlaps and small, gem-like horns, between which ran a single black streak. Europe was struck by his beauty, and on finding him gentle as a lamb...; in the end she climbed upon his shoulders and let him amble down with her to the edge of the sea. Suddenly he swam away, while she looked back in terror at the receding shore; on of her hands clung to his right horn, the other still held a flower-basket.
Wading ashore near the Cretean Gortyna, Zeus became an eagle and ravished Europe in a willow-thicket beside a spring; or some say, under an evergreen plane-tree. She bore him three sons: Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon.
Agenor sent his sons in search of their sister, forbidding them to return without her. They set sail at once but, having no notion where the bull had gone, each steered a different course." (The Greek Myths, 1, p. 194-195, by Robert Graves, Penguin Books, 1960)

In 1610 Galilei discovered four of the (now) recognised 39 moons of Jupiter,  the least of which he called Europe. Almost four hundred years later NASA has shown that three of these galilean  satellites have large quantities of water, an indication (to traditional materialistic science) of life as we usually believe it to be. The diameter of Europe is a little more than three thousand km, making it on size of the terestial moon, yes, it certainly looks as one of the destinations for the exploration of the solar system within this century. Is it a moon or a planet, or both (whatever that could mean), and what can be discovered of its history of the past and its destiny of the future ? Our concept of a planet as well as of life itself is still very narrow.

When we read about Europe in the writings of A.A.B. we are often told, that the western people does not know the role of Europe (meaning here apparantly the continent, as it does not involve "the british"). The concept of Europe was introduced in the Middle Ages, when the political power had to be restored within the catholic church after the collapse of the Roman Empire, and the only common ground was the religion. But we have to remember that, not only christeans, but also jews and muslimes, are the direct ascendants of the antique Greece, so often refered to as the origin of Europe.

The european politicians have had their problems with Turkie (though this country have changed radically with the reform politician  Attatürk), recently on the EU-summit in Copenhagen, primo december, where ten new countries were allowed as members of the EU, allready having fifteen members. This expansion will cause the first step towards a solution of the problem of  Cyprus, now divided into a greek and a turkish zone, a situation that is creebling for the island and for Europe. On the summit, Turkie also showed up (without formal invitation) and insisted to get a date for membership. And though the US government used the phone to Copenhagen, as if to solve a minor problem within Nato, only invitation to negotians were given. Turkie does not yet fulfill the socalled Copenhagen criterias (three criterias that simply demand a western type secular democracy with parlamentarism, acceptance of  law and justice and of human rights), nor does the US itself, actually, so what is happening, is that Europe is changing from a concept of geography to a concept of politics. In every potential member state, the interest may start with the prices on pork and wheat, but eventually is forced to deal  with the very heart of the political process.

In the last decanate of Pisces, where the preparation for the new inflowing energies of Aquarious were founded, a central figure in several incarnations were Francis Bacon, denoted seventh ray master and the regent of Europe, in all its connotations. He is especially assisted by the master we know as More and Browning, the succesfull instigator of modern wellfare based of science and democracy.

The political concept of Europe could easily take it all around the Mediteranean Sea, involving north Africa (as a bridgehead, later to be expanded) and the Middle East, as the definitive guarantee for peace and prosperity in the area. That is why the regent of Europe, now also Mahachohan, is involved directly. It will finally fuse the best of the sixth ray with the comming civilisation.

(5-10) The Epoque of  Holocaust, based on the Science of  Genocite. (28-1-03, Al R. P. Unished)

"The Ruler of Shambala: Sanat Kumara.
 The Ruler of Hierachy: the Christ.
 The Ruler of Humanity: Lucifer."

Today is the International Auschwitz Day. 58 years ago, russian troops reached the nazi destruction camp Auschwitz in Poland, a concentration camp where one milion jews and 150 000 others from 23 different nations were systematically exploited and killed. And there were  many other camps among the Axis Powers (Germany, Italy and Japan, plus their occupied associates). So when the Worldwars were finished, many said "Never -  no more shall such crimes be allowed!". One of the first visible signs of this attitude was the formation of the UN (excluding no-one, even Stalins SSSR) as an international forum for appeacement and human rights (and the removal of the palestenean people from what became the territory of Israel). The next almost sixty years show many more examples of atrocities against individuals,  groups and entire populations. It is true, that Slobodan Milosevic and his coworkers have been put to trial at the war tribunal in Haag, and similiarly with those responsible for the genocite in Rwanda. But the world has never insisted to bring to court those responsible for such crimes in Cambodia or Iraq, in the former Sovjetunion or China. In fact there are numerous examples all over the world, even if we exclude the casualties in the many socalled regular wars, the bloody aftermath of many violations of international law and human rights as well as simple greed and foolish fanatism.

