Paul's Stuff

Denne siden på norsk

Family Home Page
Paul's Home Page
Jane's Home Page

This is me:
All about me

The ultimate question:
Salvation Army Page

All my own work:
The longs
The shorts

Extremist Organisations: Whalemeat Association of Great Britain
Campaign for Real Rooves


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Here I am...

What's the point of a personal homepage? Well - who doesn't like talking about themselves? Having a homepage is an easy way to present yourself - although what's on these pages isn't the whole story! Hope you'll find some of it interesting - and don't forget to sign the guestbook!


This is me...

The ultimate question?

All my own work...

Coming soon

Extremist organisations I belong to

At least it used to be - wasn't I sweet? Ahem. Anyway, this is where you can find out everything you never wanted to know about me, including my Alopecia...

The ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. What could the answer be?

Well, if you believe Douglas Adams' "Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy", it's 42. This is a curiously satisfying answer. It's concise, easy to remember, and, surprisingly for such an esoteric question, it's remarkably concrete. On the downside, it doesn't actually tell us anything about life, the universe, or anything else.

My personal answer is a bit longer, and perhaps not quite as easy to remember. But it does have the advantage of telling us something about who we are and what we're doing here. Or at least what we should be doing here if everything went according to plan. You can find the short version on the "Faith" page. "Basics" is a series of short articles about some of the main aspects of Christianity (or at least will be if I ever finish it). And the "Salvation Army page" tells you (surprise surprise) why I belong to the Salvation Army. Perhaps this one should have been uner "Extremist organisations" :-)
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This is mostly in Norwegian, so for the linguistically challenged, all I can say is "Get yourself a Linguaphone course"! For those undaunted by æ ø and å, this is a collection of meditations, sermons and whatever all divided into "shorts" and "longs". I make no claim as to their lasting value - many of them were written for a specific occasion. But maybe they can give you something to think about anyway.

Please support these worthy causes! The Whalemeat Association of Great Britain really needs a helping hand! The Campaign for Real Rooves is, I believe, closed down, but have a look anyway...

[Paul's Home Page]
This is me: [All about me] [Alopecia]
The ultimate question: [Faith] [Basics] [Salvation Army Page]
All my own work: Coming soon
Extremist Organisations: [Whalemeat Association of Great Britain] [Campaign for Real Rooves]
Contact: [View My Guestbook] [Sign My Guestbook] [E-mail me!]

© 1998 - 2001 Paul M Waters