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Marjorie & Robin Gregory
Who's the daddy? I am !!!

Yes Folks, I have been away a long time, I know, but i thought that perhaps i should update the site... I have loads of stuff to add but. perhaps the most important news is that Victoria and I are proud to announce the birth of our daughter...erm 5 months ago.

Martha Eve was 8lbs at birth and had a mop of jet black hair. we are so proud.

Family Lineage
Wednesday 6th November 2001

After having the family tree for a while now I have finally gotten round to tweaking it a bit...however the job is much larger than I had thought so I built a few pages of ourddirect lineage to be going on with. Phils direct lineage (well, its more my dads actually)
It's very basic at the moment but I'll improve it as I go along...please try to remember I only have one pair of hands!!

I have obtained a family Tree from Jon, who in turn got it from Mrs Hunstone (nee Gregory). Its MASSIVE!! Hang in there it will be on the site one day, it needs severe tweaking!.

Great Grandad Clayton picture added.

That Buttle chap strikes Gold AGAIN!!!
Thursday 6th September 2001

Yes folks my cousin Jonny Buttle has struck gold twice in the last two weeks. I went home to see my parents and Jonny was also visiting his parents who also live in the village. we had a phone conversation whilst a huge thunderstorm raged overhead. After that conversation he sent me the two new pics on the Gregory section.

Not content with that he went down to the County Records Office at Matlock and did some research into the Family line. Here's what he came up with....


Our Great Grandfather is Charles Herbert Gregory
(1872-1938) he lived as a child on "White Cross Lane",

Married to Amy Hill (1873-1943), daughter of Joseph
Hill (Jons G G Grandpa)(1827-?) who was sexton of the
church and lived, acc. to 1881 cenus at "top of

Our Great Great Grandfather is Charles Gregory (born 1831), a
cordwainer. He married Elizabeth ----, from

Our Great Great Great Grandpa is Jacob Gregory (born 1802) Lived
on High Street. He too was a "cordwainer" and "farmer of
14 acres, employing no labourers"


1. On the War Memorial, there is a Charles Gregory. He died at Le Havre.
Anyway, that is my grandfather's, Mona's, Edwin's, etc., 1st cousin. He was
the son of Ben Gregory, who was a brother of Charles(Edwin and Monas Father).

2. I have us some Great Great Great Great grandparents: Abraham Gregory
(1757-1842) married to Hannah Stone ( -1804) - no relation to our
contemporary, Duncan Stone?????

3. Our Great Great Great Great Great grandparents, Joseph Gregory
(29/7/1731-?) and Elizabeth Marsden.

4. Our Great Great Great Great Great Great grandparents, William Gregory
and Hannah. No dates for them, but they must go back to the late 1600's

Got some of this from Anne Hunstone, who was Anne Gregory until she married
Bill Hunstone, one of the wood-carving Family of Tideswell.



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