We may enumerate:
(a) Turkish anihilation of ethnic armenians 1915-17.
(b) As a result of Stalins collectivisation, at least 10 millions sovjet farmers died in 1932-33 (cf. also the chinese socalled cultural revolution much later).
(c) 6 millions jews killed during the second world war 1938-45.
(d) In relation to the partition of British India into three different independent  nations (according to religion), at least one million was killed in 1947.
(e) Almost one milion ethnic chinese and communist suspects were killed in Indonesia 1965-66, after an internal attempt to remove the dicatator Sukarno.
(f) The terror of the communist  Khmer-Rouge regime under the Pol Pot government killed about 1.5 milions out of a population of 8 milions, in Cambodia 1975-78.
(g) In Rwada about 800 000 tutsies and moderate hutues were destroyed by the dominant tutsi regime in 1994.
And we have here not mentioned the numerous cases where casualties are counted  in hundreds or thousands,  nor have we discussed the slaughterings of more traditional warfare, including socalled civil war.

The favorite technique of the material forces at the moment is quite simple, but  as it is scientifically calculated, with full use of the present development of the various groups within Humanity (such as a large ruling group of selfish personalities, especially in the West, and a public oppinion dominated by emotions, the majority of people sharing quite hopeless living conditions, often suppresed by a political minority keeping the rest of the population in a state of ignorance and unrealised potentials) as well as karmic and astrological opportunities, very effective, hence the result is often unavoidable. The prototypic scenario is illustrated in Star Wars II, where the young Anakin looses his temper, apparantly not because of his own misery but due to the sad destiny of his belowed close relative(s), his mother in this case,  arousing  fear, anger and hatred, and calling in the desire to power in order to prevent further calamities. Though it is in many ways quite comprehensible, the desire for revenge or some unreflected solution only escalate the problems. On the other hand, if dictators are allowed to exploite or destruct large groups within their own population (as in Iraq,  North Korea  and many other places), just because these leaders  formaly represent their nation as head of state, the killings will never stop. Such dictators may be quite idealistic in their selfcomprehension, but at the same time, they are easy victims for overshadowing dark entities with their own agenda, that is,  plans for international instability (and today economic crises are in many ways more powerfull than traditional warfare) and  terror based on nuclear, chemical or biological weapons  (occasionally aided by small but very efficient terror groups, obcessed for that purpose). High-technology and extreme ignorance here walk hand in hand.

The international comunity will have to deal with these problems, prior to the rebuilding of the civilisation. Tony Blair has expressed it quite  significantly, when he recently said, with reference to the topical Iraq-crisis and Saddam Hussein, that "conflict is not inevitable, but disarmament is". A steadfastness in the process of disarmament of such dangerous dictators is inevitable, if the Aquarian civilisation is to be build. The global political structure is not yet suited for this work, but wellintentioned politicians may succed, if they realize (more or less consciously, of course), that the new dispensation, the Aquarian civilisation and the jurisdiction of the Christ,  will be controlled by three pairs of laws and principles. These are (cf. Discipleship in the New Age, II, p. 237, by Alice A. Bailey): (1) Law of Right Human Relations, (2) The Principle of Goodwill, (3) The Law of Group Endeavour, (4) The Principle of Unanimity, (5) The Law of Spiritual Approach, (6) The Principle of Essential Divinity.

We can all contribute to the solution of conflicts, as the true wars are mental and emotional, prior to their physical manifestation. Some groups (e.g. the Meditation Mount) are using the above principles for regular worldwide group meditation. It may also be helpfull to remember, that the Plan is ready for immediate and intelligent implementation, the workers are there (a few on  the world scene, but the majority quite anonymous, spread all over the world, all within the New Group of World Servers), and the power and resources, adequate to the need, are always available from our inner sources.

May our Gods be with us, in this dangerous time of opportunity. If head and heart are fused however, the new world order will prevail without unnecessary birthpains. With the  gradual fusion of the three great centers, the regime of Lucifer will be definitively terminated on this planet. For the moment we can only seal the door where evil dwells.

(5-11) Jalla-Jalla. (22-02-03,  A fearful and trembling observer of the Will of God)

"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! It has become a dwelling place of demons, a haunt of every foul spirit, a haunt for every foul bird, a hount for every foul and hateful beast. For all the nations have drunk of the wine of her wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have commited fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have grown rich from the power of her luxury. " (The Bible, Revelation, 18,2-3)

"The appeasement and the pacifist attitudes—idealistic and impractical and finding their focus today in the attitude of Gandhi. He brings into clear perspective the uncompromising, fanatical attitude which is non-realistic and which will willingly sacrifice lives, nations and the future of humanity in order to attain its object. If Gandhi were to succeed in his objective now, it would precipitate civil war in India, sacrifice all immediate hope of freedom for that country, permit the Japanese to realise an easy conquest of India, bring about a slaughtering of countless thousands, and permit Germany to join hands with Japan across Asia, with the appalling probability of a totalitarian victory." (Alice A. Bailey, Externalisation of the Hierachy, p. 368)

