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Finding Service Records

Through my experience, it can be almost impossible to find your loved one’s service records. The best thing I can tell you is to not give up! There are resources on the internet that can aid in your search.

But, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Family Tree

  1. The internet can only go so far. If you come across a website that offers to show you your family’s genealogy for a price, don’t pay it. You can find the same information they have, although it may take a while of searching.
  2. Don’t stop at the internet. If you have even some scattered information, then try your main branch library. You may not find exactly what you’re looking for, but you might find out something interesting! Keep in mind that libraries are probably going to be broader, thus making it harder to find anything.
  3. Keep a record of what you find. You may never find it again!
  4. In 1973, there was a fire at the records office in St. Louis, MI. For service records for World War 2 veterans and before, there is a chance that there records have been destroyed forever.
  5. If they are deceased, try to find out what cemetery their buried in.You can go to Interment.net and you can search cemeteries to find their headstone.Headstones often contain alot of valueable information that can help you.

Although I do not have the resources to find your records myself, I do have a list of links that will greatly assist you:

Interment.net Cemetery Records Online
RootsWeb A great place to get started.
National Archives Database This is the motherload!!!! You can use this website to actual search through military records.All you need is a full name!
Family Search.org This is a wonderful website.It doesn't offer military records, but, it can offer you a great look into you family tree.Again, all you need is the full name and the city/state they were born in.
National Archive and Records Administration This website is a great asset to anyone want to find service records or just to complete a family tree.You can also request a search by the NARA for your loved ones service records.

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