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Warships 1

Timeline of Events

This timeline has all the major events of the Pacific War listed based on chronology.

September 18-Japan Invades Manchuria
July 7-Japan Invades China Proper
September 13-Japan Pushes into French Indochina
Apirl 13-Japan and Russia Sign Non-Aggresstion Pact
December 7-Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
December 8-United States Declares War on Japan
December 9-China Declares War on Japan
December 10-Guam Surrenders to Japan
December 23-Wake Island Surrenders to Japan
December 25-Hong Kong Surrenders to Japan
January 2-Manila Falls to Japan
January 11-Japanese Forces Invade Netherlands East Indies
Febuary 1-American Carriers Raid Marshalls and Gilberts
Febuary 27-Allies Lost the Battle of the Java Sea
March 7-Netherlands East Indies Surrenders to Japan
April 9-Bataan Surrenders to Japan
April 18-American Carrier-based B-25 Mitchells Bomb Tokyo
May 4 to 8-Allies Win Battle of the Coral Sea
May 6-Corregidor Surrenders to Japan
June 4 to 6-Allies Win Battle of Midway
August 7-Allies Land on Guadalcanal
March 2-5-Allies Defeat Japanese in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea
March 13-Japanese Troops Retreat Across the Yangtze
May 30-Attu Surrenders to the Allies
October 2-Allies Capture Finschhafen
November 1-Americans Land at Bouginville
November 20-Americans Land at Tarawa and Makin
November 22-Allies Meet in Cairo
December 26-Cape Gloucester/New Britain Campaign begins
January 31-American Land at Kwajelien
Febuary 17-U.S. Carriers Destroy Truk
Febuary 29-Allies Land in the Admirality Islands
March 22-Japan Invades India
April 22-Allies Invade Hollandia
June 15-Americans Land at Saipan
June 15-First B-29 Raid on Japan
June 19 to 20-Americans Win the Battle of the Philippine Sea
July 21-Americans Land at Guam
September 15-Americans Land at Peleliu
October 20-Americans Land at Leyte
October 23 to 26-Americans Crush Japanese Fleet in the Battle of Leyte Gulf
January 9-Allies Invade Luzon
January 22-Allies Reopen Land Route to China
Febuary 19-U.S. Marines Storm Iwo Jima
April 1-Americans Land on Okinawa
August 6-Americans Drop the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima
August 9-Americans Drop second Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki
August 10-Japan Opens Peace Negotiations
August 14-Japan Accepts Allied Surrender Terms
September 2-Japan Signs Surrender
September 8-Japanese Forces in China Surrender
September 12-Japanese Forces in Southeast Asia and Southwest Pacific Surrender