"One of the purposes lying behind the present holocaust (World War II) has been the necessity for the destruction of inadequate forms.  This destruction could have been brought about by an act of God, such as a great natural catastrophe or a universal epidemic, and such had been the original intention.  Humanity was, however, swept by forces that carried in themselves the seeds of destruction, and there was that in humanity which responded to those forces.  Therefore the Law of destruction was permitted to work through humanity itself, and men are now destroying the forms through which many masses of men are functioning.  This is both a good and a bad thing, viewed from the evolutionary angle.  It is nevertheless a fact which cannot be gainsaid, and the problem, therefore, confronting the Custodians of the Will, working through the Custodians of the Plan, is to bring good out of the evil which man has wrought, and thus gear events to the larger issues."(The Rays and the Initiations, p. 75-76, by Alice A. Bailey)

(5-12) Meditation, the ultimate nano-technology for creativity (Aute-Aute Nomos, 19-3-03)

The destiny of China is very little discussed in the books of esoterism in the West, though its glorious past is often displayed. We know, that many discoveries that the West claim to be original, were made long before in China. But since the discoveries were not used for the comon good, only for a very small group of priviligied people, they were forgotten or neglected, and the inventions had to made anew in the West. The thoughtforms build in China might  however have been very helpfull to that end. The scientific process in the West  have been highly enforced by the group approach. The societies like the british Royal Society were quite usufull in the handling of the process in spite of the ambition and egotism of the individual. But such group work was never used in China.

A kind of plague usually called "the black death"  haunted Europe through four centuries, and took the lives of  millions and millions of people over the years. But this was the very reason why it inflected new attitudes and behaviour, shattering the establishment, and made the way for the modern culture based on individuality. Though the concept of root-race is pertained to the stage of consciousness rather that of form, the majority of people in China and the rest of Asia (as well as the majority of negroes and the american indians) belong to the fourth root-race, with its own esoteric aspects. Just as AIDS have been quite helpfull in destroying aspects of the Atlantean heritage on a global scale, so new perhaps more local deseases like "severe accute respiration syndrom", SARS, might be part of the Plan.

After the fall of the "iron curtain" the clashes between communism and christianity will never be able to  reach the dreadfull dimensions needed for a major transferrence of left-over forms, in spite of the many attempts made by the dark forces, recently the ambitious dictatorship of Mao and his proselytes, causing many problems inside as well as outside China, the latter e.g.:  the problem of Korea, the conflicts with India, the chinese assistence to Serbia (leading to the US-bombing of the embassy during the Kosovo conflict), the chinese bargin with Ben Laden of high-tech tele-equipment in return for non-interferrence to the muslim groups within China and later support to Pakistan, and recently the agreements with France and Russia in the UN (hoping for limited support to  the US-coalition against Iraq, something that perhaps would enable China to annect Taiwan, like the annection of Tibet, with little reaction from their main opponent, the US, and perhaps even to benefit from the recession of the western economy). The new war against Iraq will neither cause a major cataclysm based on difference of religion. In spite of the narrowsighted fifth ray influence of France, Tony Blair and the Pope have avoidet american isolation and dichotomic attitudes (expect perhaps to the goals of modern science).

Indeed, the ray-pattern of China (first and third rays on soul and personality) with apparantly nothing of the second ray quality, has made it an easy target for the stimulation of the dark forces, in our solar system originating from Saturn, as so elegantly pointed out in the latest Star Wars film, Attack of the Clones. The uniformity of the chinese culture even today has to be broken, and the chinese have to achieve enlarged freedom, just as his brother in the West.

In the South-western part of the US the Chohan of the fifth ray (Hilarion) has for long planed his stimulation of the world, especially the West, in relation to the externalisation of the Hierachy and the return of the Christ, and it is of course no accident, that both Hollywood, Los Alamos and Silicon Valley are situated here, representing highpeaks of applied science. However, the esoteric school of the continent should also be seen here soon, though the activity of the introductory school in the Midwest is allready organizing its pupils within the groupwork, that will be one of the forrunners of the comming culture, producing art in group formation, just as we today find large scale industrial activity. However the new ideas will always be kept in safe distance of the ignorant masses,  too often galvanized by the dark forces. This is of course also true for the new discoveries,  on which the comming culture will be based. In due time we shall all benefit from this. In the meanwhile there is much cleansing to be done, prior to the rebuilding.

Some of the cleansing work has to be done physically, but much can be done mentally. Thought power  is the strongest force in the world today. A clearcut thoughtform will eventually become a reality simply by natural law. Remembering the principle, that energy follows thought, it is not surprising, that whole universes are build by meditaion of  some or other Logos. Let us recall, that we are the logoi of our personal universes.

Meditation is usually considered as prolonged, concentrated thought. It should however be remembered, that it has many forms, including pondering, reflecting and creating, leading eventually to contemplation of the higher worlds, of which our three lower planes are only a reflection, and direct participation in the creative activity of the planet. The aspirant attempt to raise his vibration to that of the soul (genuine occult meditation should never be carried on without competent guidance), and whenever the vibration increases, grosser material build into his forms will automatically be cast off, and replaced by material of a finer quality. At each initiation, the disciple builds more atomic material into his forms, until the form is made entirely  out of atomic matter,  after the Great Sacrifice of the Arhat initiation. All the way the succes of our planetarean evolution is guaranteed by our great  savior,  the star  Sirius, through the Venusian supervision, and on planetarian scale, the great ashram of Sanat Kumara.

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