Believer's Voice Of Victory
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland presents powerful scriptures that will help you focus on the awesome presence of His glory.
Life In The Word
Joyce Meyer's practical and humorous style inspires all to reach for a deeper relationship with God and a fuller, richer life. Real-life stories from Joyce and scriptural examples make this ministry a favorite.
T.D. Jakes Ministries
GET READY! GET READY! GET READY! Bishop Jakes' fresh, inspiring style has always been intensely his own. From the pulpit, his Pentecostal fervor blazes most frequently on the subjects of restoration, reconciliation and healing.
In-Touch Ministries
The Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley. Reaching the world with the word of God.
John Hagee Ministries
You will discover what lies ahead, according to Bible prophecy, as John Hagee discusses the secrets of Israel and how it pertains to everyone in these end times.
Life Today with James Robison
Over the last 30 years, James has spoken to millions of people about the love of Christ through massive speaking engagements and internationally broadcast television programs. But James insists on carrying out Christ's ministry all the way. Millions of hurting, desperate people all over the world have experienced the compassion and provision of Jesus Christ through various humanitarian relief programs sponsored by LIFE Outreach International.
Perry Stone
Record-breaking revivals, overflow crowds, and thousands of people making decisions for Christ describes the ministry of International Evangelist Perry Stone. Perry, a fourth generation minister, directs one of Americas fastest growing ministries, The Voice of Evangelism. From its 25,000 square foot International Ministry Center, Voice of Evangelism is striving to reach the world with the Gospel of Christ through revivals, television, audio/video media, printed material and missionary sponsorship. Preparations are now being made for an additional 45,000 thousand square foot building expansion to better house the tremendous growth of Perry Stones ministry.
Promise Keepers
"Men Of Integrity" Are you looking for a cutting-edge Christian men's website as you surf the vast landscape of the internet? Look no further than the official Promise Keepers website "PK NET".
Jack Van Impe Ministries International
With World News, Bible Prophecy, Devotionals, Prayer, Movies, Books and more...
Set The Watch!
A Prophetic Journal - from Fourth Man Ministries Director, Chip Brogden. With News Watch, Prophetic Profiles, Letters and Updates. An awesome journal!
Prophecy In The News
You will want to stay abreast of our continuing research on current events and Bible subjects from a prophetic perspective, Tapes, Prophecy Bibles, Books, Magazines, and MORE!!!
Grant R. Jeffrey Ministries
Exhaustive research in prophecy, history, and archaeology.
Tri-State Christian TV
Garth and Tina Coonce and TCT broadcasts the gospel of Jesus Christ 24 hours a day, every day.
Thru the Bible Radio
Thru The Bible is a 30-minute radio program that takes the listener through the entire Bible in just 5 years, going back and forth between the Old and New Testaments. Notes and outlines designed to aid the listener in this study are available without cost. This Bible study program has been aired on stations in the U.S. since 1967, and is now being heard around the world in over 60 languages.
Bible Gate Way
On line Bible searches, the Bible in nine languages and multiple Bible versions.
Cybergrace Christian Network
Top 100 christian sites, chat, free clip art, devotions, sermons.
American Bible Society
Tools for spiritual growth. Your best source for affordable Bibles and New Testaments, Plus... padtoral, study and outreach materials.
A practical guide to successful living, a monthly inspirational, interfaith, nonprofit publication written by people from all walks of life. Its articles present tested methods for developing courage, strength and positive attitudes through faith in God.
Charisma & Christian Life
All the power of the Holy Spirit, and what you'll discover in CHARISMA, the magazine about Spirit-led living! The magazine that, unlike any other, can show you how to be the person God meant you to be.
RBC Ministries
Your one stop on the Internet for a universe of biblical resources. Our Daily Bread Day of Discovery RBC Radio Campus Journal Discovery House 10 Reasons To Believe Sports Spectrum Discovery Series.
